The city of Monkey King

Chapter 298: Pharmacy, Ju Ying Dan! [二更]

Medicine Court, Dan Field.

The original Dan Ding, which was standing on the Wanzhang Square, was completely cleared at the moment.

The whole Dan, only in the center of the center has a huge ancient blue color Dan Ding.

Around the Dan field, there are monks dressed in blue and blue, and in front of this Dan field, there are nearly a thousand people gathered here. These people are surrounded by Thunder enchantments, apparently imprisoned. Living.

Each one is extremely angry.

"Mo Xiong, I have told you many times that your Danish side is incomplete and it is impossible to refine it!"

Before the ancient Qingdan Ding, there were two people.

One is the owner of the medicine cabinet, Ouyang Changchun, and another person is a middle-aged man dressed in a blue and blue brocade. The eyebrows are like a knife, with a small goatee beard, and there is a decisive madness in his eyes.

One of the six, the owner of the Susu Mountain, Mo Xiong!

"Ouyang, my life is only less than ten years old, now the cult will come out, Kyushu faces a big chaos, and Xianmeng is established soon. I am the owner of Hansu Mountain, and I must not sit at this time! Fang, my last chance!"

There is a touch of madness in Mo Xiong’s eyes. In fact, his life is far more than ten years, at least for fifty years or even a hundred years. Of course, it is not the heart of Kyushu.

The main reason why he chose to take this step is the Xianmeng Conference!

The establishment of Xianmeng is to declare that the Yunshui public repairs will abandon the Kunlun Mountains and surpass the Xiange.

Mo Xiong wants to press Penglai and the Xiaozhao Temple at this conference to become the ally of the Xianmeng.

And to do this step...

With the repair of his current fake baby, he couldn’t do it at all, because the owner of Penglai and the abbot of the Xiaozhao Temple are also fake infants!

If you want to force the heroes, you can only become a real Yuan Ying!

For this reason, he has also played the idea of ​​not having the baby fruit in Zhoushan, but the goal of Zhoushan is not too big. The enchantment of that year was the first Yuanxiu monk of Yunshui personally set up, if not the nine family The key, can't get in.

If he shot on the Nine Kings, Penglai and the Xiaozhao Temple would not stand by.

The movement is too big and the success is awkward.

So in the end, he can only use the last move.

There is a Danfang, which he got three hundred years ago. After hundreds of years of research, he slowly discovered that this Danfang’s description is Ju Ying Dan!

The so-called Ju Ying Dan is an remedy that can help people break through the Yuan Ying.

Ever since he discovered this secret, he has come to the pharmacy to find Ouyang Changyu for countless times in the past few hundred years, but every time he comes to Xingxing, he is defeated.

Because Ouyang Changchun told him that this Danfang was a defective one, of which twenty-three flavors of the main medicine were less than eight flavors, and the nine hundred and thirty-two flavored medicines were nearly four hundred flavors less, and the refining was impossible.

"Pharmaceutics can also be perfunctory, but the main medicine is less than eight flavors. If forced refining, and I don't say that I am seriously injured by the reverse, even if it is refining, you can't be sure if you swallow it."

Ouyang Chang’s brows are wrinkled and his face is not good.

It is not not refining, but it is indeed too risky. If you choose other ones according to your own guess, as long as you have too many mistakes, you will lose all your efforts.

In the past 100 years, Ouyang Changchun has refused at least Mo Xiong’s request for forcing alchemy hundreds of times. But who can think of this time, Mo Xiong actually took people directly into the medicine cabinet.

Take the prisoner of thousands of people as a key to yourself.

"Ouyang, don't blame me for not reminding you that your medicine cabinet is alive and dead, and now I am between my thoughts."

Mo Xiong completely ignored Ouyang’s reminder and threatened to speak.

Ouyang Changchun looked at the thousand people in the Thunder enchantment. The white eyebrows were wrinkled. Although the heart was full of anger, they had to compromise. After the silence, "This Dan is complicated, the eight main medicines are missing, I need all. God refines and takes your people out of Dan."

"it is good!"

After receiving the reply from Ouyang Changyu, Mo Xiong suddenly smiled and responded quickly.

"But the ugly words are in the past, the refining fails, you must not anger the person in my medicine cabinet, otherwise, I am Ouyang Changzhen today will be seriously injured if you die!"

Ouyang Changchun looked at Mo Xiong coldly and then raised his hand. In an instant, the ancient Qingdan Ding in front of him had a blazing flame burning!


Marina City, the beach, a few seagulls back and forth between the sea and the sky.

A sea view manor near the sea, the main villa of the manor is built close to the sea, if it is close to...

When you wake up in the morning, push the glass door of the room and the stairs are the sea.

The entire estate has a fresh sea breeze.

This is Deng Qing’s new accommodation prepared for Qin Feng in advance.

"You are here to rest, your brother's things don't have to worry, Deng Shu is all arranged."

The two stood on the beach and looked at the sea, and the sea breeze screamed.

"How long have you been going this time?"

The Nangong Yi people looked at the Qin Feng around them, and they had a sad face.

"Coming back soon."

Qin Feng smiled mildly. He wanted to go to Jingzhou to take his sister and Lin Yuexi back to Binhai, and his mother. After waking up, he also had to get to Binhai.

Of course, before that, he had to go to the medicine cabinet to get the raw spirit.

"There is something directly to find Deng Shu, he will help you with everything in the customs."

After Qin Feng finished speaking, he turned and walked, step by step, two steps, and the third step. He jumped out of his feet and turned his sword out of the sky. He turned into a blue sword light and went away!

The place where Qin Feng went, the medicine cabinet!


Medicine Court, the main peak of Yushan.

At the Danchang Center, the Danding, which is three feet and ten meters high, is full of fire and raging around it!

In addition to this Ding Ding Shizhang, Ouyang Changyi, a robes flying, eyebrows tight, hand in the ring, in the moment there are thousands of herbs floating in the air.

"go with!"

With a low voice, these thousands of herbs are flying over Danding, and they flow around them. Under the control of Ouyang Changchun's gods, they enter Danding again and again.

The prisoners trapped in the Thunder enchantment, watching Ouyang Changchun refining the medicinal herbs, there is no reverence in the eyes!

They have been living their lives for the sake of the alchemy of Ouyang Changyu.

On the left edge of this Dan field, Mo Xiong left his hands behind him, staring at all of Dan's, and there was a glimpse of what he couldn't wait.

Ju Ying Dan...

He waited for hundreds of years!

When I think of getting this baby, he can make Yuan Ying and become the owner of Xianmeng! Order the cloud water million repair!

The heart is awkward!

At the moment, behind him, a white-haired old man whispered a little to the front: "The Shangzong, the defensive array has been arranged at the main peak, as long as the battle, the medicine cabinet will be no one can survive."

"Very good, you are responsible for this matter, listen to my order."

Mo Xiong has a hint of twilight in his eyes...

If Ouyang Changzhen really refining him for him, in addition to Ju Ying Dan, then he will never let Ouyang Changyu live in this world!

Because... this remedy belongs to him only! He won't let the second person in the cloud water world swallow the baby girl again! 2k novel reading network

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