The city of Monkey King

Chapter 834: Emperor Jiang out!

The seventh world.

Autumn borders.

Above the endless sea, the void barrier is broken, and there is a figure. It is the ‘Qin Feng’ from this fragmented void.

"Next, I will temporarily shut everything down, and do what you want to do."

In the sea of ​​knowledge, the gods of Qin Feng's body condensed into an incorporeal body, sitting cross-legged before the great holy inheritance, slowly... closed his eyes.

He transferred his consciousness, all of this moment, to the second body.

"Thank you."

Beside Qin Fengshen’s imaginary body, Sun Wukong’s ideology opened his eyes, and in those eyes... reflected a sea, reflecting a flower, reflecting... a woman.


The thirteenth heaven.

The three streams of light, with a strong posture, rushing in this domain, ignoring the fairy buddha, and the powerful breath that emanate from it is enough to shock the gods in the world.

"Sun Xiaozi, you are going faster, oh yeah, you talk about you, why are you so slow?! Look at the old cows carrying you away!"

One of them flashed back, and another stream of light overlapped, and the speed soared.

Sun Ying stood on the body of the demon king, and his face was excited: "Niu Bo, how can you blame me, my strength is not strong with you and Uncle."

"As for your kid's excuses, the strength of the old man has not responded. Now it is not the same as the quasi-holy peak of you, and where is the strength."

The sound of the demon king came from the mouth of this arrogant yak. ​​The lack of support on the side was calm, but it looked out... the eyes were so excited that they could not resist.

"You two also said that the gentleman is really a kid, saying that the call is called, there is no preparation."

The demon king kept harassing.

The three people galloped at a very fast speed. When they reached the edge of the world, they directly broke the barrier between the boundaries, entered the next world, and continued to gather toward the seventh world.


The fourth world.

The Tianfu of this world is located.

this moment…

The entire Tianfu's interface is in a state of extreme panic. The prefecture of this world, standing in front of the Tianfu Palace, overlooks the entire interface.

Everything is in a collapse, and the raging flame burns the entire interface.

"Fu Jun, hurry to withdraw!"

"Fu Jun!"



Behind this prefecture, there are a large number of people who are asking for help, and they are asking the government to withdraw from the fourth world.


The fourth king of the heavens, took a deep breath.

His body exudes the sacred cultivation, and the first-fourth heavenly king is stronger than the other thirty-two heavenly kings, but even so... it is helpless.

"The predecessors have already left the fourth world, and the monarch, we can't hold it!"

"Yeah, the predecessor of the repair is the guardian of the seal of the Dijiang River. Now the predecessors have ran away. If the emperor completely rushed out of the seal, I wait..."

The person who spoke did not finish all the following words, but even if he did not say it, Scrophulariaceae was clear.

Emperor Jiang, huge in shape, looks like a half dragon, red as a fire, has six feet and four wings, the whole body is red like a group of flames, no ears and claws, only one mouth.

In the forefront of the demon thirty-six demons, there is the power of the highest quality, after the demon battle, the demon is defeated, the emperor is sealed in this fourth world, by the possession of the Holy Spirit Rehabilitation.

But just before...

The guardian repaired the intention and left the fourth world without warning. Then, the emperor attacked the seal, and the entire seal was destroyed in an instant. The flame filled the entire palace.

Just at this time, bang!

The entire interface made a loud bang, and the fourth solidest corner of the world was smashed by a large blockbuster. It was a scene of extinction.

The Scrophularia, which was still indecisive, had a huge change in his face, and there was no hesitation in the slightest.


No more withdrawal...

He has to be accounted for here today.

What's more, even the revision of the seal of the seal is a withdrawal. The reason for his stay is that he has not withdrawn before because he has been waiting for the immortality of Xianting.

However, in this case, even if there is no immortality, he will not be able to stay.

With the order of Scrophularia, the celestial beings in this Tianfu rushed into Tianmen and disappeared into the fourth world.

Hum ~! Bang!~ Boom!

The entire palace is bounded, completely... collapsed.

Numerous monks were scattered among the boundaries, and in the center of the center of this collapse, a scream of the entire fourth world was heard.


The violent flames of the whole body burned, and the huge figure of the emperor continued to shrink and shrink, and finally became a humanoid size.

The human form of the Dijiang, completely different from the previous huge and ugly, a long red hair fluttering behind, the body of the clothes is more like a fire.

That face, white handsome, red pupils reveal a sense of evil charm.

Looking up and taking a deep breath.

The mouth of the emperor's mouth showed a smile, how many years... finally, opened the seal!

And around the emperor, there are countless monks, these monks are monks of the monarchy, one by one scattered in this and the boundaries, that one to look at the center of the emperor, all without The eyes are full of horror.

In particular, some old monks, who have experienced the battle of the demon in the past, also saw the Dijiang of the year was sealed into the fourth world.


The eyeballs are shaking.




The eyes of the emperor’s eyes have passed through these four weeks. Among these monks, there are tribes of factions, and there are three immortals, and any of these three, in the eyes of the emperor... all of them are killing, they are all food in their own belly. !

Slightly raise your head...

Emperor Jiang fiercely opened his mouth, and time, countless fires appeared in this area. These monks yelled in horror, and they all wanted to leave.


Everything is just futile.

No matter what the monks, the fire shackles these people, all of them are returned to the mouth of the emperor, no one is spared, and all are swallowed into the belly.

However, only the time of the three-interest, this area of ​​the border, no one is traced, one is not left, the whole number is into the stomach of the emperor.

The emperor who swallowed these monks into the abdomen, snorted slightly: "These guys are still so disgusting, but it is OK to fill the lower abdomen."

The emperor whispered, then... step out.

Under his body, there is a long dragon with a flame of condensation, and the emperor is standing on the dragon head of this long flame.

Call ~!

The flame dragon went away in the distance and galloped.

The place where the emperor is going to go is also... the seventh world! 2k novel reading network

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