The city of Monkey King

Chapter 827: From 90,000 years ago.

this moment…

The roaring world suddenly became quiet, but everything... became nervous, and the air was filled with chilling gas, which made people feel uncomfortable.

These monks who watched the war, but wanted to leave but could not leave, they could only watch one by one, they were holding their breath, holding their breath, watching the two people separated by volley and volley.

In particular, Yu Ya, the eyes are red, with deep concern, she is very clear ... Fu Tong is about to persist, once the vitality has passed, the secret law is automatically lifted, that is, the child is at risk.




Both people are making such a strong gasp, and the four eyes are opposite, and they all see the decisive intention in their respective eyes, even now to the present level!


No one will give up!

This war, for two people, is non-life and death.

In the hands of the helper, the ‘Thunder’ gun was lifted, and the force of the wind and thunder whistled, and he was condensing his last strength. His secret method only allowed him to make the final blow!

The same is true of Qin Feng at the moment.

The power of evil will soon be completely dispersed, and the next sword will determine the outcome between the two!

In the hands of this sword with a black and purple light, a sigh of sighs, behind the Qin Feng, the 10,000-handed sword appeared, this sturdy sword...


It is the sound of the sword and the sound of the screaming, the screaming into the sword of the hands of Qin Feng, and the sword...combined!

The arrogant swordsmanship, scattered from the body of Qin Feng.

Heaven and earth a sword...

Brewed out!

Empty silence... no slightest sound.

Diligent, two interest...

Three interest!

On the occasion of the third interest, Fu Tong’s body shape moved!

The body is wrapped in wind and thunder, as if it is integrated with this ‘钧雷’ long gun, and rushed to Qin Feng!

Fast speed...

In the eyes of the people, only one wind wrapped in the thunder and flashed.

However, in the eyes of Qin Feng, all this has become extremely slow, and the spurt of the helper is almost impeccable in his eyes.


There has never been a solution in the world.

The double-eyed family reflected the increasingly close helper, getting closer and closer, and finally getting closer... Finally, Qin Feng’s eyes passed a glimmer of light, and he found the flaw of the helper!

The sword, like the eagle in the night, sharply!


The helper of the gun and the gun has never thought that his attack will still be found to be flawed, and there is no way to make up for this flaw.


The whole body was thunderous and violent, and the whole person was retired when he was awkward. He retired hundreds of thousands of feet and his body was mad. His breath... This moment was suddenly released.

His secret method... broken!

A blood, squirting!


He didn't have time to think about it. In his eyes, the sword in the hands of Qin Feng, from the tens of thousands of celestial swords, came out of the wind and came to help the child.

The secret law is scattered and the breath is wilting. At this moment, the Fu Tong is difficult to maintain even the Yukong, let alone hold these swords.

For him...

These swords of the sky are like swords of life.

However, the look of the helper is very calm, not like the person who is about to face death, the eyes... It seems that it has already been bearish.

In his life, he is a gentleman.

Always do not take unjust things.

This guqin is the only thing in his life that he wants to capture and the only action he has taken. From the moment he started, he told himself.

Whether it is success or failure, it is your own ending.

in contrast…

He was a little pity. In his eyes, thousands of swords and swords roared with sorrowful swords. These swords would pass through his body and would smash his soul to the sea.

Maybe... there is a side of the world.

However, he does not care.

He just regrets that he can't see the future of Wannian. He believes that there is the existence of this person in front of him, and the future Wanjie... will become a wonderful dispute.

It’s just... even if it is now, he still doesn’t understand.

Why did he lose? Just the simple sword of Qin Feng was actually to puncture his strongest shot and find out his hidden flaws.

Also, what kind of purple black power is.

For so many years, the book of the book, Fu Tong believes that he has absolutely seen the description of this power, but for a moment, it is hard to think of.

‘But it’s gone...’

Helping the child to smile in the heart, he did not have the time to think about these things, looked up slightly, the sky full of cracks, blue sky and white clouds floating.

In my heart...

Quiet and safe.


Swords, whistling, blue swords, in this bright sunshine, dazzling light.

Help the child's eyes, slowly close.

The sword is already approaching.


Just as the eyes of Fu Tong’s eyes are about to be completely closed, suddenly... I feel the light is hidden.

A figure appeared in front of him.

Look, suddenly changed!

It was a woman's back, dressed in a blue-red armor, a sword of the sky... a sword and another sword, pierced her heart, and then disappeared.

Full... Wan Jian!

Her figure, under the impact of this sword and another sword, from Qianzhang, retreat to five hundred feet, hundred feet... fifty feet...

Always... in front of the helper.

The last scorpion sword, did not enter her heart.


The helper's pupils shrank and stepped forward. Yuya's body fell into his arms.

at the same time.

The sound of Jianxiao, 嘹亮 nine days!

The sword of the nine-handed coffin, hovering over the sky, is about to fall toward the helper and Yuya below. At this time... the sword stopped.

In the distance, Qin Feng waved his hand and called the nine-handed sword to the back.

The wind is rising.

Meng Junxian outside the battle, seeing this scene, his look suddenly changed, he did not think, Yu Ya would actually go to the helper to block this fatal blow.

With this blow, there is no way to live!

"Ya, why bother."

Fu Tong looked at Yu Ya in his arms, his eyes were red and cracked. For many years, this was his first time.

Yu Ya, looking up at Fu Tong slightly, when she saw Fu Tong’s red cracked eyes, she smiled in her eyes. For her, she could see the helper’s nervousness and see the helper. Worried about yourself.

Everything... is enough.

"Cough and cough!"

A fierce cough, blood can not stop, Yu Ya's body shape, began to become illusory, this is a sign of the annihilation of the soul.


Yu Yafei tried his best to say something. Fu Tong slowly lowered his head and attached his ear to Yu Ya’s ear. Yu Ya’s mouth... smiled and slowly rose.

"I like you."

"I like it from 90,000 years ago."

The words are faint, Yuya slowly... Closed her eyes, her body, turned into a little starlight, dissipated between heaven and earth.

The helper stunned, watching the starlight that drifted away, and slammed into the sky!

After losing, it is valuable.

This is true whether it is a person or a fairy. 2k novel reading network

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