The city of Monkey King

Chapter 290: Aoba Group. [二更]

Under the stars, a sword rainbow gallops across the sky.

Qin Feng Huaizhong holds the Nangong Yi people, but the brow is slightly wrinkled.

His face is very bad at the moment, and there is a white color.

A fierce glimpse, suddenly an unstable figure, even the sword is not stable, from the corner of his mouth ... a blood, slowly slipped.

Awaken the time of the candle dragon and tea, so that the spiritual power in Qin Feng is almost empty.

If it is so alone, there is nothing, but the poison of the ice fire that was suppressed by Qin Feng forcibly, and the emptiness of the spirit in Qin Feng was attacked.

"You are bleeding..."

In the arms of Qin Feng, the Nangong Yi people opened their eyes, and looked up and raised their hands to Qin Feng to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth.


Qin Feng mouth smiled slightly: "After waiting for a while, I will go home soon."

Taking a deep breath, the speed of the Qin wind surged and went straight to Binhai.

Now, in this case, whether it is Nangong Yiren or himself, you need to adjust your interest for one night.

As for the medicine cabinet, it is not too late to wait until tomorrow.


A dark cloud day, I don’t know where it is, there are no stars and no moons all year round.

The desolate black forest center has a magnificent palace, which is now in the temple of this palace.

A person with a **** mask sits in the first place, and there are 30 people standing in the temple. The 30 people exude the temperament, which is the peak of the knot.

Fourteen of them wore ghost masks.

In addition to the fourteen other than the fourteen, it is the owner of the sixteenth church.

The reason is that there are sixteen people. It is because the gatekeepers and the valley masters of the Seven Stars Gate and the Drug Prison Valley have not come, and they will never come.

"Since the day, all the halls have disappeared, and they have accumulated their savings. When they leave the house, they will take Kyushu in one fell swoop."

The hoarse voice came from under the mask of the Necropolis.

"According to the Holy Order!"

Thirty-two people in the temple were all in the same place, but all of them were sweating on their foreheads.

Because from the beginning of entering the hall, they all saw the eyes of the star god.

The eyes full of anger, through the **** mask, make people scared!

The second and second sacred sacred sects were destroyed. The sacred sects of the sacred sects died in the Faculty of the Faerie. Even the nine sacred servants who often accompanied themselves were dead, and there was their own soul!

These have turned into raging anger and echoed in the hearts of the stars.

Everything is because of one person.

However, he is also very clear that at this moment is not the time to deal with Qin Feng, previously in the Xianling College, his own 60% of the power was lost to Qin Feng, which makes the Stars are very jealous.

He does not have absolute certainty. Even if he uses his own 10% power, he will not necessarily win the Qin style.

Therefore, he let all of his own people hide in hiding, not revealing traces in Kyushu, thereby delaying time.

Everything... I have to wait until the ninth key is in my hand.

Wait until he enters the mountain, wait until he gets the baby fruit, wait for him...become a Yuan Ying monk!

At that time, he wants to let the Kyushu tremble. He wants to let the kid who has destroyed his own soul and feel what it is chilling and what is despair!

"Give this seat waiting...!"

Muttering to himself, the eyes of the Lord of the Stars reveal the ultimate coldness.

Sweeping through the 30 people in the temple, the eyebrows under the mask are slightly wrinkled: "Where is Duan Chong?!"

The sound is extremely cold, it is very uncomfortable!

The Seven Star Gate was destroyed, and Shi Heng was killed in the face of the Star Master. Of course, the Star Master would not feel anything.

But the poison prison valley!

Yesterday, I just approved the paragraph to pick up the drug prisoner valley. The next day, this guy would dare not listen to the order? !

At this time, from the outside of the hall, there was a star-studded man with a armored mask. He rushed in. It was very flustered. When he stepped into the temple, he was a big man.

"The Lord, the drug prisoner rush, the valley chief Chong Chong was killed, and the entire poison prison valley was razed to the ground."

After the words were swiftly finished, the entire hall was quiet and terrible.

The eyes of the Star Master, the anger that was originally calmed down, is even more raging!

"Who is doing it!"

The squatting Stars, who felt the anger of the Lord of the Stars, could not help but tremble, and screamed with a sigh of relief: "According to the description of the disciple of the poison prisoner, the person who killed the Chonggu Lord used an old gold iron rod. And the Baishou Zhan Lan Feijian, as for the name, has not been identified yet."

Find out? !

This still needs to be checked? !

When the Star Masters heard the ancient gold irons and the blue flying swords, the face under the mask was already black and unsatisfied!

He naturally knows who did it!

The anger in my heart is already at the extreme, Qixingmen, Jiusheng, and tempering the centuries-old soul... Now it is the poison prison valley!

Just picking the same is also a long-term vengeance!

Take a few deep breaths...

When the people in the temple thought that the Holy One was a big thunder, the Star Master was calmed down.

"I have to remember that before this seat, you can't provoke any trouble in Kyushu. It is best to let Xiange think that you are dead."

If you leave this sentence as if you are tempted, the star leader will stand up and leave, and the people in the temple will be puzzled.

I have already started to build momentum, why do I have to stop screaming...

They naturally do not understand or believe that the saints they respect are afraid.


at the same time.

Binhai City, Binhai New Area, the new Qin's Building stands between the buildings. It is already at 8:30 in the evening. It has already passed the working hours, but the Qin Building is still brightly lit.

There is no way to do this. The headquarters has just been relocated. The large number of Jiangzhou employees have just arrived in Binhai, where various documents are handed over, the department is re-established, and the links with other city branches are a lot...

If these things are not done well, the group will not be able to operate normally. In order to minimize losses, it is only possible to work overtime.

And at the moment, the president's office.

Deng Qing was frowning and looking at the contractual agreement in his hand. In front of him, there were two middle-aged people. At this time, a grandfather sat opposite Deng Qing.

"Dong Deng, how is it considered? Our Aoba Group only needs 51% of the shares of the Qin Group and guarantees that it will never interfere with your decision-making, and your management team will never change."

"I hope that Deng can think clearly, if not... Hehe, General Deng, you should be very clear that in Binhai, there is still nothing that we can't do."

Deng Qing looked up at the two men with a slight lift, but kept silent.

The words of these two people are full of threats. Anything that does not interfere is a fart. 51% of the shares are handed over, which is equivalent to giving up the group.

However, Deng Qing does not doubt the authenticity of the two people's words. In Binhai, they can indeed do it.

Qingye Group, one of Yejia’s seven-leaf consortium, is also one of the most financially rich consortiums in Binhai.

Apparently, it was seen that Qin had just been hit hard, and that Qin just entered the coastal area, and he was determined to play a wave of acquisitions. 2k novel reading network

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