The city of Monkey King

Chapter 828: This time, let the old grandson come.

Broken Xianwei Palace.

The monks were in the air, and everyone’s eyes were reflected in a scene. The helper kept the posture of holding a person for a long time...has not changed.

Perhaps in his opinion, the woman is still in her arms.

Yu Ya, who grew up beside him, was watching her grow up from a ignorant little girl to a sectarian woman.

In front of her, he will always be a brother, a senior, and a superior, but he knows that Yu Ya likes him.

He can feel the deep attachment of this girl and can feel the love...

However, he chose to ignore.

Even though he always had a feeling that she had never had before, but... he attributed it to his family, he persuaded himself from the bottom of his heart that his love for her was not the love of men and women.

that is because…

He is afraid.

He has been afraid.

Because of fear, I have to find many excuses to convince myself not to admit this existing love.

Fu Tong, who has always been a gentleman, seems to him that if he accepts this love, the relationship between him and Yu Ya will be an unacceptable taboo.

It is precisely because of his ‘gentleman’s style.’


When everything is lost, when people have disappeared, he regrets.

The eyes are empty and I don't know why.

He has helped the boy to live for more than 100,000 years. He has asked himself and never regretted it. Whether it is the past or the present, even if he snatched the guqin, he did not regret it.

If you lose, you will be defeated.


For Yu Ya’s love, he regrets and regrets the intestines!

If time can go backwards, he will not care about the gentleman's style, nor will he care about other people's eyes. He understands that he wants only the woman.

Just... that woman.

It's that simple.

Wind, whistling, with grief.

Qin Feng in the distance, the power of the evil spirits scattered away, when the moment of its dispersal, the whole person is in a state of weakness.

The power that belongs to him has already been exhausted in the battle with the helper, and the power of evil has dissipated. The whole person has no other spiritual power.

However, the rest of the monks, no one dares to have a disrespectful or offensive meaning to Qin Feng.

Qin Feng at the moment...

It is the Holy Power!


These monks can't, but they have a power to dare!

The tenth fairyland...

It is not an ordinary place. Here, there is an extremely powerful force. That is... the resident army!

Meng Junxian has not yet reacted from the shock of Yu Ya's death. Suddenly, his look changed fiercely. In the sky above the Xianwei Palace, there was another piece of Heavenly Soldier appearing in the hidden void, all dressed in silver armor.

Under the blazing sun, the armor of these heavenly soldiers is radiant and dazzling.

The number of Heavenly Soldiers is extremely large, but the number is not enough. But when you look up and go, the sky is an inexhaustible Heavenly Soldier! Dense, armor and eye-catching!

"It is stationed in the heavenly army!"

Meng Junxian's eyebrows were wrinkled, and his eyes were full of horror. Even though he was the deputy commander of Xianwei, he was the first to see the garrison of Xianwei.

Because according to the Tianzhu, there is no jade emperor's decree, these Tianbing army stationed in Xianweijie, no one can mobilize, even if it is the help of the child, this can not be done.

At this moment, these garrisons have appeared, and they are so large-scale, the number is at least tens of millions, which means that...

The imperial decree of the Jade Emperor has already been passed to this garrison.

Meng Junxian looked at the front of these many Heavenly Soldiers. He had the same silver armor, but the system was completely different from the other Heavenly Soldiers. His eyes were full of arrogance. This person... is the one who rules these Heavenly Soldiers.

"It's him…"

Meng Junxian apparently recognized the person who ruled the Heavenly Soldier. It is also the other sacred monk in the Tenth Immortal World, except for the help of the child. The name is Sanghai.

It is weaker than a child, and it is a product of the Most Holy.

Under normal circumstances, every Xianwei world has two sacred powers, one is the general commander of the world, and the leader of the world is also the highest power of the sage.

Another is to secretly manage the stalwart power of those garrisons. This person has only the right to manage and does not mobilize the garrison. The existence of this person’s position, in addition to practicing these standing celestial forces, is another It is the supervision of the great commander of the world.

The formation of the light and the darkness is inconsistent with the general commander of the Weijie, but in normal times, the two of them cannot get together, and there will be no dispute.

The tenth fairyland, the existence of such people, is this sanghai.

And at the moment...

The appearance of Sanghai is obviously subject to the immortal purpose of the Jade Emperor. Otherwise, the Tianjun of such a scale cannot be mobilized.

After all, the previous Fu Tong and the Qin Feng battle, there is no way to accept the will from Xian Ting.

Just a little...

Let Meng Junxian be puzzled.

The appearance of this sanghai, not early, late, but this time, when the helper defeated, Qin Feng fell into a weak time.

In the eyes of Meng Junxian, there is a color of disgust.


Gritted a word, it is obvious... This Sanghai should have received the immortality very early, but after mobilizing the Heavenly Soldier, it is not hands-on.

Instead, it appears at this time, and its purpose is to...take credit!

Before the dense Tianbing, the arrogant sanghai, at this moment, looked at Qin Feng, who was already in the void, with a proud color in his eyes, and his voice opened and pointed in the direction of Qin Feng.

"The Heavenly Soldiers will listen to the orders, and enshrine the secrets of the gods, killing the monkeys!"

Sanghai’s voice was infused and extremely large, and it was introduced into the ears of everyone, especially the monks in Xianweijie, including Meng Junxian. When they heard the words 'magic monkey', they all looked at the eyes and eyes. I can't believe it!

The word 'magic monkey', they are no strangers!

"Qi Tian Da Sheng!"

"Sun, Sun Wukong?! This person turned out to be Sun Wukong?"

"This, how is this possible!"


The horror was horrified, but the heavenly soldiers behind Sanghai did not stop at all. As the ‘Bing’, from the moment they went from the army, they only knew one thing.

That is: follow the order!

Even if the front is the sea of ​​knives and mountains, you must rush down without any scruples!

A large number of Heavenly Soldiers, under the thunder of the drums, rushed toward the bottom, and these Heavenly Soldiers...have become a huge figure.

The exclusive supernatural power of Xianting Tianbing: Tianzhu.

Qin Feng brows slightly concealed, watching these coming group of soldiers, the eyes of the killings are now, the remaining spiritual powers in the body, when the time is condensed.

But at this time...

In the heart of Qin Feng, a slightly hoarse voice sounded slowly.

"You are weak at the moment."

"This time, let the old grandson come."

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