The city of Monkey King

Chapter 306: Ssangyong stands side by side! [二更]

The sound of the ancient dragons rang, resounding between the peaks!

Wind white scales, four feet and wings!

Ying Long!

The Wanzhang dragon appeared behind Qin Feng and stood side by side with the candle dragon!

Ssangyong stands side by side, this is the power, the heaven and the earth are changed!

The wind of heaven and earth, whistling!

" a dragon!"

Those drug court disciples, seeing the Wanzhang candle dragon and Ying Long appear after Qin Feng, all of them are full of horror, and after the horror is ecstasy!

Because this dragon soul is called by the wind!

"There are two!"

Mo Xiong saw the dragon spirit behind Qin Feng, his face was suddenly changed. He thought that the appearance of a dragon soul was beyond imagination, but he never thought that this seemingly simple boy had such a powerful force. Can call out two dragon souls!


He has only seen it in the records of ancient books, and he has never seen it before. Even the two dragons in front of him are not known which branch of the dragon.

The wind swept away from the forehead, Qin Feng's cold scorpion looked at the horrified Mo Xiong.

Heart, but it is tight!

Ten interest, only ten times!

The two dragon spirits come out together, and it is impossible to hold on to his current cultivation. The body is repaired... already empty!

This is the last fight!

The golden hoop in the hand is a fierce grip, and the red and white colors surround the stick body, and the figure is like a string of arrows from the string!

Behind the two dragon spirits, the candle dragon should be all over the top of the dragon, and at the same time, the sound of the raging dragon screams, a wave that is not weaker than Moxiong appears in this world!

"This sect Yuan Ying has gathered! Is it still afraid that you will not!"

Mo Xiong’s face glimpsed, and behind him, there was a illusion of a illusion, which was different from the dozens of phantoms before!

Among the phantoms, there is a black and golden sword! The body of this mantra is completely condensed by the sword!

"Jian Yu is home!"

Almost squatting, the sword in the hands of Moxiong blooms blue and blue!

This sound is everywhere, and the sword is like a wing with its wings, and the sword behind it is the same!


The black gold scorpion slammed up and looked at the rushing Qin Feng. Mo Xiong’s back foot was stunned, and with the body behind him, he also rushed out!

Shuanglong roar! Sword screaming!

With a stick and a sword, the two will be colliding in this Danchang center! watching this scene and watching these two people!




Those drug court disciples, at the moment, screamed loudly! Although it is killing with the people in front of you, even if it is bloody, even if it is almost dying!

The word wins, the sound shatters!

The wind has passed... Yun Ling is shaking, seeing this scene, the hand holding the pendant is sweaty, biting the lower lip tightly!

Wind... look forward to the wind!

Qin Feng, you must come back!

Days, the clouds have already been shaken, and above the clouds, it is the endless blue sky.

From the sky to the ground.

The center of the Dan field, bang!

The two collided in one place!

this moment…

The world seems to be quiet...

Diligence, two interest... When the third interest comes!

Shake... violently shaken!

The entire Yushan peaks, like a complete collapse, bang! The peaks burst!

A wave of suffocation and suffocation, scattered from the center of the Dan field, the wind of mad hunting swept across the heavens and the earth!

Even if it is a knot, under this storm, there is no such resistance. It is all being smashed, and blood is squirting!

"Qin Feng!"

Yunling's body shape is also directly flung out of the main peak of the rainy mountain under this mad wolf. The eyes are red and looking at the direction of Danchang, reaching out to try to get close, but it is not close to the slightest under this impact. Fly back in the air.

The mad wolf, sweeping the main peak of the rainy mountains, countless mountain peaks burst!

Just like the end of the world!


The main peak of Kunlun Mountain, the fairy temple.

Three white-bearded old men walked out of the temple, all with disappointment.

The old man, who is headed, stood outside the door of the temple and looked back at the temple. After a long silence, he sighed...

In the temple.

"The owner of the cabinet, really did it let the Xianmeng be established?"

The three elders of Kunlun, the face was extremely angry at the moment.

Penglai has always had a good relationship with Kunlun, so the incident of Xianmeng has just happened. Penglai immediately sent a person to Kunlun to report.

I thought that...when I learned about Xianmeng, this one sword, Han Hanxiu, could express her.

But who would have thought that after Han Xiu knew this, he didn't even blink his eyelids, let alone anger.

"The civil service will only be lacking in Kunlun. It seems that the repair of this Kyushu is to abandon my Kunlun."

Another old man in the temple, the four elders of Kunlun, sighed.

The day when Xianmeng was founded, that is, the day when Xiange was abolished, the millennium fairy pavilion, the power of Kunlun... will be completely dissipated in the world.

"You, the affairs of the Xianmeng, the owner of the house has his own arrangements, I am still a little bit safe, but listen to the owner's order."

The two elders looked at the elders in the temple, and with a gentle smile, they persuaded them to say, otherwise there would be dozens of people in the temple, and I am afraid that one will be violently gone.

The two elders, named Zhao Wenzhao, seem to have only 30 young people.

Having said that, but when he looked at Han Xiu in the first seat, Mei Yu was also wrinkled.

Han Xiufei, however, does not care about Kyushu, even Kunlun has rarely asked, and the elders Lu Changyi is even more uncertain, so Kunlun’s affairs are handled by the second elder, Zhao Wenzhao.

He is very clear that if the establishment of Xianmeng, the Xiange is in vain.


Han Xiu muttered to himself and stood up and said nothing.

The whole hall was suddenly fried...

Road... How come? !

Outside the hall, Han Xiu walked on the snow-covered steps. Behind him, his only pro-chief female disciple, Yue Ying, followed.

"Master, those teachers and uncles are extremely angry, and Yue Ying thought that it should be well calmed."

Yue Ying is very nervous. After all, the situation in the temple just now, if not the second elder Zhao Wenzhao has been pressing, I am afraid that it will not be the frying pan until Han Xiu leaves.

Han Xiu’s footsteps were slight, and there was no words. At that time, he looked up at the East, squatting deep, and passing a casual color.

Wind and snow... drifting and falling.

The highest mountain in Kunlun, Tianzhu Peak.

At the peak, here... there is a tombstone.

The tombstone is the main peak of Kunlun.

A priest sat in front of the tombstone and drank the wine from the wine gourd.

The snow of the goose feathers fell on the body, regardless of it.

The wine madman rarely returns to the Kunlun Mountains, but whenever he returns to the Kunlun Mountains, he will only go to a place where he will come to the place where the tombstones of the peaks of the day are.

Above the tombstone, there is a name... summer, 芷, soft.

‘Long Yi, I buried me on the peak of Tianzhu after my death, buried here, I can see him...’

In the old days, lingering in the ear, the wine madman lay back, fell directly in the snow, staring at the murky eyes, watching the snow drifting in the sky. 2k novel reading network

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