The city of Monkey King

Chapter 299: Yunling out of the forest, Dan Lei is coming! [Three more]

Jiangzhou, Xiantaoling.

Qin Feng went to the Yushan Pharmaceutical Pavilion from Binhai City, and also passed through Jiangzhou in the middle. On the way, Qin Feng thought a little.

If you get the Danfang from the medicine cabinet, you need to take the medicine from the medicine cabinet. As for the refining of the medicinal medicine... After all, it is related to your mother, except for Yunling’s personal refining, who will refine the spirit and the Qin dynasty. Will not be assured.

Again, the correctness of the Dan and the material of the medicinal materials, these Qin Feng do not understand.

Therefore, this is awkward.

not to mention…

Qin Feng has been looking forward to this day, looking forward to Yunling's day out of Taolin!

In the middle of the scorpion, the flame pulsates, and this piece of waste rock forest suddenly becomes a peach blossom, and the peach blossoms rise with the wind, and the flowers are dozens of miles.

Step into Taolin, five minutes later.

Qin Feng walked out of the jungle, and it was the white dress, the long hair and the back of Qian Qian.


Screaming out, Yunling heard the sound and turned around. When she saw Qin Feng, she smiled.

"You haven't been here for a long time."

This sentence is heard in the ears of Qin Feng, seems to be complaining.

"My mom is okay?"

Qin Feng looked at Song Yu, who was stunned by the fog in Lingquan.

"Reassured, there is no spring to nourish your mother."

Yun Ling walked toward Qin Feng, and the shocked face of Tian Ren’s face was a bit tangled.

"If you want to ask, just ask."

This tangled face on Yunling’s face naturally did not escape the eyes of Qin Feng.

"You... know where Kunlun is?"


"Then can you take me there?"

Yun Ling almost subconsciously said this sentence. She has been thinking about the things that Ouyang Shaoqin said in the past few days.

His father, still exists in the world, his name... is called Han Xiu.

He is in Kunlun.

"Where do you want to go, I can take you there."

Qin Feng smiled and said: "But before you go to Kunlun, you have to go with me first."

Yunling heard this, could not help but glimpse, and the whole person began to appear excited, tentatively asked.

"You... came this time to take me out?"


Qin Feng smiled slightly, without much explanation, grabbed Yunling’s hand, and when Yunling reacted, the two were already at high altitude.

Above the sky, Qin Feng stood at the tip of the sword, and Yun Ling stood on the blade.

Yu Jian nine days...

The wind, picking up Yunling and the long hair.

Although Yunling was an early monk, she was the first time in her life to look down on the earth in nine days.

In Yunling’s eyes, a few flashes of fear inadvertently flashed, and it was subconsciously holding the waist of Qin Feng.

Qin Feng felt that she was holding her own Yunling, and she couldn’t help but smile. Some things still take time to get used to it.

"what is that?"

Yun Ling was not sensitive to the things of men and women. He hugged Qin Feng... it was hugged.

At this moment, extend a hand and point toward the bottom.

Qin Feng glanced at the Ferris wheel, roller coaster...

"Playground, wait for these things, I will take you there."

Yunling heard the promise of Qin Feng, and her eyes suddenly showed joy and full of expectation.

Jianhong, cut through the sky and go straight to the medicine court!

Along the way, Qin Fengshun explained to Yun Ling what she saw in the world. It was a very common thing in others' eyes, but it was a novelty in the eyes of Yunling.


The main peak of Yushan, Yaoge.

At this moment, the sky of this rainy mountain began to change slowly, with dark clouds beginning to condense!

When this dark cloud appears!

That medicine cabinet thousands of people, all face changes, there are horror, more exciting!

After all, it is possible to refine the medicinal herbs that motivate these changes. That is the glory of the alchemist's life!

Tiemu, the old man who had been beaten by Qin Feng, looked up at the dark clouds in the sky at this moment, and there was a horror in his eyes!

Dan Lei!

In his life, there are countless alchemy, but it has never been swayed by Danley. Even if you see it, you can only see Daniel once!

That was spurred by the last drugstore cabinet chief refining Yanshou Dan, and these remedies that have changed their lives will suffer from the power of heaven and earth!

However, that time only ignited the dark clouds, and did not drop the robbery. After all, Yanshoudan was only thirty years of life extension.

And this time...

Tiemu looked up at the dark clouds. This time, the dark clouds are much richer than the one he had seen last time. They are also looking at the Danchang Center. They are now refining the medicinal herbs of Ouyang, and muttering to themselves.

"Ouyang...what are you doing for him?"

The white eyebrows wrinkled tightly, and he had a hunch that when the medicinal herbs were made, it was the moment of the drugstore!

Thousands of people in the drugstore are excited, but Moxiong is more excited than them!

When I saw this dark cloud, he almost didn't laugh out loud!

For alchemy, although he is not deeply rumored, he knows more or less, Ju Ying Dan, this way of relying on medicinal herbs can break through the Yuan Ying, this is not in line with Tiandi Avenue.

Therefore, this kind of medicinal medicine will attract some punishment from heaven and earth.

At this moment, the dark clouds condense, on behalf of Dan Lei is coming, that also represents ... this gathering baby Dan, will become!

Mo Xiong was very excited, but Ouyang Changchun was holding his heart tightly.

Ju Ying Dan refining requires twenty-three flavors of the main medicine, but eight of them are missing. He has used other mild herbs to replace it as much as possible...but!

From the immortality that he is about to form, he is faintly aware of a violent force that cannot be controlled.

This violent force can't be said clearly, even he can't say one.

"Ghost grass..."

What makes him even more surprised is that the missing eight-flavored main medicine, Ouyang Changchun, used eight different kinds of medicinal herbs instead of one taste, but did not expect that among many auxiliary medicines, there was a scent of chaos and grass. When the main medicine was made, it became the 24th flavor main... even surpassing the other twenty-three main medicines to refine.

This is something that Ouyang Changyu did not expect.


At this time, the dark clouds above the sky began to sound with thunder.

"It's Dan Lei!"

"Dan Lei is going to be alive!"

"The lord of the refining of the lord led Dan Lei!"


That medicine cabinet thousand people, in the moment when the thunder sounds, they are all excited! I look at the sky one by one, I am afraid to miss it!

Mo Xiong’s eyes are full of hot light!

Ju Ying Dan! Finally have to be!

From the dark clouds, thunder drums! The wind is whistling!

Everything is a sign of Dan Cheng!

In the hundreds of miles away from the rainy mountains, a sword rainbow rushed between the heavens and the earth, Qin Feng stood at the tip of the sword, and at this moment his brow was slightly picked. He saw the dark cloud over the medicine court.

Very strange...

The four sides of the sun are shining, only that small piece is clouded!

"Dan Lei!"

Qin Feng did not recognize it, but Yun Ling behind her and Ouyang Shaoqin learned the method of alchemy, and naturally recognized it at a glance!

If the painting of Zhongyuan Mountain is a little surprised. 2k novel reading network

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