The city of Monkey King

Chapter 814: You have no chance of winning.

Xianwei Palace main hall square.

The raging wind and thunder subsided, and finally... the situation on this square was reflected in the eyes of every monk present.

Help the child.

At this moment, the brow was wrinkled, and there was a horror in the eyes that was difficult to suppress. In his whole body, surrounded by the power of the wind and thunder, the wind and thunder hit just did not cause any damage to him.

After all, it was his own blow, and he was able to display it, and naturally he could dissolve it.

And in the opposite of him, the Qin wind at the moment...

The purple lines on the face retreat at a speed visible to the naked eye. The pupils are also restored to their original appearance, and they breathe in a big mouth.

The slap in the face of the singer, exhausted all the power of his smoldering.

after all…

This is not the real evil, but it is only the power of the real soul as a bridge.

"Cough! Cough!"

A fierce cough, a mouthful of blood spouted out, Qin Feng rubbed his heart, slowly stood up, his body slightly shaking, he could feel...

Your own mind is already a bit fuzzy, and looking at things is a bit fuzzy.

"This son... This son is actually a battle with Fu Da!"

"Quasi-jihad to the Holy Two! This person is defeated, but it is worthy of my admiration!"

"If the person of the Qin family can become a holy power, I am afraid that the general commander is not an opponent!"


The monks around, after experiencing the aftermath of Yu Wei, were all looking at Qin Feng with amazement, especially the monks who had been repaired by the quasi-sheng.

Nothing is an admirable color in the look.

They are both quasi-holy peaks. They are almost injurious in the last wave of the last wave, but Qin Feng is able to fight with the helper!

This is enough to make them admire!

"Qin, Qin Feng..."

The Nangong Yi people looked at this scene, especially when they saw that Qin Feng was full of blood, and his face suddenly had a heartache. He couldn’t wait to rush to go to him and take it for him.

However, at this moment, her body shape was imprisoned. She could only do her best to condense the runes of Dantian to solve her own imprisonment.

The sly eyes squinted at the sky, the Nangong Yi people hated a person for the first time...

It is this person who blocks himself for no reason, does not let himself go to his side, so that he can only watch him hurt, but he can't do anything.


Clearly your body can help him!

She remembered that her teacher’s nine-day mysterious woman once said that the goddess of the heavens... is favored by the heavens and the gods, and at the same time... the goddess of the heavens is also the perfect humanoid medicine in the world.

Own blood...

Can solve the million poison, can cure thousands of injuries!

Taking a deep breath, Nangong Yi people have a desperate color in their eyes. In time, her aura of the whole body has a long aura of solidification, which is gathered from all directions!

Above the Xianwei Palace, a huge aura of anger was formed outside the enchantment. The center of the vortex, a white aura of light, slammed down and fell straight above the Nangong Yi people.

"Good aura!"

"It was a direct breakthrough in the enchantment of Xianwei Palace!"

"What is the woman's body this day, what do you want to do?!"


The sound of a arguing argument is repeated all around, and today these people... can see that there are too many things that can't be seen in the prime day.

This time, it was enough to blow the cowhide for three days and three nights.

At the moment, the pig is squatting on the jade platform, while the pig is chewing on the fairy fruit, while watching the scene in the square.

When seeing Qin Feng vomiting blood, the pigs and the pigs are all nervous. They can only eat something to suppress: "You dead monkey, how many times have my old pig said, don't come hard with him! Hard to come! Do you think that you are the one who is not afraid of the past day?

Pig Ba Jie can only blame here, his mind is spinning fast, thinking about some methods quickly.

However, no matter what he thinks, he can't think of any way. If he can be transformed into a human form, he can stop helping the child for a while.

After all, he used to be the boss of the helper, and he would give more face.

But now I look like this, go up... it’s just looking for death.

Looking at the silhouette of the helper, with his understanding of the helper, when the child has such a look, there is only one ending... that is killing!

"Mom, this kid is not a good killer?! Is it crazy today?!"

The pig's eight rings whispered, but even if he was jealous, it was useless.

Square center.

Helping children, step by step, toward the Qin wind, every step, the body is a strong point, a strong atmosphere, so that the surrounding monks are going backwards.

Originally it was only an empty space of five hundred feet. At this moment, it has become five thousand feet. Everyone is going backwards, for fear of spreading to themselves.

Even the cloud that has always been inactive has retreated to five thousand feet.

Only Nangong Yiren...

Still standing in the same place, the surging aura, pouring into her body! Her rune at Dantian is condensing at a fast speed!

"You, there is no chance of winning."

The footsteps of the child helped stop.

Standing in front of Qin Feng's 30 feet, the thunder in his hand slowly lifted up, the tip of the gun pointed to the Qin wind, the wind thunder surrounded the gun.

Qin Feng, no words.

Blood, covering his eyes, he knows what Fu Tong wants, and knows what Fu Tong intends to do.

At this moment, there is no way to delay.

He originally thought that as long as he plucked the piano and relied on the sound of the piano, it was enough to wake up the sealed ancient wooden long piano, but... obviously, he smashed the helper.

Qin Feng can feel that the fourth world oracle in the ancient wooden long piano has been awakened.

However, the seal under the help of the child is to seal it up... let it not appear!

"You, it took a long time."

Qin Feng slightly raised his eyes and looked at the helper. His voice was slightly hoarse.

Listening to the words of Qin Feng, the helper’s eyes were slightly cold, and after a moment of silence: “For 60,000 years, I have reinforced numerous seals for it, and I have not even known myself.”

"No wonder so."

Qin Feng whispered and looked up at the sky slightly. He did not expect that he would be planted in this place.

Sigh in the heart.

He has no way to change. The Tao in the ancient wooden long piano can't be realized. With his current strength, it is impossible to be the opponent of the helper, and the first ontology must be annihilated.

So come...

In the future, he can only rely on the second body and the body of evil to survive in the world.

"I just need to borrow your soul to use it, and you will save your life."

Helping the child to faintly open, the hand is lifted... When you have a turbulent wind and thunder force around the Qin style! 2k novel reading network

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