The city of Monkey King

Chapter 833: Li Jia.


斩 Sendai.

Yang Lan looked at the rows of people who fell on the ground in Sendai, and they looked calm and did not have the slightest emotion.

Killing is the easiest thing.

The gods who watched this in Sendai, all of them felt that the scalp was numb, and the eyes that looked at Yang Lan were all worried, no one knows...

The next moment, the head of the rolling fairy on the stage will be your own.

And just at this time...

Behind Yang Lan, Li Huanzhang of Meishan Liuyou’s face was fierce, and went up to Yang’s body and whispered a few words at Yang’s ear.

Yang Lan’s nephew is slightly congested.

He is not surprised.

Only he did not expect that the Jade Emperor... was so anxious.

"Brother, what should I do?"

Li Huanzhang said with a brow.

Yang Lan did not hesitate, and said quietly: "Where is Kang Anyu and Zhang Bo?"

Upon hearing this, Li Huanzhang suddenly changed his face: "Brother, is this thing still to be considered? After all, this time people are involved..."

I haven't waited for Li Huanzhang to finish.

"If Zhang Bairen wants to do it, then we will help him."

"Tell me the order, let these two people go to get people immediately, and tell Yao Gonglin, Zhijian, Guo Shen, without my order, who dares to leave the Guanjiangkou, this holy will never be light."

Li Huanzhang bit his teeth and shook his hand: "I will go."

Yang Lan naturally has his own plans. This six-member Meishan has always been controlled by the Jade Emperor, in order to weaken his own strength.

It’s hard to go back to my side now. One of the requirements that Yang Lan promised to return to Xianting’s request is to let this Meishan Liuyou return to Guankou.

After the order was made, Yang Lan only calmly continued to look at Sendai, and there were a number of new gods, which were put on the Sendai.

Just now...

Li Huanzhang and his words are the mouth of the Jade Emperor.

The Jade Emperor asked Yang Lan to start with the four kings.

And the discerning eye knows that once you start with the four kings, the next thing to move is... Li Jing.


The root of everything is where you are.

Jade Emperor is looking for a suitable reason to kill him.

Yang Lan knows all this better than anyone else, but... he did it.


Xianting, lotus pond.

The lotus pond is in the south direction of Xianting, with a radius of 100,000 feet, all of which are lotus clusters. There is a jade bridge and a horizontal and vertical standing on the lotus pond. People can step on it and watch the lotus flower.

There is a team of fairies, walking on this jade bridge, at the forefront, is a woman dressed in grace and grace, purple gold attire to show its noble identity.


Behind the Queen Mother, there is a face-faced, faint, absent-minded, seemingly like a woman in her forties.

"Ten Niang, how do you say this lotus is open?"

Wang mother smiled and stopped her footsteps, pointing to the lotus flower in front of her, the lotus blossoming bright and pleasing to the eye.

But Yin Shi Niang at the moment...

Looking up at these lotus flowers, there was a girl in her heart. It was ‘Yang Lian’ and she thought of her son who had been imprisoned for a thousand years.

The eyes were fierce and red, but she could not reveal the heartache. She knew that she was transferred to the Queen’s side.

That is to curb your own son.

"The mother of the lotus pond, of course, is good-looking, it really looks great."

Yin Shi Niang quickly smiled and spoke.

"Oh? Do you really think so?"

The mother smiled a little and raised her hand. In the lotus pond, the most brilliant lotus flower opened slowly.

"This palace has heard that once your youngest son was in the middle of the flood, he used to cut his bones and return to the father, cut his flesh and return to the mother, and finally reshaped the body with the lotus root."

When this words came out, Yin Shi Niang suddenly felt a sigh of relief, this is a memory she did not want to think of.

But no longer, in front of this, she can't help but swear by the scalp: "The mother-in-law remembers these things. It's really heart-warming. When he was young, he didn't understand things. Now it's different. It's now a general. Will make a contribution to his work."

"Your Majesty is also very appreciative of your three sons."

The mother then said in the words of Yin Shi Niang.

"Thank you, Queen Mother, thank you."

Yin Shi Niang was busy with a handful of gestures, a smile on her face, not afraid to reveal other expressions.


Just at this time.

From her fingertips, there is a small straw rope, which has uploaded a microscopic undetectable light and directly fell into Yin’s mind.


Yin Shi Niang was in the same place. This light came from a sound. This is the exclusive voice between her and Li Jing. Li Jing told him that the Jade Emperor’s mouth arrested the four kings, among them, the magic ceremony and the magic ceremony. The sea and the magical red are all fleeing into the lower bound.

The magic ceremony, it was taken down, is pressing to Sendai.

Tightly pinching his hand, Yin Shi Niang still smiled on her face, but her heart was tight, she and Li Jing actually knew.

Sooner or later, the Jade Emperor will start with their Li family.

the reason is simple.

Li Jia’s power in Xianting is too great, and the background and the Taoist Buddha are inextricably linked. Li Tianwang, the four kings, the golden dragonfly, the raft, and the strongest strength!

The most important thing is what.

Where is the current imprisonment, if one day can restore freedom, his existence... can affect the trend of Xianting.

"Ten Niang, what happened to you?"

The mother looked at Yin Shi Niang slightly, and looked like she was concerned.

Jade Emperor's decision...

How can she not know.

Today, she specially called Yin Shiniang to see this lotus flower. This is what the Jade Emperor asked her to do, just to tell Li Jing, take your four great devils, and don't mess.

Otherwise, your wife will not go back.

"The niece is wide-hearted, the ten-naughter is fine, nothing."

Yin Shi Niang smiled, the smile on this face, every laugh... The heart is a painful piece of meat.

She is very clear...

During the floods, before the establishment of Xianting, the four kings were the four masters of their Li family. After the collapse of the floods and the establishment of Xianting, the magic family four will enter Xianting with Li Jing and be crowned as the four majors by the Jade Emperor. Heavenly king.

It can be said that the four kings and the Li family are completely the existence of Hume.

The demon four will be Sheng, on behalf of Li Jiasheng, the devil's four will decline, it means that the Li family has a great disaster.

The Jade Emperor won the Devil's Four in one mouth today. Perhaps tomorrow, the next immortal will win the golden plaque and the raft, and the day after tomorrow, it is Li Jing.

Finally... is your own three sons.

When she thought of her son who had been imprisoned for 10,000 years, Yin Shi Niang’s heart was like a knife. For thousands of years, she could only see the avatar.

She... wants to see what kind of body, look at his son.

Yin Shi Niang did not want to see her home become that look, but she had no choice, she could only laugh. 2k novel reading network

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