The city of Monkey King

Chapter 832: Where, 10,000 years.

Sun Wukong, who controlled the body of Qin Feng, left the tenth fairyland and said accurately... It was leaving the first world, this time, no one blocked.

Wanjie, there is no one to pursue the points.

Whether it is for Xianting, Buddhism, and Taoism, Sun Wukong at the moment is losing the value that they are chasing.

In the past, the Buddha world was to capture Sun Wukong’s thoughts and use Sun Wukong’s thoughts to reach the point of controlling Sun Wukong’s golden body.

The Taoist and Xianting, in order to curb the power of the Buddha, in order not to let the Buddha world succeed.

But now...

As the Buddha world forced the ancient relics into the golden body of Sun Wukong, the capture of Sun Wukong’s thoughts lost its previous value.

Since the value is lost, the Fairy Buddha will not do such a thankless thing.

after all…

The value of Sun Wukong’s thoughts on them is almost the same, but for the Yaozu, it is the supreme being. If anyone touches it, who will face the general blow of the Yaozu.

At the moment when the three power relations are extremely tense, no one will touch the minefield.

Buddhism, Xianting, and Taoism, there is only one thing to be done at the moment, that is, refueling and waiting for the chaos of the world that does not know when and will come.

The tenth fairyland.

With the departure of ‘Qin Feng’.

The broken world became quiet, and the support of the child was still like a puppet, and it stayed in the middle of the air, and the eyes were dull.

Yu Ya’s soul flies, for him, it’s half life, maybe... it will be the watershed of his life.

The future helper will no longer be the helper of the past.

And those resident Tianbing, at this moment, belong to headless flies. If they help the child regardless of the matter, Sanghai is dead. They simply do not know who is obeying.

As for the forces of the various parties who came to participate in the piano sound conference, this time they ran one by one, and these people did not return to their respective strengths.

Apart from anything else, the whole number is rushed to the boundary gate. Whoever manages the legacy of those left in the Xianwei world, they still make sure that they return to the celestial lords and save their lives.

The seal was quiet, and it was slightly raised. Looking at the direction of the departure of ‘Qin Feng’, there was no slight stop for the name that Qin Feng just gave him.

The first step was to go to the underground palace where the "Qin Feng" was applied by Jin Guang and Chu Wanqiu. With a wave of hand, the palace was collected, and then the body was turned into a cigarette, and it was turned to Yunshui. And go.

at the same time.

With a golden flame, the vertical and horizontal gallop in this first world, the powerful demon power, is amazing.


The first world is the place where Xianting is located. It is a very solemn place. The interface here, whether it is desolate or prosperous, is stationed by Tianbing and has a monk.

And in this area, there are also countless Heavenly Soldiers, and the four patrols can be said to be strictly ordinary.

Dare to arbitrarily traverse the boundaries of the first world, it is difficult to find a lantern, even if it is the Holy Power, even if it is speed, taking into account the face of Xianting, it will use some strange mounts instead of themselves. It is even more impossible to scatter such a strong atmosphere.

But now in the first world, the boundaries of every interface are cold and clear, almost no monks and heavenly soldiers.

Even if there is, one feels that the powerful demon power is coming, and without saying anything, all of them have entered the boundary door, and even the heads are afraid to show them. ,

It’s not that these people don’t exist, but they all hide.

They all know in their hearts that the last time the fairy magic war, these people belong to the fairy court and the Taoist circles, are the opposite of Sun Wukong, if they stay outside the border, if Sun Wukong passed a bad mood, waved them to give them It’s gone, it’s not crying, there’s no place to cry.

However, it is clear that these people are thinking too much, and Sun Wukong does not have the mind to control them.

The golden fire flashed in the eyes of the fire, and Sun Wukong could have used this layer of power to stir him up and down. As long as the last helm of the three forces did not appear, no one could stop him.

In this way, to vent your anger.

However, Sun Wukong did not choose this road. He knew very well that this would not make sense.

It’s better to go to the woman’s side when you can control these forces, go... look at her again.


The golden fire vertical and horizontal domain suddenly disappeared.

A huge boundary broken hole circulates in the air, and Sun Wukong directly breaks through the boundary barrier.



Welling is a great general.

Underground secret palace.

In the underground palace, the silence is at its extreme, and only a slight chain of sounds 叮叮 叮叮 ’ ’ 。 。 reverberation.


Li, who was trapped in the center of the chain, the tired eyes, slightly raised at the moment, looked straight ahead, as if to see Sun Wukong who was heading for the seventh world.

The corner of the mouth, with a smile, slowly rises.

"She, have been waiting for you for a long time."

Muttering and whispering, after the end of the story, there is an indescribable death and gray sorrow in the eyes, and Sun Wukong can go to see Zixia.

But he...

For a vain promise, he and the Jade Emperor agreed to a million-year agreement, he paid too much, just for the hope of that.

Ten thousand years ago.

The Jade Emperor showed him a stone and told him what it was. This is the stone of the enchantment, which can open the way to the meditation world.

It’s not stupid, but he feels a breath from the stone, that is... the breath of the underworld.

Just because of this stone, wherever everything is gambling up, for the past 10,000 years, everything he gave to the Jade Emperor.

Really imprisoned, and made a lot of things for the Jade Emperor. The one that used to be the most sturdy in the world, has produced a killing and stalwart general who is known as the killing **** by the Wanjie Yaozu.

However, as the eternal years are approaching, from the news of the Jade Emperor, this ‘the stone of the sacred land’ is a lie.

There is no such thing as opening the road to the meditation world. This is just a means for the Jade Emperor to control it, nothing more.

"Zhang Bairen..."

"Zhang Bairen!"

The voice is whispering, and the tone of the sky reveals the hatred of the sky.

Even so, where is still holding that sly hope, obeying the agreement of 10,000 years ago, just waiting for the upcoming eternal years.

The inner arrogance makes the accumulation of the heart in the heart more and more intense.

If the Wannian period arrives, the Jade Emperor did not promise him, he could not see the lotus...Where it will be completely gone!

He will want the entire Xianting to bear his anger! 2k novel reading network

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