The city of Monkey King

Chapter 819: The holy Qin wind!

The ground is shaking.

At this moment, Xianwei Palace can be described as such, Qin Feng's hand... slightly raised.

At the moment when it was lifted up, in front of him, there was a huge crack in the ground, and the entire Xianwei Palace... Since then, the two halves have been turned into this ditch.

"What does he want to do?!"

"It's so strong... his anger, soaring!"

"It is the most holy...this is the breath of the Most Holy!"


All the monks are horrified to look at Qin Feng, behind Qin Feng, the soul of the fourth world ‘Su Ze’, when it is completely integrated with the spirit of Qin Feng.

The breath of Qin Feng’s body has changed dramatically.

The underground palace.

The hand of Chu Wanqiu and the shadow of 'Su Ze' was tightly held together, slowly... placed on top of this guqin, Chu Wanqiu's slender jade fingers and fingertips had a scratch.

A drop of blood fell from the fingertips and fell on the guqin.


It was like falling on the surface of the lake. Above the guqin, it was actually rippled and swayed. Chu Wanqiu... looked down on the subconscious.

I saw the shadow of ‘Su Ze’, with a smile on his lips, a little bit of it, turned into a green star, and finally all fell into the guqin.

Also at this moment...

There is light, falling from the sky.

Chu Wanqiu...

Looking up at the sky, a huge gully has already appeared.

For the first time in these days, she saw the light, the glare of the light, and the light through the gully into the palace.

On the side of the ancient wooden long Qin, at this moment, there are countless mosaics hovering around, the runes on it, it has completely dissipated clean.

The ancient wooden long piano, slowly drifting upwards, and came out toward the gully.


Wind, thunder, and the appearance of each other, the place where the helper is located, the square is a thousand feet, stable as Taishan, there is no change, but there is no trace of flowers and trees.

His power of wind and thunder is enough to suppress the power of this wood.

A pair of scorpions, at this moment, the Qin wind is condensed, the look... a fierce condensate!

He can see that from that huge gully, there is something that is slowly rising, and he knows what it is.

60,000 years...

He has brought this piano to his side and has been around for 60,000 years!

However, he could also feel that the seal he had left on the guqin had been completely destroyed. This piano broke through the seal.

Coming soon, returning to its owner.

For the current helper, there is only one choice, which is to annihilate the Qin wind and destroy its soul, so that the guqin can be taken back.


This guqin will no longer be the same dead thing as the previous one, but a powerful sacred device!

However, before this, what Fu Tong wants to do is to defeat Qin Feng, as to whether it can win... Helping the child’s eyes reveal a sense of pride!

He was born in an ordinary way, not a fairy family, able to be traced to the present level, all by himself, his strength... than the same level, is also an absolute leader.

Realizing the wind and thunder, holding the thunder, the strength is almost the same to the Holy Three!

In his view, even if Qin Feng is the best sacrificial product, it is only the power of the Holy Ghost. Even if it has the holy device, it is not enough to become its opponent!

Absolute odds are still on your own side.

The most central place of the square.

The breath of Qin Feng is soaring!

His injury is more quickly recovered with the speed visible to the naked eye. The power of the wooden line is naturally able to recover the injury for Qin Feng.

In this gully, one of the ancient wooden long harp, surrounded by flowers and plants, slowly rises.

At last…

Floating in front of Qin Feng.

Looking at the guqin, Qin Feng saw the two ancient characters in the pillow, ‘Su’, ‘cold’, this is... his fourth token.

Hands, slowly lifted up.

It fell on top of this guqin.


When the music was heard, it was also the power of the majestic woods at this moment. From this guqin, it poured into the body of Qin Feng!

Qin Feng can feel that in the sea of ​​his own soul, a green vortex, slowly condensed out, this is the source of the power of the wood.

From this green whirlpool, there is a stock of green spirit extracted from the sea, into the sea of ​​knowledge, condensed into a majestic force, this force turned into the Dantian, this is a standing stock.

If Qin Feng wants to use the power of the wooden line, the first thing to use is this power, and when this power is exhausted, the green whirlpool in the sea will begin to flow and the outside world will be at the fastest speed. The power of the wood is extracted.

The power of the Holy Spirit, the constant power, is so good.

The power of the wooden line is in the sky and the earth, accompanied by the constant sound of the 铮铮 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

From the land of Yunshui Kyushu, the power of vitality, like the tides, is coming to the sky, gathering toward this fairy palace, toward the Qin wind... gathering!

The occurrence of this scene, let those monks, no more than a look of horror.

The monks who can participate in this piano sound event are not the unknown people. They have seen the people of the Holy Power. They are shocked because they have seen it.

They have never seen it...

With the power of Qin Feng so powerful to control the law, the most holy product!

After the general breakthrough, it will take some time to gather the power of the heavens and the earth and control the rules.

But this process...

Here in Qin Feng, it is completely unnecessary.

Because this process was completed as early as the fourth day of Qin Feng.

For the Qin Feng of this world, when he merged the Tao, the manipulation of the power of the wooden line was already at the point of perfection.

"Good and strong..."

"It is too strong!"

"I just learned the power of the wood, how can I be so familiar with the manipulation!"

"I... I witnessed the birth of the Holy Power!"


Not only are they horrified, they are present at the moment... The only helper with a sense of sacredness is that the eyebrows are wrinkled.

He is the power of the Holy Spirit, and he understands the power of the wind and thunder. He clearly remembers that when he realized the wind and the thunder, every time he realized it, it took him thousands of years to become familiar with the power of this law. use.

And this person in front of him is actually an instant enough, how can he not be surprised!

The long piano is in front, and the strength of the whole body is surrounded.

Qin Feng slowly... raised his head.

At the moment when he looked up, behind him... Ten thousand scorpion swords, the swords of this moment, all changed.

There is a beautiful vine decoration at this hilt.

The blade of the blade is revealing a green light. The most amazing thing is that these thousands of swords are full of turbulent power, just like having a source and strength!

Hair, flying.

The Qin wind at this moment is...the holy! 2k novel reading network

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