The city of Monkey King

Chapter 836: Peach flower mark

The wind, accompanied by the rich water, whispers between the heavens and the earth.

Qin Feng knew the Sun Wukong's thoughts in the sea, and once again fell asleep, Qin Feng broke through to the Holy Ghost, and the increase he brought to him only supported him to the present.

And next time...

When Sun Wukong wakes up again.

Qin Feng will let the real Sun Wukong wake up, that time... will be in the Buddha world!

Sun Wukong and Qin Feng, both of them were born out of the Tianshi Stone, but only one wake up very early, directly into the reincarnation with the spirit.

This is Qin Feng.

The other is Sun Wukong, who has been sleeping until the birth of the stone.

If you follow this theory, Qin Feng is still the brother of Sun Wukong, whether or not it has this relationship.

For the things that the ancient relics above the Buddha world manipulated Sun Wukong, Qin Feng was angry, too... mean!

Taking a deep breath, Qin Feng perceives his own breath at the moment.

After the fourth world 'Su Ze''s enlightenment is condensed in the heart, now Qin Feng can find his original self. In his knowledge of the sea, the memory of the fourth world 'Su Ze' has turned into an emerald green. Light group.

These memories exist independently, and they are not completely integrated with the Qin wind. According to the expectations of Qin Feng, it is necessary to wait until the ninth century is all gathered, and then there will be a big fusion.

At that time, according to the plan of the first world, the achievements of nine roads, beyond the heavens and the earth, the achievement of chaos does not destroy the Eucharist.

Looking at the seven-petal purple flower in front of him, with the Sun Wukong's thoughts sleeping again, the seven-petal purple flower slowly recovered.

At the center of the plant, the small stone of Zixia’s heart is gradually hidden.

However, at this moment...


This autumn sky has changed.

Purple black, covering the sky, with a huge vortex flowing in this sky, one after another exudes a strong demon spirit, flying out from this vortex, the volley in this autumn sky.

The first batch of demons, these demons... are the devils of the seventh world.

Qin Feng brows slightly wrinkled, he actually did not want to face these demons of the world, after all, he is not Sun Wukong, and he still has his own things.

The love of the IX is just to complete the fourth world.

The next generation of Qin Feng is looking for the Nangong Yi people, that is, the ‘Luo Ruoyan’.

Not only to find the insights of that world, but also to find the Nangong Yiren!

"Holy respect."

At this time, behind the Qin Feng, the void was broken, and a figure came out, and the courtesy of Qin Feng was extremely respectful.

The person who came is the monarch.

I haven't waited for Qin Feng to speak, and Jun Jun is an opening: "The genus knows that the Holy Supreme has something to do, but it is still a daring, please spend a day in the Holy Spirit, where you gather together the Great Demon. With this, the heart of the Yaozu can be stabilized."


Qin Feng nodded slightly, and he knew what it meant in his words.

Nowadays, the three Taoist forces are retracting their own strengths. The Wanshang seems calm, but in fact it is brewing an unpredictable storm.

This time the battle...

Nothing will go down in the wilder ages!

The demon people who have been caught in the forces of the three parties have not recovered from the battle of the fairy tales of the previous world. If there is no leader, the battle to annihilate the forces of the three parties is a matter of nailing.

"After the closure of the secluded, let him come to the South Chu State to find me."

Qin Feng faintly opened, after the completion, the body shape dissipated in place.

"Follow the order."

Jun Jun slightly arched his hand and looked at the place where Qin Feng disappeared. The brow was slightly wrinkled. In fact, he knew that the breath of Qin Feng was different from that of Sun Wukong.

South Chu State Capital.


Chu smoke is about to turn and leave, suddenly... he appears in front of him.

After a fierce whole body, Chu Yan quickly handed the ceremony.

"No need."

Qin Feng turned around and turned his back to Chu. For this guy, Qin Feng still gave some face. Anyway, this person is the father of Chu Wanqiu.

The sound is calm and quiet.

"I need to borrow your country for the day."

This sentence fell in the ears of Chu smoke. Chu smoke had not reacted at one time, but soon it was once again: "Everything in the South Chu State, the predecessors can use it."

Chu Yan was busy once again, and he felt from the Qin Feng's body that he had a completely different atmosphere from the last time. He was as deep as the vast sea, let him look at it at a glance.

He only saw this kind of breath in a kind of person, that is... the most holy!

Qin Feng did not continue to speak, Chu smoke is also interesting, and once again bowed to Qin Feng, and then ... retreat to the Wangtianlou.

But when he was about to leave, a voice fell into his ear.

"Autumn is coming."

This sentence makes Chu smoke look great, he originally saw Qin Feng, he wanted to ask Qin Feng about Chu Wanqiu, but saw the cold expression of Qin Feng, coupled with the vast atmosphere of the body, let Chu The smoke did not dare to ask.

After Chu smoked away, at the top of Wangtianlou, only Qin Feng was alone.

Lifting your eyes slightly, you can see the sky in this autumn, the huge purple-black vortex, with a steady stream of streams falling from it.

It’s the demon that comes from all over the place...

However, there is no such thing as a demon level.

For these, Qin Feng just took a glance, but did not continue to pay too much attention, but turned his hand, in his hands...

There is a ray of red maple color.

This aura is the soul of the Yigong Yi people, which led the Qin wind to the tenth of the Weifang Palace. When it was about to dissipate, Qin Feng seized it.

As far as Qin Feng is concerned.

This aura of red maple is the only clue he has now, or else... he has no way to find the Nangong Yi people.

The vast expanse of the world, the number of interfaces, countless, and the desire to find a person in this vast world, the difficulty is high.

The brow wrinkled slightly, and Qin Feng was thinking about it in the heart, suddenly...

He felt an itching on his left wrist and subconsciously untied the cuff. Suddenly... the scorpion suddenly condensed!

At his left wrist, I don't know when it was a peach-like imprint. From this imprint, he felt a breath.

This breath...

He is not familiar with it, but he is not a stranger.

Because not long ago, this master of breath, with him in one place!

Qin Feng looked slightly condensed, he thought of the man who looked like Yunling and Meisheng demon at the Xianwei Palace piano sound event. He remembered that guy, called Yunxiao.

This peach blossom mark should be the guy who secretly stayed on himself.

peach blossom…


Qin Feng couldn't help but take a deep breath. He remembered that when he first saw Yunling, it was in Xiantaolin. 2k novel reading network

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