The city of Monkey King

Chapter 831: Azi, I am coming!

"Block him!"

Almost subconsciously, Sang Hai has such a sentence, but it is only a moment!

The Heavenly Soldiers who rushed to the ‘Qin Feng’ (Sun Wukong) were discovered with great enthusiasm. The shape of ‘Qin Feng’ has disappeared into place.


All the Heavenly Soldiers looked at the rear, only in front of Sanghai, the appearance of 'Qin Feng' appeared, the golden hoop sticks and squatted on the shoulders, and the eyes looked at Sanghai slightly.

This moment of Sanghai...

The whole person is stunned!

From these eyes, he saw the embarrassment, saw the embarrassment, saw the birth... and the loneliness above the sentient beings!

"You, are you going to catch the old grandson?"

The ‘Qin Feng’ faint opening, from the golden hoop stick, the ten dragon spirits show the shape, surrounded by the whole body of Sanghai, a breath of life and death, appearing in the whole body of this sanghai.

One step is wrong, it is death without burial.

"I, I, I..."

Sang Hai, this moment has no previous arrogance, the white gold sword in the hand is shaking, hands, loose.

This gilded sword is falling directly from the sky...

"Big, big, great saints!"

Sanghai trembled for a long time, and finally... said such a sentence.


The golden flame in the eyes of 'Qin Feng' flashed, and the time, the soul of the candle dragon surrounding the Sanghai body, opened his mouth fiercely and rushed down from the Tianmen Gate.

After the breath...

The body of Sanghai falls from the sky.

His soul, at that moment, was already swallowed by the candle dragon.


"The leader of the Holy Power, even a stroke is destroyed!"

"Okay, terrible!"

"This... is Qitian Dasheng!"


Those monks who originally came to the piano meeting, there is a great shock in the look, and there is a person, not shocked... but doubts!

A pair of good-looking eyebrows, wrinkled tightly.


"How... it will be like this, he is still not him."

Mumbled and whispered, Yunxiao’s eyes had a confusing color. He could clearly understand that the moment of Qin Feng’s breath changed completely.

Qin Feng at this moment is not the previous Qin Feng!

"Sun Wukong... What does Sun Wukong have to do with him?! Auntie never said that..."

The color of doubt in the eyes of Yunxiao is getting thicker and thicker. He is the tenth sacred **** of the Wanhua Valley and the owner of the valley. He stayed here for twenty years.

It is because twenty years ago...

He noticed that after the death of his aunt, the peach tree in the flesh has a strange change, and that day is the day when the tenth fairyland was established.

Therefore, Yunxiao was the owner of Shaogu, and let Wanhua Valley settle in the 10th Xianwei. If it wasn't, it would not have come to such a lively enthusiasm.

And just at this time...

Yunxiao's brow wrinkled fiercely, and there was a voice coming from his ear. It was a woman... just at the moment when the voice sounded.

In the left index finger of Yunxiao, there is a peach and jade ring, the pink light flashes on this ring, and a pink glow flashes in the air.

After the breath, the figure of Yunxiao disappeared into the original place.

Not far from his side, the old man with green beard looked at the disappearing cloud, and there was an urgent color in his eyes. He said in his mouth: "Yunzong, Yunzong, why don't you take me with me!"

Whether it is for the old man with blue beard, or for other monks.

This moment is dark.

The death of Sanghai, the body that fell down, fell in the eyes of these monks, the horn of death! Nothing is not trembled for it!

The monks who can participate in the piano sound conference are not ordinary monks. They have lived for tens of thousands of years. They all know the magic war that once happened.

That battle...

Not only the Taoist circles, the Buddhist world and the Xianting, but also the various forces of the fairyland are called to go. After all, these fairy forces, no matter how complicated, the background behind them is inseparable from the three forces of the Immortal Buddha.

That is to say...

For Sun Wukong, they are enemies!

If Sun Wukong has given them up now, they will not feel surprised at all.

Public repairs fear...

And the dense heavenly soldiers, at this time, no one dared to move, Sanghai, the commander of the soldiers are dead, who can they listen to the order? !

Supporting the generals? !

Many people are looking for helpers, but the helper at the moment is like a person who has lost the soul. On the volley, the whole person... is in the wood.

Yu Ya’s death gave him a straight hit.

The fragments of Xianwei Palace float between the air and have a piece of debris. This is the underground palace of Xianwei Palace, and Chu Wanqiu is in this palace.

The flowers and plants are green, and Chu Wanqiu looks at the ‘Qin Feng’ at the moment. There is a deep concern in her eyes, because she can’t feel the familiar atmosphere from Qin Feng’s body.

However, at this time, outside the palace, a figure suddenly appeared, it is... 'Qin Feng'.

"You, you...who are you!"

Chu Wanqiu glimpsed a little, and then quickly retired, watching the ‘Qin Feng’ cautiously.

‘Qin Feng’ did not answer Chu Wanqiu, but just raised his hand, and time, the entire underground palace was covered with a layer of golden light.

With this light, unless it is the highest peak, there will be no damage!

Although Sun Wukong controlled Qin Feng's body at the moment, he is also very clear that Chu Wanqiu is very important to Qin Feng, so he must ensure the safety of Chu Wanqiu.

As for...

‘Qin Feng’ slightly stunned the heavenly soldiers and the monks behind his eyes, and his eyes were disdainful. These people, who killed him, were idle.

But... slightly raised.

The eyes of the fire, the golden flames burn.

The corner of the mouth, a slap in the face, slowly rises.

There is one person, appearing in the sky above this fairy Guardian, come here... It’s just a secret!

Call ~

The physique of the secluded form appeared behind the ‘Qin Feng’ and felt the familiar atmosphere of ‘Qin Feng’. The face of the secluded face has an inexplicable excitement.

One knee... oh!

"Blocking, seeing the Holy Spirit."

"The brothers are good."

‘Qin Feng’ did not turn around, but faintly opened. The so-called ‘the brothers’ were the demon emperors. The Sun Wukong of that year, and all the demon emperors, the lowest in the years, called these people brothers.

However, the title is a title, and none of these demons are disrespectful to Sun Wukong, they are listening to their orders.

"The demon kings of the parties, a few and a half rushed out of the seal, as long as the Holy One heard it, the demon of the Wanjie, all obey the order!"

Feng Wei bowed slightly, and there was an uncontrollable excitement in his voice.

"So, very good."

‘Qin Feng’ nodded slightly, then raised his hand, and there was a string of words that didn’t enter the top of the secluded head: “Take these people to go, this holy thing has something to do.”

After that, after one step, step out... Turn into a golden flame and directly break through the days of Xianweijie!

‘Azi, I am coming! ‘2k novel reading network

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