The city of Monkey King

Chapter 810: The piano sound stopped!


The sound of the piano, such as the mountains and the waters, lingering in the hearts of the people, is like telling a good love for the people, evokes the old things that are most memorable in the heart, and evokes the woman who has never forgotten.

The walls of the wind and thunder condensed into the walls of the square.

"Qin Feng!"

When the Nangong Yi people saw the appearance of the wall, they couldn’t help but stand up and just wanted to run towards the center of the square. The cloud on the side was a slight smile, and the body shape of the Nangong Yi people was fixed in place. .

"You, what are you doing?!"

Extremely angry, the Nangong Yi people stared at the clouds.

Yunxiao did not return to the Nangong Yiren, but just calmly sipping a glass of wine, looking at the wall of the wind and thunder, on his forehead, there is a glimpse of the rosy light.

Through this radiant light, it seems as if you can see what is happening in the wall of the wind and thunder.

The land of five hundred feet covered by the wall of the wind and thunder.

Flowers and plants are born, and the intoxicating flowers float around the air.

Qin Feng sat in the center of the center and played the second half of the ‘Yuan Meng Yuyi Fengqiu’.

On the edge of the wall of the wind and thunder, the helper held the hand and walked slowly toward the Qin wind. The next step was to surround the wind and thunder. The flowers and trees, the retreat, were all shattered. powder.


Xianweijiedi Palace.

In the underground palace, there is also a piano sound. This is the sound of Qin Feng playing. The floating ancient wooden long piano and strings are automatically dialed, as if there are ten fingers on the strings.

The rules of the strings are exactly the same as the rules of the Qin Feng dialing the strings in the main hall of Xianwei Palace!

"Are you pick me up?"

Chu Wanqiu looked at the guqin that automatically plucked the strings, listening to the beautiful sound of the ear, the sound of the piano gradually rising, with a voice, ringing in her mind.

It is profound and profound, but it is familiar to the bottom of the soul.

‘The body is made of secluded Tianmu, the strings are taken from the fire, the silkworms are intertwined, and the piano is hired. Suze wants to be a wife, cold and can. ’


‘I...willing. ’

In the main hall of the Xianwei Palace, Qin Feng’s hands and fingers were fierce. Slowly, he opened his eyes, and on his opposite side, the helper was slowly coming.

There is a sharp atmosphere in the body, suspended in the side of the Qin Feng side of the ‘钧雷’, a scream at the moment, fiercely rushing toward the helper, falling in the hands of the helper.


Outside the wind wall.

Many monks were so addicted to the sound of the piano, and they were puzzled by what happened inside the wind wall. At this time, the sound of the piano was scattered, and everyone was slowing down from the intoxication.

One by one, they couldn't help but stand up and watch the wind wall fiercely. It happened that there was a screaming sound inside, and some people with ear tips, when they were stunned, judged the source of this scream.

It’s that half-step, innate, treasure, thunder!

"The piano sound stopped!"

"What is happening?!"

"This is...the sound of thunder!"


These monks are not sucking a cold air, do not understand what the situation is, do not say that the good play of the second half of the piano can be able to get those three treasures to hand? !

How did the surname Qin people play, but it seems to face the murder from the help of the helper!

"Yu Ya, do you know what the general commander is?"

Meng Junxian originally saw Qin Feng's perfect playing of the second half of the piano, and his face was still smiling. After all, this Qin Xianqing was introduced to Xianweijie, and maybe he could be rewarded by the helper. .

Even when the wind wall appeared, the body shape of the helper disappeared. This Meng Junxian still believes that perhaps it is the secret of the general command to discuss with Qin Feng.


When I saw the scene in front of me, especially when the sound of ‘Thunder’ was heard from the wind wall, Meng Junxian’s face suddenly changed.

Although he is not as long as Yuya stays with the helper, but in addition to coming to the tenth fairyland, he has been following the helper for thousands of years.

It’s natural to be familiar with this ‘Thunder’.

Half-step is innate to treasure, which contains the power of congenital wind and thunder. For the helper who understands the wind and thunder, it is simply a tiger. With the mutual blessing of the power of wind and thunder and the handle of this kind of '钧雷', Meng Junxian has seen The helper and the sacred power of the Holy Three are not going to fall for a long time.

At that time, if it wasn’t for the helper’s spiritual power, there would be no deep-seated, and I’m afraid that it’s old and fearless.

Just because I have seen it, Meng Junxian knows more clearly, what this screaming sound of ‘钧雷’ means is a sign that it is about to start.

"I don't know."

Yu Ya is also wrinkling her eyebrows, and she doesn't know what is going on.

From the moment when Fu Tong announced that she would hold a piano sound conference, she was in a confused state. She was following the helper’s side since she was a child. Apart from seeing a child when she was a child, she often stared at one of the Guqin, but there was no other. Any impression of it.

I have never seen a child playing a guqin.


When Yu Ya looked stunned, she became killing: "The big commander does not need to explain to you."

After that, Yu Ya stood up and walked forward.

"Yu Ya, you?"

Meng Junxian looked at the back of Yu Ya and felt the suffocating scent of Yu Ya. He could not help but frown and shouted.

"Meng brother."

Yu Ya’s footsteps, a slight bias to look at Meng Junxian: “Little sister and Meng brother are generally, the same doubts about the general commander, but you and I are the commander of the great commander, no matter what the general commander, I should follow ""

After that, I continued to move forward. At the same time, my hand was lifted... There was a blue-red long scorpion in his hand, and he screamed.

"All the soldiers will listen to the order, and all the people who have gone to the feast will be taken down, and no one will be allowed to leave Xianwei Palace."

Between the time...




Not waiting for many monks to react, those who were originally on the banquet, many of them, stood up, swayed out, and shook all the monks around them.

Another large-cap stocks of Tianbing poured into the square, the situation... suddenly became extremely nervous!

Yuya’s eyes are sharp and she has swept through the many monks who are present. She doesn’t know what Fu Tong is doing now, but she knows that she doesn’t allow anyone to bother before the helper has done anything. People let the wind out.

"Kai Xianwei big array."

A hand raised, in the hands of Yu Ya, a purple Ziyupei, the last ‘ten’ word, this time Zijin Yupei went to the sky and did not enter the sky above Xianwei Palace.

In just one second, the entire Xianwei Palace, with a purple-golden spiritual barrier, shrouded the Xianwei Palace.

That Zijin Yupei is the key to unlocking this big array. 2k novel reading network

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