The city of Monkey King

Chapter 811: Help ‘busy’!

"What do you mean?!"

"Two deputy commanders, please give me an explanation! Why are you imprisoned?? Don't you think I am waiting for bullying?!"

"Yes, even if Xianwei Palace is the orthodox orthodox, it can't treat me like this!"


A large group of monks protested. These monks are the masters of the celestial gates of the celestial world. They all have their own arrogance.

It is now so imprisoned in this place, and no one in his heart feels bad.

However, they also know that Xianwei Palace represents the right of Xianting to exercise one party. If they are here to work on Xianwei Palace, they will be disrespectful to Xianting, and the troubles caused by them... even their masters can't keep them.

Therefore, although my heart is not good, I can only call one by one here.

"Emergency matters can only be wronged."

Yu Ya just faintly squinted at these monks, without too much words, after he finished speaking, he ignored it and looked at the wall of the wind and thunder.

At the moment, the sky is still sitting cross-legged, and there is no slight change in his face.

“Yunzong, Xianwei Palace’s move is really irritating.”

The old man with a green beard on the side is an unreasonable opening. He blinks at the guarded Tianbing. These Heavenly Soldiers are guarding them. If there is any movement, they will immediately shoot.

"Indignant is also helpless."

Yunxiao said with a smile, the words seem to blame, in fact, the clouds are light and light, do not care.

The Nangong Yi people, who were fixed by his body, looked at the direction of the wind wall at the moment, and his eyes were full of deep worry.

Whether it is the appearance of this wind wall or the sudden action of these Heavenly Soldiers, it is all people who are involuntarily nervous and worried.

"Nangong sister, don't worry."

At this time, the pigs screamed and squatted on the jade platform next to the Nangong Yi people. A pair of pig eyes looked in the direction of the wind wall and sighed.

"The boy is not a good person to kill, even if the monkey brother can't beat it now, there will be no danger to life."

After that, it was forced to say a few words: "This dead monkey really did not listen to the advice. They all said that they can’t beat it now. They have to go up and don’t know the monkey figure."

After listening to the words of the pig, the Nangong Yi people not only did not relax, but they were even more worried. For her, Qin Feng was injured, it was also a big thing.

‘I, I must go to him...’

This is the only thought in the heart of Nangong Yiren. In her dantian, the aura begins to condense automatically, and a very ancient rune is being sketched.

whole body…

It is also a constant stream of aura that begins to flood into her body and gather in Dantian. It is obvious that this ancient rune needs to be gathered with a deep aura.

But aura like this...

For the Nangong Yiren's Heavenly Girl Spirit, it is the most indispensable!


Just time!

‘Hurry up... faster!... ’

The Nangong Yi people constantly urged in this heart, this ancient Olympic rune is a magical power of the nine-day Xuan female personally professor Nangong Yi.

As long as the rune is condensed, it can erase the seal of the ninety-nine under the sun. The Nangong Yi people want to borrow this rune to solve their own imprisonment.

at the same time.

The wall of the wind and thunder.

The helper holds the handle of 'Thunder', and has the power of the wind and thunder to whisper the whole body. It was originally the helper of the wind and thunder. At this moment, holding the '钧雷' containing the power of congenital wind and thunder, it is just like a tiger, the momentum is extremely sharp. pressing!

At that moment, the tiger dragon also made a roar. He slammed back a hundred feet, and his eyes showed a fierce gaze. He stared at the Qin wind. As long as the child had any instructions, it would rush to the first time. Qin Feng tore into pieces.

"Fumou wants to ask for a helping hand."

The helper walked slowly forward, and the voice was calm.

Qin Feng sat kneeling in front of this guqin, and did not pay attention to the voice of the child, but the fingers of the fingers were slightly touched again.


The sound of the piano was heard again. When the sound of the piano came out, Qin Feng could clearly feel the existence of the guqin that contained the fourth world, and could also feel the existence of Chu Wanqiu.

However, the seal under the help of Tong Tong blocked the further determination of Qin Feng.

"What is it."

Did not rush and help the child torn the face, Qin Feng faint.

In fact, don't ask, Qin Feng can also guess.

The guqin of that side is in the hands of the helper, and contains its own fourth-generation oracle, and it is still an artifact that has been tempered by Hongmeng purple. It is already a holy sacred device.

However, this helper can only look at the sacred device, but it cannot be used.

Because it contains the insight of 'Su Ze', and even if there is no such thing, only Qin Feng can be used in the world.


Qin Feng voluntarily gave up and erased all the connections with the Guqin, so that the helper can own it.

Congenital Lingbao, innate treasure, Hongmeng holy device.

The reason why it is distinguished from the ordinary magic weapon is that, besides being powerful, there is another point, that is, spirituality.

No matter which level of the three levels, even if it is a congenital spiritual treasure, as long as there is a trace of the gods of the former master, no matter who gets it, it cannot be used.

Only when the former master is annihilated, or actively erases the mark of the gods, the next one can take over.

Therefore, everyone wants to get one of them, because this thing can be used to death, as long as you don't erase the mark on it, no one can **** it.

For example, the long cloud sword in the hands of Qin Feng is because Qin Feng scattered the soul of the Emperor in the cloud, and completely turned it into his own.

At this moment, the helper held the ‘钧雷’, so that the power was approaching, and he wanted Qin Feng to help.

It is necessary for Qin Feng to automatically erase the mark of the gods on the guqin, so that he can put the guqin into his bag.

However, it is obvious that this busy... Whether it is said or not, Qin Feng is impossible to promise.

"Use the soul to use the soul."

The child's body shape stood, and the ‘钧雷’ long gun in his hand slowly lifted up and pointed to Qin Feng.

It is clear…

For this 'busy', this helper does not intend to ask Qin Feng to volunteer not to voluntarily, but to prepare to come hard, directly plunder the spirit of Qin Feng, personally manipulate the spirit of Qin Feng to erase the imprint left on the piano.

"Xianweijie commander."

"Helping children."

"Understanding the wind and thunder, the second best."

Qin Feng just sat on this guqin, with his hands and fingers resting on the strings, faintly opening, and the voice echoed in the five hundred feet.

"The Holy Power is really a big tone."

The corner of the mouth rose slightly, and Qin Feng’s eyes and fiercely had a sharp killing!

"It’s a coincidence, I also have an account to calculate with you!"

When I think of Chu Wanqiu who was taken away, the anger in Qin Feng’s heart is crazy! 2k novel reading network

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