The city of Monkey King

Chapter 837: Wanhua Valley

This cloud...

What is the relationship between Yunling and Yunling? !

The more Qin Feng thinks, the more he feels wrong. From the beginning, this cloud is like knowing himself. Qin Feng was puzzled at first.

However, because it is necessary to take the relationship of the fourth world, and the battle with the helper, this thing is completely ignored.

Moreover, Qin Feng clearly remembers that before he handed over the control of the body to Sun Wukong, he once scanned the surrounding area, and the man named Yunxiao was gone.

The brow is getting tighter and tighter.

Intuition tells him that this friendship between Yunxiao and Yunling must have a relationship. If you want to unlock the world of Yunling, you should be able to gain something from this cloud.

One after another, the streamer, falling from the purple black vortex of the sky.

This day...

For the entire Qiuqiu world, the four monks who cultivated the kingdom of the kingdom were in extreme fear. So many demons came, they have never seen this life.

Qin Feng is watching this peach blossom mark on his wrist, staring tightly.

I don't know why, he perceives a sense of indescribable feeling from this peach flower mark, just like... he once saw this peach flower mark.


Can't remember where it is.

I can't remember it, who planted it for him.


Fairy world.

One of the top gates, Wanhua Valley.

Wanhua Valley, which has been inherited for millions of years, has always been hidden. It rarely happens in the world. Even though it was the battle of the fairy devils in the past, Wanhua Valley did not pay attention to the call of Xianting. One person did not.

However, it is also because of this, after the battle of the fairy devil, Xianting on the merits of the reward, Wanhua Valley was directly abandoned, became the only Zongmen in the Supreme Xianmen who did not receive the approval of Xianting.


The people of Wanhua Valley don't care.

The peaks and ridges are heavy, and the flowers are blooming all over the peaks. In the most central part of the peaks, there is a valley. The beauty is like a dream scroll, which makes people look and linger.

Here, it is the Wanhua Valley, which is called the ‘Human Paintings’.

Wanhua Valley has only received female disciples for millions of years. This is a constant tradition. Only one exception is the one in which Wanhua Valley is the owner of the valley.

The most central place in Wanhua Valley, here...

It is a peach forest.

The peach blossoms are blooming, flying and flowing, and you can't help but feel the heart and soul.

In the most central part of this Taolin, there is a peach tree that is graceful to the extreme. The trunk of this peach tree is like a dance step of a beautiful woman.

The scattered branches are like the floating blue silk, which makes people think.

Yunxiao is standing in front of this peach tree.

In front of Yunxiao, there is a woman, a woman wearing a long red dress, the long skirt from the waist is a split, showing the graceful slender jade feet.

This person is the second generation of the owner of Wanhua Valley, Yunshang.

"Second sister, I don't understand why you called me back."

Yunxiao’s face has a hint of twilight. He was originally in the tenth fairyland, but was forcibly recalled to Wanhuagu. Yunshang did not speak immediately, but was silent for a long time.

Slightly looking up, the beautiful side face is fascinating and glamorous in the sunlight through the branches.

"Small, not the second sister called you."

The sound of the singer sounded, and suddenly the face of the cloud was dark, and the figure was fierce.

"Second sister, you are saying..."

Yunxiao looked at the peach tree in front of her eyes. When she was on her face, she smiled. "It’s a big sister! Big sister calls me?!"

"Small, don't be excited."

Yunshang looked at the peach tree in front of her eyes. The look was dignified: "This peach tree, which was made by the body of the sister, has a very strong force that has surged out at the moment, and it is the power that will recall you."

"You now…"

Yunshang looked over at Yunxiao: "Tell me what you have seen and heard in the Tenth Immortal World."

Yunxiao is also a glimpse. The first time he thought of it was Qin Feng!

"Second sister, I said you may not believe."

Taking a deep breath, Yunxiao looked at the peach tree in front of him. His eyes had an old meaning: "I... I saw Xiao Brother."

When this was said, Yunshang even guessed a few points, but also the subconscious face changed, and the face suddenly emerged with anger and killing!

"Xiao Chenyi! Where is he now!"

In a word, it’s almost like killing people.

"Second sister, you should listen to me first."

The cloud brows a wrinkle, and quickly pulls the cloud. Although he sees his ‘Xiao Big Brother’ in his memory, he still has many doubts.

For example, this 'Xiao Big Brother' does not know him.

Another example...

This "Xiao Big Brother" is not the force of the wind, but the power of the wood line =

These all caused doubts in his mind.

"You said."

Ella is also controlling her own mood, she just did not suppress the fire, to kill people ... that is naturally impossible.

Yunxiao is also wiped the sweat of his forehead, his second sister Yunshang, the original temper is extremely gentle, but after the accident of the big sister Yunshuang, Yunshang took over the position of Yunshuang and became the second generation of Wanhua Valley.

Even the temper...

It was also inherited from the area, from a gentle woman to a temperamental, arrogant and arrogant Wanhua Guzhu.

"Things are so..."

Yunxiao is busy talking about everything that happens in the Tenth Xianwei world. Any details are detailed with Yunshang.

Full... After half an hour.

When Yunshang heard the description of Yunxiao, the brows were wrinkled.

"You want to say, Xiao Chenyi, this **** has lost memory?"

When Yunshang said this, she did not believe it. How can a memory of sacredness be lost?

"I tried him many times, not like it."

The cloud brows and wrinkles and said: "I still left a mark on him. This is the dream of the big sister who taught me that he couldn't wipe it."

After the words of Yunxiao, Yunshang was cold with a face, and the clouds were very nervous. He was afraid that Yunshang would kill him directly.

"I know."

Unexpectedly, Yunshang is only a faint opening.

Then I posted another sentence: "You should not run around again during this time, so follow the master craftsmanship."


Yunxiao was very upset, and then looked at the peach tree, then turned and left.

The vast peach forest, the wind, the light dance.

In the center of the peach tree, the look of the peach trees in front of the calm, but... this brow, but the more wrinkled and tight!

A touch of anger can not be suppressed, burning in the eyes!

"Sister, Xiao Chenyi appeared, he finally appeared! I will definitely find out the matter. If the **** really lost you, I will swear by it! It must break its soul, destroy its shackles, and squat on his items. Human head, put it here, come for your meditation!" 2k novel reading network

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