The city of Monkey King

Chapter 820: ‘War Fight’ is born!

Wanshou Cangjian sword, after the baptism of the power of the wooden line, the sword and swords are between the heavens and the earth.

At this moment, the Qin wind and the long hair were scattered behind him, flying freely in the wind, slightly lifting their eyes, the eyes... cold, chilling, looking from afar, like a demon coming out from the bottom of the abyss.



Taking Qin Feng as the center, the ground is broken!

"Why... why is there no innumerable robbery?!"

"Yeah, it is reasonable to say that the moment of the power of the Holy Spirit, the infinite robbery should come!"

"Odd! It’s amazing!"

“There is no breakthrough in innumerable robbery?!”


These horrified monks are scattered on different towering giant trees. At this moment, looking at Qin Feng is amazement, because they all know a little.

After breaking through the Holy Ghost, there must be an infinite robbery.

This supreme robbery!

Its powerful... chilling.

Because there is no amount of robbery, the refining is not the body, but the heart. It is not the robbery, but the robbery!

There is no danger of life and death, but it is more dangerous than life and death. It is very inadvertent and very likely to become a madman.


At this moment, everyone just saw that Qin Feng broke through the holy, but it was the shadow of indiscriminate looting.

Do not say that even if it is a child, it is also a doubt in his eyes. He has personally experienced the innocent robbery. Naturally, he knows the process of this.

Now, it should be time for the infinite robbery.

However, looking up at the sky, there is no movement that is indiscriminate!

Looking at Qin Feng again, feeling the strong breath of Qin Feng, the helper can not help but frown, his heart... full of indescribable surprise.

Because the power of the wooden wind scattered by Qin Feng is stronger than any of the popular and thundering lines, it is obviously weaker than the force of the wind and thunder.


This alone is shocking.

After all, the power of the wind and thunder of Fu Tong has passed through tens of thousands of years of tempering, and it has the power of today. In the view of Fu Tong, Qin Feng just just grasped the power of the wooden line.

The gap between the two is self-evident.

The cracks still lie out on the ground.

The ancient wooden long piano held by Qin Feng has a green bloom. This long-handed piano... has slowly changed from a piano to a green sword.

Hongmeng holy device, you can change the form at will.

The blade body, with the green ancient rune circulation, exudes the breath, shocking people!

In the hilt, there are two words, which are the two words of the original pillow, ‘Su’, ‘cold’.

‘no amount of robbery...’

Qin Feng looked disdainful, he remembered...

The ninth love affair set by the first world, in addition to the realization of the nine trajectories, the detachment of the law of heaven and the law, the chaos does not destroy the Eucharist, there is another point...

It is the Qin Feng that can be the tenth world, and it is free from innocent robbery!

Because of these innumerable robberies, Qin Feng’s first nine lives have been experienced. He only needs to find these forces and return them to their place.


Qin Feng's eyebrows are slightly wrinkled, he can feel that there is a line in the middle of the sky, is slowly bridging, this line ... is numerology.

The numerology of him and Sun Wukong began to reopen in the moment when Qin Feng achieved the most holy!



The original Tianpan, which was slowly flowing, is now rushing again, and Yan Tianxing, once again... hurried to the Lingxiao Temple to see the Jade Emperor.

Ling Xiao Temple.


There are only three people at the moment.

Jade Emperor, Yang Lan, and Yan Tianxing Jun who came to see you.

"Your Majesty, the magic monkey trail, Yan Tianpan has been shown, now the magic monkey is in the first world of heaven!"

This Yan Tianxing said, he thought that the Jade Emperor would feel any excitement. After all, every time he reported the traces of the demon monkey, the Jade Emperor would reward him.


This time, it is obviously different.

Yan Tianxing’s heart can’t help but see it, because he discovered that the Jade Emperor didn’t have the slightest expression. It’s like hearing a strange thing, just nodded slightly.

“朕 is known and retired.”

The mouth full of majestic voice, let Yan Tianxing a glimpse of the heart while playing drums, but did not dare to say anything, and even squatting on the ground to bow the ceremony, then got up and quit the Lingxiao Temple.

After Yan Tianxing’s withdrawal, Yang Lan in this Lingxiao Temple smiled coldly.

"Jiro is why he laughs."

The Jade Emperor looked at Yang Lan and smiled.

"I laughed at the falsehood of the world. The mortal and the immortals, the courtiers and the emperors are no different."

Yang Hao was cold and cold, and did not give the face of the Jade Emperor.

"Oh? Why is this?"

The Jade Emperor slightly supported the long beard and faintly opened. Anyway, there are no other people in this Lingxiao Temple. He does not care about Yang Lan’s attitude towards himself.

For the Jade Emperor, as long as Yang Lan can continue to clean up the immortality for him, it is enough to clear those who are loyal to the Tao.

Before the "Buddhist World Wars" did not appear, the power of the world would be to hold the monkey, but now, the Buddha's fight is born, the monkey is in the fairyland of the fairyland. His Majesty is nothing to ignore."

"Don't you think that you are ironic?"

Yang Lan’s words were extremely harsh and made people feel uncomfortable. However, the Jade Emperor did not show any anger, but instead he smiled.

Standing up from these nine treasure chairs, the golden jewels were in the body, and the negative hands were behind them, and they looked up at the emptiness of heaven.

"Jiro, I remember, you said that you are treacherous, but you look at the people in this world, who... no more than treacherous?"

"Is it?"

"Or Buddha?!"

In the words of the Jade Emperor, Yang Lan did not speak.

Although he hated the Jade Emperor, he knew very well that the Jade Emperor said this, there is nothing wrong with it.

This million world...

The treacherous person is not just the Jade Emperor, but everyone!

The reason why the Jade Emperor ignored the report of the Tianxingjun, is because... there is no need to pay attention.

The news of the birth of the buddha in the buddhist world has already spread to the world, and the Taoist and Xianting are well known. It is also because of this...

The whole world is in an atmosphere of extreme tension.

The so-called "fight"...!

It is ‘Sun Wukong’!

But it is just the shape of Sun Wukong, and there is no soul.

Yang Lan did not return to the Jade Emperor, but stood quietly on the side of this Lingxiao Temple. Today, he was wearing a silver-white armor, holding a three-pointed and two-edged sword in his hands.

Between the eyebrows, the red marks and the slightest radiance.

This one eye is given by Heaven. For Yang Lan, this is the eye of the sky...

Whenever the eyes are inductive, it is the chaos of the heavens and the earth. This time... the chaos of the heavens and the earth is about to come again! 2k novel reading network

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