The city of Monkey King

Chapter 305: The soul of the dragon, out! [一一]

The suffocating pressure envelopes the entire drug court!

The rest of the killing people, when they feel the pressure of this, they can not help but change their face, they are looking at the direction of the Dan field.

Those dozens of phantoms that will surround the entire Dan field! The dozens of hundred-foot illusion swords, that powerful to the jaw-dropping gas!


Even Tiemu, the elder who has the deepest qualifications in the medicine cabinet, saw this scene of Danchang, and it was also the color of despair on his face...

The strength of Yuan Ying, really can not resist!

"Is it the day to die?"

Tiemu sighed in the sky and the old tears fell down.

In his life, he was a medicine cabinet, a medicine cabinet... it was his education.

Tears falling...

The eyes are showing the meaning of going to death!

Turned to look at those who hugged the Dan monk, crazy killing!

kill! !

Not only the iron wood, but the rest of the medicine cabinet people are almost the same idea. If the medicine cabinet does not exist, then they are the same as the disciples of the medicine cabinet!

Born as a medicine cabinet, died as a rain mountain ghost!

At the foot of a pavilion outside the 10,000-meter-long Dan, as the pressure is getting more and more popular, Yunling is now more and more nervous. As a Xiadan monk, she can naturally feel the distribution from Dan. This gas is so terrible.

She can even guess that if she is close, she will be buried in fear of being in a flash.

Coupled with the dozens of thousands of illusions, these visual impacts are extremely sultry!

Looking at the back of Qin Feng, his hands are tight.

The wind, licking the corner of the white skirt, raised her long hair behind her body.


In the Dan field, Mo Xiong with a sneer in his eyes, the black gold light flashed through, and the sword was in his hand, and the sword in the hand was kneeling!

Jianguang, roaring out!

Almost at the same moment, the dozens of thousands of phantoms around the Dan field, the action is consistent with Moxiong, the sword in the hand is also toward the Qin wind!

The air makes a sonic sound!

The wind is blowing, passing the hair in front of the forehead.

Qin Feng holds the golden hoop stick and raises his eyes slightly, and it is reflected in the eyes... all the giant swords are falling together!

boom! Bang! Boom!

Compared with the previous Qin Feng’s attack on Moxiong, the sound of ten times is strong, and the sound of the rainy mountain is resounding. The mountains are shaking, the winds of wild hunting are sweeping in all directions, and the rainy mountains are hundreds of miles away, whether it is mountains or trees. A aftermath is like a sharp knife, and it is cut off!

Those who are strangled, under this aftermath, many people who have been repaired as low-end people, whether it is Yusu or Yaoge, are directly killed by the earthquake! Even some of the injured base-builders have died!

At the top of the pavilion, Yunling stood in front of the Ouyang Changsong sitting body, and the whole body had a strong white light bloom. The body shape was extremely unstable in this aftermath shock, and the nervous center was very nervous.

Even the aftermath can be so... It’s hard to imagine how the Qin Feng, which is facing this blow, will be!

At this time, from the Danchang Center, there is a more powerful aftermath wind circle!


The white light barrier of Yunling’s body was suddenly broken under this impact, and his face was shocked. The whole person fell back under the impact of this aftermath. The moment of flying backwards, a white ribbon came out from the sleeve, and Ouyang Changyu The body of the body is wrapped up.

The figure fell hundreds of meters away, Yunling fell to the ground, his face turned white, and a stream of blood fell from the corner of his mouth.

After looking at him, Ouyang Changchun, who was wrapped in a ribbon, did not suffer any damage, and then he settled in his heart. Then he stood up and shook his body slightly, looking up at the direction of Danchang.

Hand, hold the pendant hanging between your neck.

Hope the wind...

The eyes are looking forward to the wind!

Dan field, a scream of laughter from here, echoed throughout the medicine cabinet!

"This is the end of your anger!"

A sword, another sword!

The dozens of phantoms that surround Dan, the giant swords in the hand squat!

The sound of the smashing bang of the sword is enough to stop at dozens of interest!

The entire Danchang, completely turned into a ruin!

Diligence, two interest... The wind is whistling, when the third interest comes.

"Arouse you?"

A cold voice slowly came out, and the sound came out. Mo Xiong couldn’t help but look at it. He didn’t think that Qin Feng could still live!

But at this moment of his hair!

Roar! !

A dragon smashed, and it rang through the heavens and the earth, and the nine-sky sky, the clouds that flowed rapidly, burst into the moment when the dragon screamed!

The red light is shining!

The dragons are banging!

Those thousands of phantoms that surround the Dan field, I saw a feeling of Adegujin iron rod, like a dragon tail sweeping, banging! All burst!

This moment... the smoke dissipates!

Dan field is clearly visible. Everyone has seen this scene. Behind Qin Feng, the red body, the flames, and the dragons!

Red scales, dragon claws, dragon heads, the dragons that shine through the supreme majesty sweep across the earth!

Candle dragon!

"This is... Dragon Soul!"

Mo Xiong saw the candle dragon, and he couldn’t help but shrink. He naturally recognized it. This is the dragon!

The legendary dragon! He never thought that he could see the real dragon in this life! And... still on such a person!

"Do you think that you can win me?"

Bun is only a moment, Mo Xiong's eyes burst into the air, he is very clear to feel, even with the appearance of this dragon soul, this kid is definitely not his opponent!

And... he estimates that it is true.

Qin Feng’s scorpion is slightly condensed, and his body has a red-colored flash of light. Although he wakes up the candle dragon in the Ten Dragons, he is also very clear that the ten dragons in the golden hoop are sealed, although they are powerful, they can play it out. Power is limited by your own cultivation.

At this moment, it is impossible to win over Mo Xiong in front of this candle.

At most, I can protect myself, and with my current cultivation, it is impossible to wake up the candle dragon for a long time. At most, I can only maintain a cup of tea.

After a cup of tea, in front of this Moxon, the power of self-protection will cease to exist.

The end, mortal!

These are the calculations in Qin Feng's mind. On the surface, the look is still as usual.

It was because of the calmness of Qin Feng’s face that Mo Xiong felt a little jealous. He did not choose to continue to shoot immediately, but a tentative opening.

"One nature can't win you."

Qin Feng, the cold scorpion slightly raised, the golden hoop in the hand, now with a dazzling pale light flashing!

He has a decision in his heart!


Winning is a life, losing will die!

When I saw Qin Xiong’s glamorous white light, Mo Xiong, a black gold-colored pupil slammed!

"Then two!"

The cold voice echoes in this world!

The Qin Feng body is repaired, and it is full of air!

Also at this moment...

The sound of a dragon that is different from the previous candle dragon is even more hoar, and it is resounding between the heavens and the earth!

The soul of the dragon, out! 2k novel reading network

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