The city of Monkey King

Chapter 829: A mutilation, but still is... Qitian Dasheng!


On the white jade corridor leading to Sendai, Yang Lan walked on the corridor, and the sound of the armor shook, echoing in the corridor.

On the side of his body, a man dressed in black, with a character and a thin body, followed by Li Huanzhang, a member of the Meishan Six Friends.

"Brother, the Jade Emperor went to the Tenth Immortal World."

Li Huanzhang whispered, Yang Lan’s footsteps were slight, and his eyes showed a disdainful color: “Zhang Bairen, you can be really ridiculous.”

Because Yang Lan is very clear, it is impossible for the guys in the tenth sacred world to seize the ‘magic monkey’, and Yang Lan knows that the Jade Emperor is naturally clear.

Since it is clear, it is still the next immortal purpose, what the Jade Emperor did... but it is his face.

"Who is at Sendai today."

Yang Lan faintly speaks, and there is a killing in the words.

"It’s Haiyuan Shangjun."


Yang Wei nodded slightly, and then continued to move forward. Li Huanzhang hurriedly followed behind him. For Li Xianzhang, Li Huanzhang also changed from a start to a calm.


In the tenth fairyland, the broken void has not fully recovered.

The thunder of the drums and the killing of the endless heavenly soldiers shook the world!

Under the magical power of Tianzhu, one after another huge celestial body shape appeared, the breath of the breath was incomparable, and even... many of them are close to the most holy!

This is the ‘daily demon’.

It is ring-shaped and falls down from the sky!

The only goal of these Tianbing is only... Qin Feng!

Or, in their opinion... it’s Sun Wukong!

Sanghai, the figure does not move, the eyes have a hot color, as the previous Meng Junxian expected, he actually received the immortality when Fu Tong and Qin Feng just started the war.

He was extremely surprised by this immortal.

Because in order, if you want to mobilize the garrison of Xianwei, you will first drop the fairy to the commander of the Wei, and then the commander of the border will contact him, and finally the two will come together to command the army.

However, the power of this command is still in the hands of the Wei leadership.

However, this time, because of the battle between Fu Tong and Qin Feng, this immortal purpose was to bypass the helper and directly to his sanghai. How could Sanghai not be excited?

He has the opportunity to control tens of millions of Heavenly Soldiers, and he has the opportunity to make a contribution to the world. That is... catching the magic monkey!

This is...

The recognition of the universal world, once completed, the rewards are enough to be comparable.

However, he did not know that the great merits of this day have already been abolished, and the Jade Emperor sent him this immortal purpose, just for his own face.

Only this... only.




Thunder drums roared, countless killings shook the world, those monks who were originally in the Weiwei world, this time are far behind, and they are avoiding this area of ​​the four wars.

This scene…

For these people, it is extremely shocking!

Many of them have participated in the battle of the fairy, the scene of this scene, so that they can not help but think of the scene of the fairy war.

Think of the year... Qi Tian Da Sheng!

Qin Feng in the center of the center.

Listening to the words of Sun Wukong in the sea, the brows wrinkled slightly, but it was only a moment.

The brow is loose, and the corner of the mouth has a faint smile.

As the saying goes, there is a head, a debt, and a master. As he breaks through the holy, and it is the power of the wood, the same idea of ​​Sun Wukong is also accompanied by a dozens of times.

It’s been so long... It’s time to let Sun Wukong collect interest, so long, it’s really bad.

"it is good."

After a word, I closed my eyes.

this moment…

At the moment when it closed its eyes, the breath of ‘Qin Feng’ changed completely!

He retired his own gods to the sea, at this moment... take over his body, Sun Wukong!

A slightly hoarse voice, in the tenth fairy squad, sounded into the ears of every monk, the tenth sacred world, spread throughout the first world... spread throughout the world.

Everyone...the look is a glimpse, a sense of chilling that was familiar in the past, and it rises in the heart.

"The old grandson has a residual thought, but it is still..."

Even the Heavenly Soldiers who rushed to the scene, when this voice appeared, could not help but squat in the air, but only sighed, these Heavenly Soldiers continued to scream and rush toward the Qin Feng.

"Qi Tian Da Sheng!"

‘Qin Feng’, reopened his eyes, and the eyes and golden flames burned!

The gold armor robes, condensed on the body, above the head, two red cockroaches, fluttering, hands... slowly lifted up, the golden hoop in the ear floated out and hovered in the palm of the hand.

The ten dragon spirits and Qi Qi are scattered from the golden hoops. The dragons and the dragons and the dragons and the dragons are appearing in this golden hoop.

Hand, fierce... a grip!

An ancient golden gas, violently dissipated, those rushing Tianbing, from the nearest one, crashed!


The first, second, third, and fourth worlds, the edge of the endless Tianyu, separated from the remaining thirty-two heavens, have a figure that condenses.


At this moment, the secluded, look suddenly!

He seems to... heard the voice, that is... from the voice of Qitian Dasheng!



The brows wrinkled, and there was no pause in the seal. The figure once again turned into a cigarette, and went straight to the nearest third world. He had to cross the third world and enter the first world!


West Heaven Buddha World, Wuzhi Mountain.

Dozens of great Buddhas are chanting over the mountains, a string of ''characters' cohesive, falling in the mountains, in order to suppress the 'devil' of the fight against the Buddha, so that the ancient relics can control this Strong body.

However, at this time...

A hoarse voice came from a distance, and these dozens of great Buddhas opened their eyes!

The golden body of the ‘the battle over the Buddha’ in this mountainous place is even more powerful. It’s not that these big Buddhas can intercept it.

"Continue to chanting."

Almost at the same time, a majestic Buddhist voice was heard from Lingshan. These dozens of great Buddhas were all in shape, and then they continued to close their eyes and chanting.


The seventh world.

Endless sea.

The waves, the ebb and flow, slap on the reef, splashing with water.

This seaside place has a sea of ​​flowers and colorful flowers with wind and wind, and in the center of this flower sea, there is a seven-petal purple flower, at this moment... a slight purple light blooms on the surface of the flower.

A little bit of purple starlight, scattered from the seven petals of purple flowers, falling covered ... the entire flower sea.

The plant of this flower is slowly becoming transparent at the moment, and it seems to have a woman... a woman who has been sleeping for a long time.

The woman’s eyes trembled slightly.


‘Is it back...’

‘My... stinky monkey. ’

‘My...I am holy. ‘2k novel reading network

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