The city of Monkey King

Chapter 295: One billion pieces! [Three more]


Zhang Hao, who walked into the office, did not say a word, and immediately slammed it toward Qin Feng.

This sudden glimpse, shocked Deng Qing around him, do not know what this guy is doing.

"Qin Dong saved me! Qin Dong saved me!"

Zhang Hao is almost all the way to the Qin wind climbed over, the nose and tears that are smashing one by one.

"Speak well, who will kill you."

Qin Feng looked too lazy to look at Zhang Hao, but only took a sip of hot milk prepared by the Nangong Yi people.

"Ye, Ye Jia!"

When Zhang Hao said this sentence, the voice was very light. After all, Ye Jia is one of the nine major families, and it is absolutely unique in Qingzhou!

He had been afraid before he came, fearing that Qin Feng knew that it was Ye Family who wanted to kill himself.

If Qin Feng doesn't work here, then he really doesn't know where to go.


Apparently, Qin Feng’s attitude far exceeded his expectations.

Because he was surprised to find that Qin Feng in front of him, there was no wrinkle at the moment, which is quite different from the expression of the words "Yejia" when others heard it!

"Why kill you."

Qin Feng continued to eat the breakfast prepared by the Nangong Yiren for him. Zhang Hao was so squatting around him. When he heard the words of Qin Feng, he suddenly had an irresistible anger on his face.


Just as Zhang Ye wanted to open his mouth, Qin Feng picked up the tablecloth and wiped his mouth.

"People are coming."

Zhang Haoyi, Qin Feng is looking out the window, there are more than a dozen streamers are coming to the Qin's building, these more than a dozen monks are using the method of hiding the body shape, able to pass the mortal, but It is impossible to live with Qin Feng.


In this office, ten meters away from the Qin wind, the falling window near the desk, the glass burst suddenly, the glass **** broke, and there were thirteen figures, which appeared in the office.

When these thirteen people appeared, Deng Qing’s face was fierce!

Because he didn't see people at all, just saw the falling window burst, and then there was such a group of people suddenly appearing, subconsciously looking at Qin Feng, and found that Qin Feng is still indifferent, this is a lot of peace of mind.

Nangong Yiren, there is no change in expression, just standing quietly behind the Qinfeng sofa, followed by Qin Feng experienced so many big winds and waves, what happened in front of this, even a small donkey does not count.

And Zhang Hao is standing up fiercely, squatting at one of the thirteen people, hating that the eyes will burst out!


Almost biting his teeth and shouting the name.

"Hey, Zhang Hao, you run, why don't you continue to run?"

Among the thirteen people, the middle-aged man standing on the front of the old man's side is Kangchang in the eyes of Zhang Hao, and he smiles with pride at the moment.

In front of him, the old man who is the head of the thirteen people is his brother-in-law... stubborn, counted brother-in-law.

Just a few days ago, the old man happened to see his sister once, and he liked it very much. So he said that he was worth 17 years old, and his beautiful sister married the old man to do a small job. It is to sell my sister in exchange for the relationship with Ye.

"You are a despicable villain who sells his sister for glory, relying on Ye Family, killing my people, destroying my foundation! I...I!"

Zhang Hao looked at Kangchang’s smug face, and the whole person almost exploded. He and Kangchang were enemies for decades. If Kang Kang was on the Ye family, he would not fall into this way!

Although angry, but not dare to go ... thirteen people, except for Kangchang are Ye family, headed by Ye Gen, Jie Dan Zhongpin, Ye parents, who is Kang Chang's brother-in-law.

In order to bring down Zhang Hao, this Kang Chang did not hesitate to sacrifice his own sister, in exchange for the support of Ye Jia.

"Hurry up."

Ye Gen is very impatient. The reason why he came to help Kang Chang to do this kind of thing is because there is no way to take people short, let alone put the underage sisters into bed and play sports.

"Yes, brother-in-law."

With this leaf root, Kang Chang did not dare to delay, smiled at the corner of his mouth, and the other eleven Ye family members stepped forward.

Zhang Hao suddenly turned pale, subconsciously turned to look at Qin Feng.

Qin Feng just ordered a cigarette and looked at the group.

When the twelve people including Kangchang were only three meters away from the Qin wind, Qin Feng slightly raised his eyes.


A powerful pressure has come to the twelve.


These twelve people are neat and uniform, not awkward... but they are kneeling on the floor.

"you you you…!"

Kang Chang, who was kneeling on the ground, looked up at Qin Feng with horror. He didn’t expect that the young man who was sitting and eating breakfast and wearing a white vest turned out to be **oss!


Ye Gen saw this scene, suddenly angry, this is his younger brother, the dog has to look at the owner!

As Ye’s parents, like Ye Tianrui, who had been killed by Qin Feng, it’s all crazy! Especially on the site of Qingzhou, it is almost fearless!

However, this time it was different. Ye Gen regretted that he had just exported him.

Qin Feng just looked at him with a faint look. Suddenly, the leaf parent of the dandan middle-aged was old, and the whole body spirit and qi and blood seemed to be counter-current.

A fierce glimpse, an old blood is sprayed out, his face is dark and dark, and then slowly smashed down, the whole person suddenly fainted, watching Qin Feng's eyes with horror and fear.

He has been mixing for more than two hundred years, and he has never encountered the Qin Feng, and he has let his blood flow back at a glance!

Even the big elders in the family, even if they are homeowners, can't do it!

This scene…

Zhang Hao is even more aggressive!

Lying in the trough! At first, I thought that this Qin Dong was very powerful, but whoever thought that it was so powerful!

Qin Feng stood up, jeans, white vest, hands in the trouser pockets, with a cigarette in his mouth, did not look at these people, just a faint sweep of the glass.

"Do you know how much an inch of glass in my house?"

Qin Feng smacked the smoke and the other people did not dare to speak.

"I vaguely remember, it seems to be a billion."

When this sentence came out, the whole person in Kangchang was paralyzed, a glass of 10 billion? ! I am sure that 10 billion can bring you dozens of tons back!

You can't be so dark anymore! However, I also vomited in my heart, completely afraid to open my mouth.

"Zhang Hao, you are responsible for collecting money."

Qin Feng faintly opened, Zhang Hao suddenly responded, it was called a vigorous, sneer looked at Kang Chang: "Qin Dong assured, I will help you collect!"

The feng shui turns, now it’s my turn to be open!

The eyes of Zhang Hao are in the eyes of Kang Chang, which is almost desperate! One billion pieces...he has to go bankrupt! But the most crucial thing is that Zhang Hao does not only want him to go bankrupt, but also his life!


Qin Feng’s words came out. In addition to that Kangchang, the other twelve Ye family members, including the leaf roots, were all pushed by a spiritual force, along the broken glass, from a few hundred meters. The high altitude fell.


On this day, at the gate of the Qin Building, it was not rain, but people. 2k novel reading network

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