The city of Monkey King

Chapter 291: Use it for your head! [Three more]

"Deng, if the Group does not agree to this cooperation, the loss of the Group may not be more than 51% of the shares. As far as I know, the Jiangzhou earthquake has caused your group's capital chain to shrink by nearly 50%. If this is the time when several of your main projects are being shackled, you should bear the consequences. I don’t think I need to say more."

Qin's Building, the president's office.

Deng Qing looked up at the man in front of his eyes, and there was anger in his heart, but there was no better way to deal with the situation.

This person is called Hu Chen. He is the head of the acquisition department of Aoba Group. Such a large group of Qin Group, Aoba Group has only sent such a supervisor to negotiate the acquisition. This shows that the Aoba Group’s arrogance and Qin’s Despise.

However, this Hu Chen said that it is correct at all. It can even be said that the Qin Group is worse than he said!

The liquidity chain is not shrinking by 50%, but shrinking by 80%!

What is this concept? !

That means that the whole group is walking on the steel knife. At this time, no accidents are allowed. Otherwise, the capital chain will be broken and the chain reaction will occur. The entire group will lose as much as 51. Shares, but a total collapse! Bankrupt!

One month...

The time that Deng Qing wants is only one month!

One month, with his commercial ability enough to restore the group's capital chain, although it is not as good as the heyday, at least it can cope with many situations. At that time, even this Aoba Group is not afraid of it.

After all, the Qin Group’s decades of savings are not vegetarian.

But the reason is... the time is not enough now.

Deng Qing believes that as long as he shakes his head and says 'no', the next day, the Aoba Group will begin to take measures to interfere with several projects that Qin is currently vital to. Once these projects are disrupted, the Qin Group will face The crisis of life and death in bankruptcy.

The entire office is silent at the moment.

Deng Qing did not speak, and Hu Chen of the Aoba Group and his deputy Zeng Long did not speak, so they consumed it.

And this time.

On the roof of the Qin's building, a sword light broke through the night, and Qin Feng held the Nangong Yi people on the roof. The gods quickly enveloped the entire building, the structure of the building, everything that was happening inside. It is reflected in my mind.

It also includes what happened at the president's office at the moment.

The look was cold, and Qin Feng first went to the top-level chairman's office. Obviously, Deng Qing was very heart-felt. The layout of this office is almost the same as that of Jiangzhou's chairman's office.

The Nangong Yi people settled in the bed of the office lounge, Qin Feng will turn and leave.

"Don't, don't go..."

The Nangong Yi people subconsciously took the clothes of Qin Feng, and there was an attachment and reluctance in those eyes.

"You have a good rest, I will be back soon."

Qin Feng smiled gently and took a picture of Nangong Yiren's hand, then turned and left.

The Nangong Yi people looked at the back of Qin Feng's departure. The black jacket worn on the body also had the taste of Qin Feng. He took a deep breath and smiled happily.

CEO's office.

"Deng Deng, our Aoba Group's patience is limited. Today you must give us an accurate answer."

Hu Chen may have been annoyed. After all, he has come too many times. At this time, his face and tone are very bad.

Deng Qing frowned and was about to talk.

Suddenly the office door was pushed open. A young man in a white vest showed two arms with a well-balanced muscle, licking the cigarette, and walked in his trouser pocket.

“Who is this? The president’s office is also chaotic, and the rules of the group are also chaotic.”

Hu Chen glanced at the Qin wind, then looked at Deng Qing, satirizing the opening, and Zeng Long, who was sitting next to him, sneered at the sneer.


Deng Qing saw Qin Feng, suddenly stunned, but did not call the chairman out of the mouth, Qin Feng is using his eyes to signal him not to move.

Put your hands in your trouser pockets and look at the morning with the smoke in your eyes.

"You, what are you doing?"

Hu Chenyi was a little panicked when he saw the appearance of Qin Feng.

Outside the door, there was a big wave of Qin’s employees rushing to the news. Just now, Qin Feng was on the way to the president’s office and was seen by several Qin employees. These employees were surprised. No, then the news that the chairman came back was in the building.

"Nothing, use your head."

When Qin Feng raised his hand and grabbed it directly, Hu Chen floated directly and was caught in his hand. His face changed greatly and he was scared to tremble. He was just a mortal, and he had seen this strange trick.

"Yes, there is something, good, so I can say."

This morning, Hu Chen almost scared the urine, Qin Feng is a little ignored, directly carrying this Hu Chen's neck to the falling window.

"What is the chairman of the board?"

"No, I don't know... yes, when did the chairman come? I didn't notice any more in the lobby."

"I don't know. I just went to the Finance Department to send the budget statement. I saw the chairman on the road. I thought it was spent at first."

"I have to say that the chairman is still unpredictable, go up and do it!"

"Whoever let this goods clamor for the acquisition of our group all day, I have come eight times today. When you didn't see his mother's entrance to the lobby, the arrogant expression, the robbery of the dog's coin! I should have done it long ago. Kill him!"


The Qin staff outside the office looked cool one by one, but Hu Chen was scared at the moment. He didn't know what was going on. He didn't even know who was holding his neck.

Just now Qin Feng’s phrase “borrowing your head” always reminds him of the scenes seen in the TV series, and he can’t help but feel awkward.

Qin Feng took Hu Chen to stand by the window of the falling body, but he did not wait for Hu Chen to react when Qin Feng was ready to use his head.


I only felt the squeaking of my head, and I was completely forced.

Qin Feng directly hit Hu Chen’s head toward the falling window, and the broken glass smashed. The thickened version of the tempered glass was directly hit by a hole. The outside of the hole was Hu Chen’s head.

The head is outside the glass and the body is inside the glass. This scene is extremely funny.

"The trough! This dog coin is a good thing!"

"There was a collision and it was opened. Is this glass so bad?"

"I will go back and crash in a while!"

"Brother dei, calm down, you are stupid after you hit the estimate."


Qin’s employees talked one after another, but Hu Chen’s heart was trembled, and after his head was stunned, it was the fear of deep bone marrow!

The subconscious head, through the glass, saw the eyes of Qin Feng, the ice and desert.

That kind of look...

Just killing him, and not feeling strange at all.

"I, I... I..."

Hu Chen talked with a stutter, then in the body of the falling window, suddenly there was a drop of ‘water’ under the pants.

The Qin staff outside the office saw that this scene was full of laughter.

"The trough, the pants are urinating!"

"What a special thing... a cow!"

"Let the **** arrogant, hahaha!"

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