The city of Monkey King

Chapter 830: The demon world is holy, the heavens are holy!

The tenth fairyland.

An ancient gold gas, the collapse of the first set of Heavenly Soldiers, the desperately sanghai, without any hesitation, continued to order, the vast heavenly soldiers once again condensed and rushed away.


At this time, the tenth celestial celestial world, a sound of a bang of the whole void appeared, a huge incomparable mouth, when appeared.

From this mouth, there is a sturdy ancient golden light column, suddenly rushed down!


The ancient golden light, shrouded in the body of the 'Qin Feng', the gas of the ancient gold spread out, and the re-emergence of the heavenly soldiers collapsed!

One circle, another circle.

The arrogant breath, like the stacking waves, reverberates in this tenth sacred world, and numerous fine cracks appear in the void of this fairy kingdom.

"This, this is this..."

"Xian Weijie, to be broken!"

"Qi Tian Da Sheng! This person is really a great god!"

"Oh my God…"


The monks who originally participated in the piano meeting were all shocked to the extreme!

Xianweijie is covered by the Xianting dynasty. Even if it is broken into scum, it can be maintained. If it is not... just the few qi, this tenth sacred border has already become a success. There are countless pieces.

The second is the scattered Tianbing, at this moment...

Even if these soldiers are fearless, they will not dare to rush forward. A group of ridges stand above the sky, tens of millions of eyes, watching the ‘Qin Feng’ below.

The ancient golden light shrouded!

The golden armor and the long scorpion fly, the ten illusory dragon souls surround the whole body, the momentum...compressed!

The demon world is holy, the heavens are holy!

‘Qin Feng’, whispering low, looking at the golden hoop in his hand, the burning flame in his eyes, the feeling of nostalgia, filled with the heart.

The light of the ancient gold, scattered a little bit...

At this moment, the breath of 'Qin Feng' is like the vast sea. I can't see the bottom. This time... ‘Qin Feng’ draws nearly 10% of the strength from the body.

And just this one...

It is already the power of the Holy Spirit!

However, ‘Qin Feng’ is still very clear. The strength he has drawn from his own body will not last long. As long as the time limit is reached, this force will return to the body.


This is enough.

This time, to be able to achieve this level, it was originally an accident.

Because Qin Feng broke through to the Holy Ghost, he was the "Ben Nian" registered in Qin Feng, and he and Qin Feng were the twin souls born of a stone, so his 'Ben Nian' actually got the place. Unexpected enhancements will be used to bridge the consumption of these years.

Therefore, it is possible to take over the body of Qin Feng.

‘Qin Feng’, slowly raised his head, the eyes... looked through the void.

At this moment, it seems that he and several people's eyes are looking at each other between the endless Tianyu.


Road boundary.

Among the three temples, more than 90% of the Taoist sacred powers are gathered in this temple, divided into two columns, and there are three people above the high-seat Baizhang ladder.

The three are the Sanqing Daozu: Taishang Laojun, Yuanshi Tianzun, and Tongtian Master.

And at this moment...

These three people are looking up to the front, eyes... through the void, looking at the eyes.


In the middle of Lingxiao Temple, the Jade Emperor looked calm, just standing in front of this chair, looking at the front of the void, a pair of blind old wells without waves.

Western Heaven Buddha.

In the double shackles of ‘Qin Feng’, the Wuzhi Mountain in the Western Heaven’s Buddhism is reflected, reflecting the body of the body that sits on the knees of Wuzhi Mountain.

He can see that countless ‘’ characters have fallen into their own golden body to suppress the residual thoughts left in the body and can see...

Within his own golden body, the ancient relics are eroding their souls little by little, wanting to occupy and want to control the power of their golden body.


It can be seen that on the other side of the Wuzhi Mountain, there is a towering mountain. In the mountain and the Daxiong Hall, there is a person... a huge Buddha!

The Buddha opened his eyes.

The name of the Buddha: Sakyamuni.


The eyes of ‘Qin Feng’ are slowly recovered.

this moment…

The breath of his body spreads all the worlds, and every demon lurking in the world is aware of this breath!

Wan Yao... shakes together!

Especially the seals of the big demon, demon king, and demon emperor are all excited, all of them are impacting the seal, the seals of the heavens and the world, and the seals of the demon are washed away.

One after another, demon, reproduce the heavens!

The tenth fairyland, broken days, countless voids permeate the sky.

“What are you doing one by one?!”


"Give me the magic monkey!"


Sanghai saw that many Heavenly Soldiers stopped not signing, and they felt that the arrogance of the arrogance from the ‘Qin Feng’ had reached the ultimate breath.


The words "to make great achievements" are lingering in his heart. He does not want to let go of this opportunity. In his view, he can mobilize tens of millions of Heavenly Soldiers at this moment!

The ‘magic monkey’ in front of him is just a ‘magic sing’. Xian Xian is also a premise of the immortal, and the strength of ‘magic monkey magic is not strong.


Sanghai snorted and then raised his hand, in his hand, a sword with a white gold light appeared!

This sword is out...

All the Heavenly Soldiers are suddenly stunned, all of them are scalp numb.

This sword is the sword of the martial arts that the people of Xianting gave to the commander of the army. It was made by the sentiment of the soldiers, and its only role...

Below the Holy of Holies, it is impossible to stop the sword.

The Platinum Royal Sword is full of compelling coldness, Sang Hai lifts the sword in this hand, and the eyes have a hot color, and a loud drink: "will make out, who dares to timid, this will be smashed now." His head!"

A violent drink, the Jianjun sword out, all the Heavenly Soldiers are afraid to retire again, even if the scalp is numb, it is also called 嗷嗷嗷 嗷嗷嗷 rushed up.

The Jianjun sword is a human head, and the soul is also annihilated together!

After all, for them, the soldiers in the hands of Sun Wukong are also killed in battle. They are better than the swordsmen who died in Sanghai.

The sound of the drums of the thunderstorm, thunder again!

In the center of the center, ‘Qin Feng’ slightly raised his head. The eyes... looked at one direction. This look, the celestial soldiers who had passed through countless rushes, saw the Sanghai with the sword of the army.

And this moment...

Sang Hai is also aware of this penetrating look, the whole person... a look of fierce!

He dared to lead the troops to capture Sun Wukong, does not mean that he is not afraid of Sun Wukong, but his heart... is already afraid of the ultimate!

This...but Qitian Dasheng!

Once, across the world, led the countless big demon, the road and the Buddha world could not lift the head, and forced the demon world of the Xiantian South Tianmen, Qitian Dasheng! 2k novel reading network

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