The city of Monkey King

Chapter 835: help me.

Dijiang, but it is just an example of the demon breaking through the seal.

All the heavens.

The demon, the demon king, the size of the demon in all places, regardless of the strength of the seal, have successfully opened the seal.

The Xianting guards who belong to these seals, without exception, are all embodying the Sinisters of the Fourth World. They have given up the suppression of seals and left in advance.

Just like these people, got the same order.

This is true.

All the seal guards were given the secret of the Jade Emperor in advance, as long as there was any change in the seal, no repression was required and all were withdrawn.

The people who guarded the seals were originally established, and they were all elites. These people belonged to the direct department of the Jade Emperor.

At this juncture, of course, the Jade Emperor will not let his direct line of elites fight with the monsters that hit the seal.

At this moment, Xianting, the interior clears all the gods that may defy the Jade Emperor's order, and the outside is to recall all the monks, ready to meet the chaos of heaven and earth.

The seventh world.

Autumn borders.

The ‘Qin Feng’ figure is in one step, and the body shape disappears in the air. The next moment... appears on this endless sea, appears in the sea of ​​flowers.

Originally in this land of infinite sea, the guards set by Xianting, at this moment, without exception, all the streamers of the streamer, all face is full of fear.

Not only because of the arrival of ‘Qin Feng’, but because they have received news, the demon of all the worlds are coming to this world.

If they still stay in this autumn, they will step on and will be trampled to death by these demons. They don't want to be slaying ghosts, and they are leaving one by one.

Waiting for the immortal to come again? !

how is this possible!

The Jade Emperor estimated that they had forgotten them.

A batch of streamers, rushing to the sky of this autumn, this four continents of the Qing Dynasty, the former Zhongyun has been incorporated into the South Chu map.

The local monks here are all looking at the sky with horror. They never thought that in this world they are in, there are so many powerful upper monks.

Nanchu State Capital, Wangtianlou.

Chu Yan and his prince Chu Tang, that is, Chu Wanqiu's father and brother, are looking at the direction of the sea, from the position of Nanchu, this endless sea has at least thousands of streams of light.

"Father, what happened to that?"

Chu Tang Mei Yu is wrinkled. In fact, he always knows that there is an extremely powerful force in the Qiuqiu and Wuyahai. Although this power exists, it does not interfere with the Qiujie world.

However, knowing where this power comes from, only the highest powers of each country, only Chu Chuan knows in the territory of Nanchu.

"Tanger, pass on the order, starting from this moment, Nanchu, lock the country."

Chu Yan did not return to Chu Tang, he knew that these people are the repair of Xian Ting, but he did not know what happened to the endless sea.

He just has a feeling...

This world seems to be getting more and more flat.

And this autumn, he seems to be the beginning of all the chaos.


Chu Tang did not continue to ask more questions. Since his father did not say it, it would be meaningless to ask himself again.


A long sigh, ringing at the sky.

Endless sea.

In the sea of ​​flowers.

‘Qin Feng’ walked slowly and came to the front of the seven-petal purple flower. This moment...the heavens and the earth seemed to be still.

The thousands of flowers that had been swaying with the wind suddenly fell into a still state.

The most central plant of the seven-petal purple flower, with the purple star shining, the center of the seven-petal purple flower, the woman's body shape, slowly appearing.


A slightly hoarse voice came from the throat of the 'Qin Feng'. This is not the voice of Qin Feng, but... Sun Wukong.

Both eyes, slightly shaking.

Zixia’s eyes, I want to open it... but I have never done it.

"Azi, I, come see you."

The voice of Sun Wukong came out, but in the center of the seven-petal purple flower, Zixia did not wake up. She wanted to wake up... but there was a force to seal it.

The golden light appeared in the heart of Zixia.


It is a small stone.

There are many kinds of runes on the small stones. This esoteric rune is the year of Sun Wukong, and it is hand-printed one by one. It contains the power of Sun Wukong's peak.

Sun Wukong was born from Xianshi. With this stone and Zixia, it means ‘I will protect the ancients.’

With this ability to guard Zixia, as long as it is not the highest peak of the Holy Summit, the spirit of Zixia... can not be separated.

At the time of Nantianmen, Sun Wukong put down the golden hoop and volunteered to be married by Xianting.

Because of...

If the Jade Emperor really wants to get rid of everything and personally come to refine the Zixia, it is useless to have this stone.

However at the moment...

Zixia is willing to seal his soul with this stone, so as to engrave the power of Sun Wukong, unless it is to return to the golden body, otherwise it is definitely unsolvable.

Hands, slowly lifted up.

At this moment, the hand of ‘Qin Feng’ seems to have changed. It can be seen that there is an illusory golden monkey hair born in this hand. In the body of ‘Qin Feng’, it seems that there is a virtual shadow coming out.

The golden armor and the long scorpion fly, that is... Sun Wukong’s thoughts.

Step by step, Sun Wukong went to the seven-petal purple flower, the raised hand, fell into the purple plant, and fell on the cheek of Zixia.

‘Smelly monkey, leave me alone, do what you want, do what you want to do, and return to this world of heaven and earth! ’

‘Monkey, I will wait for you, I will wait for you, in the place we met for the first time...’


One after another, the voices of the past reverberated in my mind. The hands of Sun Wukong felt a moist, purple eyes, tears... drop by drop.

"Azi, I promise you, I will return this world of heaven and earth, and when I finish everything, I will return here again."

Sun Wukong’s face showed a smile. His thoughts gradually turned into golden stars and gradually dispersed. A golden light was stripped from the body of ‘Qin Feng’. The thoughts of Sun Wukong were recovered into the body of Qin Feng.

Know the land of the sea.

Qin Feng’s imaginary body and Sun Wukong’s thoughts are sitting side by side.

"One thing, I hope you can help me."

Sun Wukong’s voice is awe-inspiring.

"I know, no need to say more."

Qin Feng did not wait for Sun Wukong to finish, he knew what Sun Wukong wanted him to help, that is... go to the Buddha world!

"As long as I return to the distance of 100,000 square feet, I will be sure to take back the golden body."

Sun Wukong snorted and had absolute confidence in his tone.

"it is good."

Qin Feng nodded slightly.

Eyes, open.

At this moment, Qin Feng in the Qiuqiu world returned to the original look. 2k novel reading network

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