The city of Monkey King

Chapter 826: Guild wars!

The sky is rolling over the sea of ​​clouds and waters, and above the sky, the wind whistling, the thunder and the thunder, and the other thunder, descending from the sky, roaring down in this sea.

These thunders...

After the advent, there was no dissipating in the slightest. Instead, it was filled with water on the surface of the sea. The momentum was extremely amazing.

At the very center of the entire cloud waters, at this moment... a huge vortex of water flows from the vast expanse of the sea, from which a very powerful atmosphere is released!

Wind, thunder, roaring in this whirlpool.

A figure...

At this vortex center, it slowly rises.

It is... helper!

The helper of this moment has become the center of the eyes of the tenth monk in the whole sacred world. They can clearly feel that the breath of the child has changed qualitatively.

Qin Feng can't help but wrinkle his eyebrows. His eyes reflect the shape of the helper. The helper and appearance at the moment seem to have nothing to change, but take a closer look...

In the land of the forehead of the child, there is a looming blue-violet rune, it is the appearance of this rune, so that the breath of the helper instantly surged several times!


Fu Tong opened his eyes and looked up!

With Qin Feng's eyes, and half-air confrontation, bang!

The center of the two eyes' opposite eyes, the void is like a lightning strike, bursting! An amazing void crack appeared, and it was shocking!

The child's hand was lifted, and the ‘钧雷’ rifle returned to the hand. At this moment... The gun body of this ‘Thunder’ rifle had a blue-violet glow.

Suddenly... a grip!

Thunder bursts!

Countless thunders came out of the waters, and the whole seas... This moment was completely transformed into Leihai, and the helper was at the center of the Thunder Sea.

Strong breath, tumultuous!

Qin Feng saw such a kind of helper, the brow could not help but pick a little, he has the power of the wood line at the moment, the wooden line, the Lord is the power of all things.

He can clearly feel that the power of life and the rapid lapse of the helper are at the moment, and the power of these passing lives seems to be all converted into the driving force for the promotion of the child.

A pair of yo...

Fiercely shrinking!

Because of the helper in the center of the Thunder Sea, the figure suddenly disappeared at this moment, and since it disappears, the next moment will appear... even guessing does not need to guess to know where it is!

The sword in the hand is facing forward!


The body shape of the helper appeared in front of him. However, what Qin Feng did not think was that this was just a blind man.

Almost at the same time, a long gun wrapped in endless wind and thunder, from the wind behind Qin Feng suddenly appeared, straight... Qin Feng's heart!

It is impossible to hide under this gun. It is impossible for Qin Feng to take back the sword that was thrown out at this moment...only, one way!


Qin Feng’s heart is low!


When the atmosphere of destroying the heavens and the earth appeared from the body of Qin Feng, the void of the whole body suddenly shattered, and the body shape of the helper was also shaken away.

However, in the heart of Qin Feng...

Vaguely visible, it is already faintly bloody, just a shot, although it was shaken back, but the tip of the gun tip is sharp, it is already piercing the heart of Qin Feng.

The shape of the helper was re-condensed in the distance, and there was a calm color on his face. It was not surprising that he did not succeed in the shot.

Previously, he had already seen the power of Qin Feng in this state, and he was not surprised by the emergence of the power of ‘Heba’.

Staying is just an expectation.

Qin Feng took back the sword of the scorpion, and his body shape disappeared into the original place. Then he appeared in the land above the child's helper, and the sword and the sword were facing the helper.

The helper is also completely unrelenting. It is also the connection of the guns. The fight between the two people is enough to break through the sky, and another huge void of emptiness, appearing between the heavens and the earth, the sound of the bang, the earthquake Throughout the tenth fairyland.

Between two people...

It is gradually becoming a balance, it is difficult to distinguish the outcome.


Two people are not fighting for strength, but who can persist for longer, who can hold on!

Qin Feng can have the power of the present, relying on the blessing of the power of evil. Once the power of evil is receding, his power will instantly return to the previous level.

The helper is relying on his secret magical powers, this mysterious magical power... apparently with the power of his vitality as a transformation, until the force of vitality has passed away in the body, this mysterious magical power will be completely dispersed.


If you really wait until the moment of lack of vitality to disperse the magical powers, then the moment you give up the secret law for the help of the child is the moment of serious injury.

Relatively speaking…

The situation of helping children is more dangerous than that of Qin Feng.

After all, the evil power of Qin Feng is scattered, and the helper is the danger of life and death.

boom! Bang! Boom!

The sky is empty, the wind and thunder are surrounded, and the turmoil of the power of the wooden line. The monks, no matter how they cultivated, can’t see the shape of Qin Feng and Fu Tong. They can only see the new ones in the air. The emptiness of the gully.

These monks...

Under such a strong battle between the two, there is nothing to be scared, everyone wants to leave this world... However, no one can do it.

In Xianweijie, the Void Barrier has a special blessing of the law, and it is impossible to penetrate the Holy Spirit.

The only gate that can go out is at the very center of the two people’s battles. There is no way to go. With their cultivation, I am afraid that they have not yet reached the boundary gate. Made into ashes.


Void burst!

The figure of the two appeared in the air, but only the moment, the figure of the two disappeared again, and only one burst of the sound of the void burst.

Half a cup of tea...

a cup of tea...


Throughout the tenth Xianwei world, the power of the three laws turbulent, the sound of roaring continued, looking up to the sky, the sky at this moment is already riddled with holes and broken.

at last…

When a dazzling light illuminates, in the land of the sky, the appearance of Qin Feng and Fu Tong appears and the two separate each other.

At the moment, both of them are unable to stop breathing.

The breath is in a state of extreme disorder.

Qin Feng brows tightly, the lines on his face are already beginning to fade, and the black and purple in his eyes are also dissipated a lot. This is the power of evil that represents and condenses... will be completely dispersed, think It is impossible to continue to condense while fighting.

In the opposite side of the helper, the situation is not much, the whole person is suffocating, the power of vitality has passed too much, and the whole person has a thick dead air beginning to pervade.

His secret law...

The same is not how long it will last!

Once this secret law is dispersed, he will immediately become seriously injured and have no chance to win! 2k novel reading network

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