The city of Monkey King

Chapter 822: Next time, stand up and kill!

Xianting, North Tianmen.

Tianbing silver armor, prestige, hundreds of soldiers lined up in two columns, one by one is cold, chilling, and at this time, there is a person, slowly came to this day before the corridor.

Behind this person, there is still a woman, this woman is Qi Linger.

And this man is the avatar of Li.

The two columns of Heavenly Soldiers saw Li Ruyi came to this Tianmen. First, the face changed, and the subconscious had a respectful color. After all, Weiling’s famous generals were famous. It was the famous Tianjun. Who did not know and who did not know.

These little Heavenly Soldiers, who saw the generals, were revered in their hearts, and they saw it from a long distance. It was enough to be excited for a long time.


Excited to be excited, knowing that the prestige is the same thing, the military law of the Tianjun is another matter. If you are still a prominent general of Welling, the general is the commander of the heavenly army, and his status is extremely high. Naturally, he has the right. Arbitrarily enter and exit the Tianting of any thing in the north and south of Xianting.

They are the ones who guard the Tianmen. Naturally, they dare not have the slightest hindrance. They are respectful release.

However, the immortality has already been down, and now the scorpion has been cut off from the position of the great general of Welling, and even the position of the **** is ousted.

From the point of view of the identity of the moment, there is no right to pass the Tianmen without the imperial jade, let alone bring a fairy.


The two outermost soldiers of the outermost, long and staggered, will seal the mouth of the entrance to the Tianmen Promenade. These two days of soldiers are scalp numb, making this decision... very difficult.


The brows were slightly wrinkled, and a burst of pressure was released. These two soldiers suddenly changed their faces, but they still squatted and quickly explained: "Please also ask the general to forgive, I, I wait... I dare not let go. ”

As for the saying of this day soldier, it is natural to be a person who is a united army. But today... he has to go out. If not, the woman behind him cannot do without Xianting.

"Step aside."

There is not much to say, just a touch of mouth.

As soon as the words came out, the two heavenly soldiers suddenly became nervous. They wanted to let them go in their hearts. Who wants to provoke this god? !

But... can't let it!

Without order, let people go out of the sky, once things are traced down, they are two... Accurately, the entire Tiantianmen’s defending Tianmen must be severely punished!


These two Heavenly Soldiers directly squatted on one knee: "The generals also forgive me for waiting!"

"Also ask the general to forgive!"

this moment…

The Heavenly Soldiers in the entire corridor, turned around and turned to the knees on one knee. They used to listen to them, but now... they dare not obey.

Once obeyed, maybe... is a life.

"Yes, or... can we change places?"

Qi Linger, who is behind him, saw this scene, and said the whispering side of the whisper, this said... Whichever immediately cast a murderous look, scared Qi Linger back.

And just at this time...

From the gated gallery, there was footsteps, and a general with a blue armor appeared. This general saw the cockroach and frowned.

But soon it was the reaction, and I stepped forward.

"The generals will come to Beitianmen, and they will be afraid at the end."

This is the general of this general, this person is called Zhou He, once was also one of the deputy ministers, but the character is extremely embarrassing, do not listen to the order, repeatedly dispute with whom.

did not expect…

This goods was actually transferred to the North Tianmen as a defender.

Cold and cold opening: "Weekly, let go."

"The generals will not let the end, but the life can not be violated."

When the eyes are cold, "Don't force me."

Zhou did not let, but instead continued to smile and said: "Forcing?!"

"The generals will really laugh, in this fairy court, who would dare to force the generals? Besides, the generals themselves, the generals should be very clear."

This is the case...

In the eyes of the eyes, the anger burst into flames, knowing that the person who was actually imprisoned, there are not many inside the fairy court, this week and... is one.

By chance, it was discovered by him, and the ones who walked outside were all avatars. It was also since then that this week and in front of them have become extremely arrogant.

"court death."

Which is a touch of an opening.


The body exudes a very strong breath, fiercely falling on Zhou He's body, Zhou's eyes... amazed!

Just after a break...

Plop a word...

This week, he was kneeling on the ground, his eyes were round and the blood could not stop spraying. The two soldiers on the two sides were all changed, and they all came forward to hold Zhouhe.

Zhou at the moment and...

There is a color of incredulity and shame in his eyes. He originally thought that he was imprisoned for himself. The strength of a avatar would not be too strong. He had the power of the Holy Two and was able to compete.

Who could have thought of...

What he thought was too simple.

"The next time I will be so disrespectful, I will kill you innocently."

Where a cold word came out, and then ignored everyone, and walked toward the Tianmen Promenade, Qi Linger behind him, after he smashed, he quickly followed.

At this time, no one dared to stop defending the Heavenly Soldiers.


Zhou and his face were furious, and a fierce one would hold his heavenly soldier and push it away: "Roll, all will be rolled out!"

Turned fiercely, looking at the back of the deaf, the whole body shivered.

"Yes, general, do you want to present this matter to your majesty?"

A Tianbing soldier said a little trembling.


Zhou and a slap are fans on the face of this soldier, and the dizziness of this day soldier is dazzled, and it cannot be reflected for a long time.

North Tianmen exit.

I didn't walk out of the Tianmen Promenade, but raised my hand and pointed a little toward the front: "Get out of this door and you will go out of Xianting."

"The person you are looking for is in the tenth fairyland."

After that, after turning around, I folded back.


Qi Linger hasn't reacted yet. He has already gone back. He ran a few steps. Qi Linger originally wanted to say something, but when he thought of the cold temper, he would definitely not listen.

Finally, I took a deep breath and looked at the back of the donkey. "Thank you!"

"Right, I hope you find that person soon!"

Qi Linger added another sentence. She has guessed something from her body more or less these days.

Originally, there was no such thing as a stop. As soon as I heard this, I stopped and said: "Thank you."


The figure disappeared in place.

Qi Linger regained his straight body and looked at the exit of Beitianmen. He had an expectation in his eyes: "The Tenth Immortal World~"

Muttering and whispering, a smile suddenly appeared on his face, and he jumped directly toward the exit of Beitianmen. He had been away for twenty years, and finally he left Xianting. 2k novel reading network

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