The city of Monkey King

Chapter 530: Hundreds of deaths, innate calculations! [Three more]

Every day, all walks of life, endless demon.

The meaning of the Great Saint is like a gust of wind, and all the demons of all the worlds are crazy!

‘Holy! ’

‘Holy! ’


A big fan of the flag, fluttering and spreading in every place in the world.

On the 18th day, outside the Tianmen.

Here, the billions of demons that blocked the army of Li Jing were also aware of the ‘the meaning of the Great Sacred’. They were caught in a state of madness that ignored life and death, and the fighting power soared under the enthusiasm of burning.

"Father, the situation is not good."

On the side of Li Jing, there is a three-foot-long Huang Chengcheng gold pillar and a young man dressed in a warrior armor. The name of this pillar is called Long Longzhu, which is made by the refinement of the literary tradition.

The holder of the dragon column, the name of this young man is Li Jinxi, which is the eldest brother of Li, the eldest son of Li Jing.

Li Jing did not look at his son, but the eyebrows wrinkled up. He naturally felt the appearance of the big holy meaning, and he snorted and drank.

"Golden, you led the department to circumvent the main force of the demon, and to open a hole to the army."

"Yes, father handsome!"

After Kim Jong’s life, with his millions of soldiers, he chose a weak force of the demon, rushing away.

As for Li Jing, it is a fascinating pagoda that looks at the front of the party.

There is a constant sound of impact in the tower.

"Li Jing, Hugh wants to let my Sun Shadow go out, if it is not going to destroy your whole family!"

Sun Ying’s roaring voice sounded from it, but despite this, the exquisite pagoda still suppressed it.

A great sacredness sweeps across the world.

The turbulent world of heaven and earth was pushed to a higher level by the ‘the meaning of the Great Saint’.

On the twenty-eighth day, the border river outside the Tianmen.

Five golden streams of light rushed forward, and at this time, the five streams of light stopped.

The streamer is scattered.

Five people, wearing a shackle, are all wearing a bald head.

The West Tianling Mountain and the Five Sides are unveiled.

The five people looked at each other and saw the dignity in their eyes.


Capricorn whispered and whispered, then the five bald heads turned into streamers and went straight for the thirty-sixth day.

at the same time.

On the first day of the Wanjie, the first world, no one in the Xianting, once again a large number of Xianting Tianbing were mobilized and gathered, obviously... a new wave of troops is about to start.

And this time the leader of the people...

It was just the head of the twenty-fourth day of the thunder that was returned to Xianting, Lei Zhenzi!

The thunder of the eight gods is the **** of the gods. The gods of the gods in the sacred robes of 3,000 years ago have been seriously injured, have not closed for three thousand years, rarely manage the thunder.

Lei is no longer a god, and Lei Zhenzi, who is the thunder of the 24th day of the thunder, is actually the first person in the thunder.

Xianting is gathering a new army, and on the first day, the boundary river outside the Tianmen.

There are also large black smog that linger in and out of this gate. In the dark fog, there is a demon in one side.

Devotion to the Holy Spirit, the demon of the first day to the 18th day, but all who rushed out of the Tianmen, this time all gathered toward the first day of Tianmen.

They will be here, blocking the new wave of the convening of Xianting, and will not let this army step by step on the first day.


The ‘Sacred Deity’ here is not the Qin Feng’s own personal command, but the order of the combination of Feng You and Yu Jun.

The ninth world, this one world is also the battle of the fairy devils in various circles. Many demons are attacking the defense of Tianfu Tianbing, and they want to rush to the ninth day.

Because they all received orders, went to the first day of the door, blocking the newly recruited Heavenly Soldiers.

And in the clear sea of ​​this world.

Heaven and earth... eclipsed.

Thunder and fire, roaring constantly.

This is the wrath of heaven.

The life of the whole interface is shivering under the wrath of this sky, even if it is the Qinghai boundary guard, this mysterious fairy is also lying on the ground, touching the ground with the head, dare not look up.

In the world of the Qinghai, the world of the dreams of the dream fox family.

Hundreds of flowers and peaks, black and white life and death.

The black and white light shrouded the entire peak. In the center of the image, the cover was held with both hands, and in his body, there was a black-and-white life and death.

His forehead, with hot sweat, continually dripping down.

The eyes were black and white, but they were looking at the front, and the blood was constantly condensing in the eyes. It seemed to be oozing out, extremely embarrassing.


At this time, suddenly there was a loud noise from the void, and this sound was like...the roar of heaven.

'puff! ’

The secluded spurt of a spurt of blood, black and white and two qi trembles, the whole world of flowers is immersed in black and white and colorless, this floats in the sky above the peaks of the flowers and flowers, it is like a break at any time, actually It became illusory and clear.

This life and death is the lifeline of the secluded.

If this is scattered, then the secret... will also be completely dissipated in this world.

"Just a little..."

"Just a little!"

With a sigh of relief, the secluded squatting slightly, just want to wipe the blood from the mouth.


The blood in the body is tumbling, and it is a **** spurt. This blood... is not bright red, but black and white.

The life of the blood!

He is not a demon, but a spirit, and spit out the spirit is the soul that represents him.

When the scent of suffocating suffocates, it becomes extremely wilting, and life and death become illusory.


He used his own life and death as a bottom to calculate the innate calculus, and wanted to get the life from the previous ‘very fierce 卦’.

Just when I was about to find out, Tiandao was angry and stunned.

Before the Dream Fox family's illusion hall, the long pears that were ordered to be guarded here saw the scene of the sky, especially the vomiting of blood, life and death, illusory gloom, and a pair of beautiful eyes were nervous.

Without hesitation, he turned into the hall of the illusion.

According to the order that Yijun gave her before, as long as there is a change in life and death, you can directly enter the illusion to find him.

Hundreds of flowers and peaks, the wind raised the bursts of flowers.

Life and death are bleak, the center of the land.

The seal smeared the black and white blood of the corner of his mouth, panting with a big mouth, his eyes, left black and white, and stood up again.

When it was re-standing straight, the black and white life continued to flow around its body, and a scent of the ancient and ancient mystery appeared from the secluded body, and the life and death underneath was once again circulated. stand up.

Innate calculus...

He wants... and then spy on the secret!

Even if he is dead, he must count!

Extremely fierce, no death.

As an ancient **** of death and death, Feng You knows more about what it means.

The vitality of the fierce, this is the only vitality... the only life!

He must figure it out for the Holy Spirit! 2k novel reading network

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