The city of Monkey King

Chapter 294: Suddenly visited Zhang Hao! [二更]

The waterfall, flying down, falls in the night river, splashing a few flowers.

"What is the appearance of Huaguoshan now?"

Qin Feng did not pick up the words before the monarch, because there is no way to pick up, to be the leader of the Wanjie demon, to the strength of the current Qin Feng, still too far.

Before you have the strength, you can only avoid conflicts as much as possible.

"Look at the Holy See."

When Jun Jun raised his hand, in his hand, a cloud of white light appeared, and the light group took a moment to turn into a circle of light. This aperture flashed across the entire Huaguo Mountain.


The scene where Qin Feng could not help but anger and anger burned out.

This day, the moment became a dark red, the situation in front of the eyes, turned into blood, and even in the air, filled with a strong **** and burnt smell.

The original green peaks, at the moment, countless flames burned and turned into inch-size scorched earth.

There is a handle and a flagpole standing on the ground, with a few handles still broken, and four words are visible on it.

Qitian Dasheng!

The night river that flows between the peaks has become a blood red color. On it, there are floating bodies and one another, which are the monkeys of Huaguoshan, the demon.

Huaguoshan endless fire, according to the night river floating body sea!

The Qin Feng scorpion tightened and the hand became a fist.

This anger, Qin Fengdao is unclear from where he came from, but when he saw it all, the uncontrollable anger was burning in his heart.


Between myself and Sun Wukong, many things have long been difficult to distinguish.

At this time, in the side of Qin Feng's body, the frown was frowned, and his face was slightly dignified: "Sacred, my dream fox family, now hidden in the ninth day of the Qinghai world, only to receive news of the tribe There are a large number of Heavenly Soldiers who suddenly come to Qinghai, and the subordinates have to go to deal with them, otherwise they will be in a big mess."

Qin Feng looked at the eyes of Jun, nodded, the unmarked demon in Wanjie, all the time to avoid the pursuit of those soldiers.

"This dream is created by the subordinates. If the sacred person wants to wake up, just close his eyes."

Jun Jun slightly squatted: "Subordinates retire."

After that, the monarch was turned into a white smoke to dissipate in place.

When Jun Jun dissipated, Qin Feng swept through this bleak flower and fruit mountain. At this moment, contrary to the previous magnificent scenery, he was full of eyes and thought about what he said before.

A reincarnation of the holy text revealed the thirty-sixth day.

However, Qin Feng does not regret it. If he chooses again, he will do the same.

Because... that is the only thing I can do for her.

Fortunately, Xianting only locked in the thirty-sixth day, and did not know which one of the thirty-sixth days.

On the thirty-sixth day, thousands of large and small interfaces, it is not so easy to find out what you really are.

Taking a deep breath, Qin Feng closed his eyes.


The rising sun was rising, and the morning whispered through the window and the Qin Feng, who was sitting on the sofa, opened his eyes.

When Fang Fang blinked, he found that he had a small quilt on his body.

Looking at the head, in the small kitchen that comes with the office, the back of the Nangong Yi people is in the eyes, or wearing the black jacket of Qin Feng.

The length of the jacket can only cover a small section of the lower part of the Nangong Yi people. The slender jade feet and white legs, under the morning light, match the long hair of the waterfall behind the body, which is very beautiful.

Just as Qin Feng woke up, the Nangong Yi people just turned around and had their breakfast and a glass of milk in their hands.

"You wake up~"

Sweet smile, Nangong Yi people came over to Qin Feng.

"I just looked at the refrigerator, nothing, so I just made a sandwich and hot milk for you~ You can't eat it~"

Nangong Yiren placed breakfast at the Qinfeng table, sitting on the sofa opposite Qin Feng, his face was still a sweet smile, looking forward to watching Qin Feng.

"How is your body?"

Qin Feng took a smile, picked up the sandwich and took a bite, chewed it, and the taste was not bad.

"Besides no strength, everything else is fine."

Nangong Yi people looked at Qin Feng to eat, obviously a little nervous.

This nervous expression made me feel that Qin Feng couldn't help but laugh. He naturally knew what the Nangong Yiren was nervous about: "Don't watch, it's delicious."

"That's good, then it's good~"

Nangong Yi people took a picture of their chest.

At this time, a knock on the door sounded outside.

Early in the morning... It’s only seven o’clock now, who will knock on the door? !

Qin Feng certainly does not know that the entire staff of the Qin Building is a class that has been added for one night, including the president Deng Qing.

At this moment, Deng Qing is outside the door.

He is not in a hurry, the urgency is the person behind him, a middle-aged man who looks like a sloppy dress, that is, Zhang Hao, the chairman of Tianying Group, who was put together by Qin Feng in the Shangqing dinner.

"Deng Zong, Qin Dong, he, he is not here?!"

Zhang Hao stood outside this door, the whole person is like an ant on a hot pot, it is simply anxious.

"Zhang Dong should not worry. The chairman of the board returned to the group last night. There is no accident. I should have not left this morning."

Deng Qing brows slightly wrinkled. He was busy last night. He was just preparing to sleep for an hour or two this morning. Suddenly this guy was rushing in.

A pair of people who want to die and live, must see Qin Feng.

Originally, Deng Qing was not prepared to see the goods. After all, tired for a night, he also wanted to take a break.

However, he remembered the promise of Qin Feng to Zhang Ye before, and people could not believe it. In order not to affect the image of Qin Feng, the goods were brought to the chairman's office.

The door, oh, screamed.

Deng Qing and Zhang Haoyi saw the Nangong Yi people who opened the door, especially when they saw the jacket on the Nangong Yiren.

In the creation of this movement, they are all old drivers.

The general process, after the completion of the man's point of cigarettes, if the woman gets up, it is natural to wear the other's coat.

They both seem to be the rhythm of Qin Feng and Nangong Yiren.

"Qin, is Qin Dong convenient now?"

Zhang Hao smashed it, still asked this, there is no way... life is off!

If he really can't do anything, he won't be in a hurry to find a doctor.

"come in."

The Nangong Yi people smiled slightly, and then they opened the door.

Qin Feng sitting on the sofa, the person who saw it was Zhang Hao, his brow slightly wrinkled.

He is still a bit impressed with this guy, and he remembers that he promised him and can help him a favor.

However, at this moment on the guy's body, Qin Feng felt several different breaths, combined with the appearance of this artemisia wolf, the eyes of the fire in the eye, the situation of Zhang Artisan is clearly seen by Qin Feng.

Obviously, this Artemisia injury is not light.

No accident, this cargo should be chased all the way. 2k novel reading network

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