The city of Monkey King

Chapter 823: Wan Yao will be out!

The ninth world, the Qinghai world.

In the Qinghai, a grain of unremarkable dust floated under the bottom of the water, accompanied by water waves, moving back and forth.

A world of dust.

Avoid the water flow and enlarge the dust infinitely...

A small world of dust.

It is a world of flowers, especially white flowers, all over the small world, with a fox, different colors, playing in this flowery forest.

Dream fox family, hundred flowers world.

The mountains are stacked and there are no regular ups and downs.

Among the peaks, one of the highest peaks.

In the foothills, a person with a purple-black robes, the hair is not messy, purple, and turned into two.

The face is handsome with a touch of demon, and there is a deep purple between the eyebrows. The eyes are like a star, which gives people a deep unpredictable meaning.


At the moment, there is a hint of happiness in the eyes.

The corner of the mouth moved slightly, but the time of two moments, behind him, a man with a white robes, black hair with a jade crown, a very handsome face, Dan Fengyan, thin lips, more devil than a woman.

The dream of a family of dreams, the dream of the monarch.

“Is there a message for the Holy Lord?”

When Jun Jun appeared, he said that he had an eagerness.


Feng You stood up and looked at Jun Jun and nodded his head.

"No accident, the first world, the tenth sage."

"That world..."

When Jun Jun heard this, his brow was condensed, and the tenth fairy squad... On the day he was established as Xianweijie, it was already famous in Wanjie, but no one knows.

The tenth fairyland... is the cloud water world in the past.

This point, Feng You and Yu Jun, the two are naturally clear.

"How are the demons of all parties?"

The secluded voice asked, and it was estimated that Xianting was poisoning the land of the demon emperor everywhere, and wanted to slowly replace the seal of the demon kings.

"The news has already been conveyed, no problem."

Yan Jun shook his head slightly, and this incident told him that he immediately conveyed to the demon kings, and the ability of these demon emperors, as long as the existence of poison is discovered in advance, wants to poison... it is simply heaven and night. Tan.

"Xian Ting and the Taoist world have been completely divided. In order to accumulate strength, they will not remain guarded by the seals of the demon kings."

"I will immediately go to the Tenth Immortal World. You will pass on the message of the Holy Respect to the demon kings."

Feng You said that there is no so-called subordinate relationship between him and Jun Jun. As long as it is a proposal that meets the meaning of the two, it does not care who is ordered from the mouth.

"it is good."

Jun Jun nodded, his brows were crumpled...

To know…

Today's Wanjie Yaozu, he is in the palm of the hand, no one knows more about the situation of the Yaozu than him, and compares with Xianting, Taoism, and Buddhism.

The current Yaozu are far from being.

From the point of view of the number of sacred, there are still 18 emperors, but before the demon of the year, the demon was full of more than forty demon.

The demon battle, the Holy Lord devil lost most of the.

Not to mention the rest of the demon, the demon of the public, seemingly hundreds of millions, than the number of the day soldiers do not know how much, but Jun Jun is very clear ... useful? !

Nothing at all!

A large number of people are mostly ordinary demon, these little demon just charge a quantity, there is no big use.

There is a 诛天’神通 on the side of Xianting, which can integrate a large number of Heavenly Soldiers and play a huge role. For the Yaozu, such a large-scale demon is just a group of... cannon fodder.

Used to create momentum and hide people's eyes and ears, and truly decide the winners and losers...everever the strongest group of people.

That is, the contest between the Holy Powers.

Yan Jun and Feng You, a turn to go to the dreamland of the dream fox family, the message of the respect of the present, to the Wanjie Yaozu, especially the 18 Emperor.

Among the 18 demon emperors, there are thirteen demon emperors sealed, and now... it is time to unblock them.


Unsealing is a very difficult thing, because in the whole world, the seal of the demon, the demon king, and even some of the golden demon stream, are guarded by the gods of the same level.

However now...

The fairy court and the Taoist world were completely divided, and the Buddha's ‘fight’ was about to be born. The embarrassing trend from the Buddha’s world made the situation in Wanjie fall into the most tense situation.

Both the Taoist and Xianting are beginning to gather their strengths and prepare for the upcoming chaos.

At this node, Xianting is absolutely not stupid, but also let his own people guard the seals everywhere, because... At first, the Jade Emperor sent people to guard these seals and suppress the Yaozu.

What it is... is Sun Wukong!

However, the golden body of Sun Wukong is now forcibly controlled by the Buddha world with the ancient relics. For the Jade Emperor, there is no meaning to continue to suppress the Yaozu.

Instead, it will put pressure on yourself in the midst of the upcoming chaos.


Seals and shapes are now in place.

The various parties of the Yaozu are powerful and will be completely present.


A figure, began to shuttle between the boundaries, that is ... sealed.

There is no choice to walk the river, but to cross the void barriers of one after another. He has to do it... directly from the ninth day to the first world.

To do this is by no means an ordinary person.

Even if it is the general sacred power, or even if it is the highest sacred product, it will not be able to do this, and perhaps it will be the strength of the sacred peak.

East and West, north and south, divided into the Quartet, from the fifth world to the thirty-sixth heaven.

The First World, the Second World, the Third World, and the Fourth World are all in the center of the Quartet. There is a large section of endless Tianyu in the middle. The sinister inside is extremely sinister, even if the Holy Power is not willing to run into it.

Only along the boundary river can you arrive safely.


For the secluded secluded, there is no slight pressure to cross the debris of these floods.

He was originally a spirit of life and death, and it was the spirit of the ancients of the wilderness. If he said something arrogant, the years of his survival would probably be far older than the fragments of the wilderness in the endless sky.


The secluded figure appeared outside the fifth world and looked at the endless heavens in the distance. For other monks, this is dead.

But for the secret...

Everyday meals!

The brow was slightly condensed, and the shape of the fainted body was turned into a black and purple smoke, which floated into the endless sky in a very fast speed.

His destination...

The first world, the tenth fairyland!

He is going to find his holy sage and find... Qin Feng!

Now is the time... Holy homage!

If the group dragons have no head, they will lose.

The chaos will come, and the demon will come out. As the first deity of the demon, you must return to his position! 2k novel reading network

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