The city of Monkey King

Chapter 529: Great meaning!

Six golden demon, three golden demon peaks.

The three peaks of the golden demon, in addition to the long-selling and Dongting, the third is the red charm.

The flaming long skirt and graceful appearance, the navel is outside, the snow peak is half out, and the long skirt is opened from the waist to open a wide seam, and the proud figure is unobstructed.

The red long curly hair concealed half of the delicate and charming face, exquisite facial features, and forced the man's heart.

But even if it looks so beautiful...

For the battlefield, it is useless.

Here, only killing.

Here, only iron and blood!

Chi Ling’s mouth has blood falling down, and there is a red-red whip in her hand. In her whole body, these dozens of big Luo Jinjin, many of them are repaired as lower bodies. At this time, there are all the way to be drawn by the whip. Blood marks.

"Quick speed!"

Among these gold medals, one of Jin Jinfeng’s gold will sing a low voice. Obviously, this group of gold will be different from the other sieges of Dongting and Chang’s. They have no choice but to delay the tactics. I want to kill Chi Ling.

Hearing this voice, the red-faced and charming face has a smile, and after the smile is the cold chilling color, when it appears, it appears on this face.

The red light shines from the whole body, and in a flash, it is covered with a million feet.

After the red light dissipated, the sound of snakes and snakes resounded through the boundaries, and a red-red giant snake appeared in the eyes of the people, with a pair of wings burning with flames. This is the body of the red spirit: the fire-winged snake.

The three golden demons are all made into the body, and with their strong cultivation and blood, they can also mediate with these Da Luojin in a short time.

But the other three are not, the two are the demon kings who are in the golden demon. At this time, it is already under the squad of many golds, and the soul flies.

And the demon who owns the golden fairy top is not long before, and the besieged by a group of gold is already at the end of the strong.

The boundary door.

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His shadow of more than a dozen illusions went out, and he could barely stabilize the six quasi-sacred days of the day.


Just at this time…

One gas...

From the moment of the cloud water world, the cloud water boundary is penetrated. It is not as normal as the general door, but is scattered in a circle, from every inch of the interface of the cloud water, through every void. Cracks are pouring out!

This gas... In the twinkling of an eye, it was passed by everyone, and then spread again!

Just, just a moment of rest, this breath is far away.

This is also the interest...

The remaining 20 million demons outside the gates are all in the heart, and then the eyes are full of excitement!

Because this qi is the breath of their sacred!

Holy honor...

The Holy Lord is coming back!

It is also at this moment that all the demons are roaring, and they are all transformed into the original shape, exploding their most powerful force, and using this power to greet the Holy Spirit.

The power of the demon is the original form.

When the demon shows the original shape, it is a desperate moment!

The demons of the demon are no longer resisting, no longer sticking to it, but choosing to rush up and pressing the past ten thousand days.

Dongting, long ride, red and charming.

Kui Mu wolf, long scorpion crane, red spirit fire snake... The three demons feel the stronger and stronger sacred atmosphere, and the huge body that is a million feet is beginning to roar and roar, and a pair of scorpions exudes a compelling The light is exciting and exciting!

With the sound of arrogance, the huge figure will move toward the surrounding gold.


The entire world is roaring!

Killing these demons, those golds would have been well-informed, but this moment...when they also perceive the powerful breath that comes from the cloud waters.

Every time, my heart trembled...

They can't help but think of the scene of the year, and think of the Qitian Dasheng Sun Wukong who was invincible and devout the Buddha!

Not only these gold will be these feelings, thousands of soldiers, Xuan will, heaven, the pilgrimage, the school, the commander, the centurion, even those ordinary soldiers.

When the meaning of this great saint is passed...

It’s all the madness that can’t be suppressed in my heart.




Tens of demons are in the excitement and excitement of excitement, all of them are in unison, with an imposing momentum toward the heavenly soldiers, completely defeated by the law of life.

As a result, the Tianbing, who was originally invincible, showed a bit of arrogance.

At the gate, the same is true in the eyes.

However, at this time...

Li, who has been standing on top of the Qingying Godbird, when he perceives this 'great sanctification', his hand is slammed with a sharp gun, and his body is smashing through the void, tightly It was a battlefield that crossed the tens of millions of demons and fought, and came to the front of the boundary gate.

The tip of the fire-tip gun, the ice-cold gun, was exactly the same as the eyebrows of the seven.

A powerful and suffocating pressure fell on the body of the seven, even if it was the reaction of the seven to the arrival of Li, it was not able to move under the pressure of his strength.

Even the phantoms of his more than a dozen roads collapsed at the moment when Li Wei’s pressure came.

Absolute strength crushing!


The heart is dark, the pupils of the eyes are infinitely magnified, and the fire-pointing gun is about to be stabbed, and the eye is raised slightly. It is the cold and incomparable look of Li.

A great sacred meaning is not to stop in the waters and waters.

The same is the third day of the Tianfu, shaking all the fairy of Tianfu.


The thirty-sixth day passed!

In the thirty-sixth day of the Tianmen, billions of demons are attacking the defense of Tianmen insanely. The five million Xianting soldiers who Yang Li took out formed a fascination.

Protecting this Tianmen, it is a short time to block the attack of these billions of demons.

However, at this time...

A breath, rushing out of the sky gate!

When Yang Lan was looking back to see Tianmen, the third eye also had a trace of suspicion...

He clearly remembers that when he was in the small world of that side and saw ‘that person’, that person was still so weak, far from the wind of the great saints of the past.

How are you now...

This gas!

It is indeed the breath of the great sacredness of the year, the sky and the sky!

The billions of demons who are enchanting the madness of the squad, when they perceive the appearance of this great sacredness, are like crazy, and they are all excited.

I don’t hesitate to go to the demon and madness in this way.

The five million joint formation of the Xianting Tianbing, under the impact of this, all of them are pale, suddenly felt the pressure increased. 2k novel reading network

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