The city of Monkey King

Chapter 825: Shido! Contraindication secret method!

In the clouds above, another Qin wind appeared, Fu Tong Meng's brow wrinkled!

this moment…

He understands why, in the previous slaughter, Qin Feng’s strength suddenly attenuated, because Qin Feng... gave his other half strength and all over the avatar.

"This, what does this mean?"

"Put half the strength to the avatar?!"

"I don't understand it at all!"


In addition to the land of slaying, many monks saw the emergence of the second Qin Feng. With the cultivation of these monks, it is natural to see at a glance that this second Qin Feng is a avatar.

and so…

They are even more puzzled. At this time, they have to split up a detachment and divide their own strength. What does it mean? !

In this way, it is not to weaken the strength of the ontology.

Everyone does not understand the practice of Qin Feng, that is because no one knows what Qin Feng is doing for... Anyone who knows, only Qin Feng himself!

He knows well...

If your opponent is not a child, but other sacred powers, you can match it, and the worst will be able to draw.

However, the opponent is the helper, this guy with the power of wind and thunder, the force of the two laws of wind and thunder, plus the one in the hand contains the congenital wind thunder, the strength is strong, is not the ordinary holy road Can match.

For a long time, Qin Feng knows that he will lose.

So he needs to strengthen his own strength, and the only way to strengthen his strength, now... only the power of evil!

However, it takes time to condense the power of evil, and it requires a certain amount of spiritual power. Therefore, Qin Feng divides his strength into half and condenses his body.

In this way, to communicate the power of the second body, and to transfer the power of evil to the avatar.

Even during this period, it is very likely to suffer.

The soldiers are in danger, and they are talking about Qin Feng.

Qin Feng closed his eyes slightly, and the sword in his hand slowly rose up. At this moment... the avatar hidden in the clouds.


Body shape, dissipate.

At the moment when it dissipated, all the power returned to the body of Qin Feng.

Even with...

And that evil power!

Eyes, fiercely earning!

The double shackles of Qin Feng, at this moment, turned into a previous evil mode, and the face has a purple pattern, the long sword in the hand...

Started a change!

The power of evil spirits is covered. There is a purple-black color on the top of the sword. The illusion of the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sac.


The breath of the body, this moment...

Slammed away!

The degree of breath on Qin Feng’s body is four or five times stronger than before!

The arrogant purple-green winds and waves are centered on the Qin wind, and they spread in all directions. Those monks who have already retreated far away are actually retreating under this storm, and the power contained in this storm is It is already far beyond what they can afford.

Helping children...

At this moment, the eyebrows suddenly wrinkled, and his original victory will follow the emergence of the evil power of Qin Feng. With the arrogant and powerful atmosphere of Qin Feng, it began to shake...

Hand, a slight turn.

In his hands, this ‘钧雷’ moment screams, it’s also at this moment...

The Qin wind in the distance, the body shape suddenly disappeared in place!

next moment…

Where the helper’s sky is, Qin Feng’s figure appears, hehe!

A sword turned to the help of the child, the long gun in the hands of the child was consciously connected, and the blade stood on the gun body. A powerful force hit, and the whole face of the child was changed and crashed down. !

Like a meteor, it actually fell into the waters outside the waters of Kyushu.


The figure is straight into the ocean, the whole cloud water... violent shock!

In the place where the helper's water falls, the waters of a million miles are all rolling up, the raging tsunami, and the rushing!

this moment…

Those monks who watched the war, when they saw the helper falling into the ocean like a meteor, they couldn’t believe what was happening in front of them, just like... dreaming.

"A sword will lead the generals into the waters!"

"Where is the strange power of this person coming from?! It is so powerful at once!"

"It's so strong... it's too strong!"

"The Holy One is actually able to push the most holy command of the great powers to this point. It is simply... miracle!"


Even the original Tianwei soldiers of the Xianwei world, this time are also shocked and dare not move, one by one looking at the Qin Feng who is alive and killing, no one dares to step forward.

Meng Junxian looked at Qin Feng, but there was an inexplicable horror in his eyes.

last night…

In the battle of the desert in Zhangzhou, he also looked in the eyes. At that time, Qin Feng was far less powerful than it is now, just for one night...

It is powerful to this point!

Qin Feng figure floated between the fragments of this Xianwei Palace, and looked at the broken underground palace. He had a purple-green light to surround the palace, thus avoiding Chu Wanqiu being hurt.

Chu Wanqiu in the underground palace stood on the edge of this purple and green light, looking at Qin Feng.

Looking back, Qin Feng looked at the sea below.

After the waves crashed, it was calm.

However, Qin Feng is very clear, Fu Tong... It is impossible to simply defeat this simple, just now I can succeed in a sword, completely because of sudden.

Fu Tong did not predict that Qin Feng’s power would be strong enough.

For this helper...

Qin Feng is very clear that this person is not a child of Xianzong. He has come all the way, there is no such thing as a noble person to help, and this kind of person who can sit in today's position without relying on the background, has his own true skill! They are all stunts with a bottom of the pressure box!

It is impossible to lose so easily.

as expected…

The sea below, after quelling but a little tea time, began to tumbling!

This sea area is rolling, not a separate sea area...


The waters of the entire cloud water world are rolling!


Yunshui Kyushu, shaking!

The world has changed dramatically, and there are countless winds and thunders. The power of the wind and thunder is powerful to the extreme!

The black clouds gathered and the sound of the bang continued. The whistling wind blew across the entire fairyland, and the tornado appeared in every sea area.

The tenth fairyland...

This moment is like the end of the world!

Yu Ya...

Looking at this scene at this moment, from the moment when the child is in the water, she has a deep concern in her eyes.

When I saw this dramatic change in the world, I couldn’t help but feel a glimpse...

She has been with the helper for 90,000 years. She knows almost everything about the help of the child. This is a dramatic change in the world. In Yu Ya’s view, only one thing can be seen.


I used that secret method!

That way...

Kill the enemy a thousand, self-destruction of the hundred hundred taboo secrets! 2k novel reading network

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