The city of Monkey King

Chapter 813: ‘Tianba’! ‘God’!

The violent roar came from the wall of the wind and thunder.

In the main hall of Xianwei Palace, the monks who were imprisoned in the same place were fiercely looking at the wall of the wind and thunder. Listening to the fierce roar from inside, there was nothing to look at.

"The man of the Qin family, can't it be true and the general commander is fighting?!"

"Listening to this voice is not like being smashed, it should be a move."

"The repair of the Quasi-Holy and the Holy Spirit is right, this, this, this is simply unbelievable!"

"This child has such a powerful force!"


The horrified arguments, again!

Many people are beginning to display a variety of martial arts, want to see what is happening in the wall of this wind and thunder, but the wall of the wind and thunder is the help of the child to build the wind and the law of the wind, not these people can see through.


one person.

Yunxiao sipped wine for his wine glass on the jade platform. The pink light between the foreheads seemed to reflect everything that happened in the wall of the wind and thunder.

The wall of the wind and thunder.

Qin Feng is a giant tree in the sky, and his right hand breaks the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred.

Under his left hand, there is an unreal illusion of the ancient wooden long harp, and the ten fingers fall on this unreal string.


The illusory voices appeared, and the power of the original decline of the woods began to surge again!


The helper scorpion was slightly condensed, and the figure rushed out again. The ‘钧雷’ rushed with the sound of the thunder and thunder, and the powerful spiritual power came.

Qin Feng...

Suddenly looked up and rushed to help the child, and gave a low voice: "Tianba!"


A smoldering atmosphere appeared in the body of Qin Feng, even if it was a helper who was stabbed in the direction of Qin Feng. At this moment, it was a fierce gun, and the figure returned.

He is not resisting this force.



It is a kind of power that he has never felt before, singular...unpredictable, weird to help the child not dare to arbitrarily!

Slowly, Qin Feng regained his body.

The power of Tianba is one of the two great skills of the blood of the evil kings. It can crush everything close to the whole body!

Huge mouth and mouth gasping, Qin Feng brow wrinkled, feeling the empty voice of the sound, he is very clear, the only hope to win, only one...

Call the guqin long piano body!

Take out the insights inside!

With the repair of the Holy One, holding the holy sacred device of that side is enough to defeat this helper!

But the key to the problem now is that no matter what he is, he can't call the long piano, because this helper gave him a very strong seal.


Qin Feng knows the position of the ancient wooden long piano, so that it can concentrate all the power, forcibly lock and awaken its inner insight, let the ancient wooden long piano break through the seal!

However... he could not find the location of the ancient wooden long piano!

Because of the existence of the helper seal, Qin Feng felt that this ancient wooden long piano was in the midst of Xianwei, but it seemed to be absent!

The helper looked at the Qin Feng standing up, and his hand lifted slightly.

In the middle of his hand, there is a group of whirlpool-like wind thunders appearing, and the sound of the buzzing sound is amazing!

The look was cold, and the helper did not have the slightest mercy, and suddenly grasped.

The power of this group of wind and thunder is to rush to the Qin wind, the speed is fast, the fundamental reaction is not enough. When Qin Feng raised his eyes, this group of wind thunder has already come into the eyes.

It is totally subconscious!


A violent drink, Qin Feng's front three feet, a humanoid-shaped purple vortex appeared, the power of arrogant wind and thunder, a constant flow of this purple vortex.

The wind and thunder of the hustle and bustle will completely cover the land of five hundred feet.

Full... sustained ten breaths!

After the tenth interest, the force of the wind and thunder dissipated, and the purple whirlpool quietly flowed. Qin Feng licked his chest, and ‘wow’, the blood spurted directly.

The power of the wind and thunder is too strong for the current Qin Feng. Even if it is ‘God’, it will not be absorbed, and it will bear a great counter-attack.

The figure is shaking slightly.

At this moment, Qin Feng, the body is already over the river.

Beyond Baizhang, Fu Tong looked at this scene, and the color of his suspicion in his eyes was even more obvious. He was jealous of the arrogance of the Tianba, so he applied the technique of Fenglei.

However, it was never thought that this technique of wind and thunder was actually absorbed.

Looking at the purple one, I helped the child's eyebrows to wrinkle. He practiced for tens of thousands of years, and he had seen a lot of magical skills. However, as he was so surprised, he really saw it for the first time.

For a time, Fu Tong actually did not continue to shoot.

And he does not shoot, does not mean that Qin Feng does not shoot!




The strong breathing of Qin Feng echoed in this space, blood, slipping from the forehead, passing over the corners of the eyes, the cold eyes... looked at the helper.

Eyes, killings are finished!


A little word, 霎 time, in the purple whirlpool, the direction of circulation is awesome!

This scene is also reflected in the eyes of the helper, the scorpion suddenly condensed, that is, at this moment... bang!

From the purple whirlpool, the power of the wind and thunder that was just released by the helper, from the power and shape, is the same, all of them are surging, and rushing toward the helper!


Even if it is a child, it is a look at the moment, he has never seen it... This strange technique is to allow the other party's technique to be fully repaid!


The power of this wind and thunder rushed into the body of the helper, this time... not the previous absorption of the purple vortex, but completely burst!

The violent impact of the rushing time spread toward the wall of the entire wind and thunder.


The wall of the wind and thunder, this moment... suddenly burst!


Many of the monks who were originally concentrated and want to see through the walls of the wind and thunder, at this moment, the look suddenly changed, subconsciously want to go backwards!

In their eyes, the wall of the wind and thunder burst, at the same time... a raging wave of air scatters, sweeping all directions!

The close monks, under this turbulent wave, were directly smashed, and many people were directly vomiting blood of ‘wow,’ most of them were heavy hits!

This is just a wave of aftermath.

To know…

The power of the wind and thunder, the force of the ninety-nine in it is absorbed by the wall of the wind and thunder.

But the remaining nuances are enough to make these warriors seriously injured.

Wind, thunder, raging in this main hall square.

The power of Yu Wei is amazing.

Meng Junxian and Yu Ya, the two deputy commanders of the Xianwei world, are frowning and looking at the center of the square, not only they...

The monks in the entire square, whether injured or not injured, whether they are slightly injured or seriously injured, are looking at the center of the square, want to know...

At this moment, what is the situation.

The battle between Qin Feng and the help of the Fu Da, the battle situation is now how! 2k novel reading network

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