The city of Monkey King

Chapter 839: That... it is invincible!

"Respected, it seems that this three-legged fire can't hold back."

"Congratulations to the seat, congratulations to the seat, this three-legged fire, if used to alchemy, the way to understand the fire, enough to increase the chance of 30% or 40%."


Hong Jing listened to the flattery of the people behind him, and smiled on his face: "There are rewards, all have rewards!"

Laughing and snoring, this voice was infused and fell into the ears of every thief. Those monks who were still struggling to capture the three-legged fire and gold were arrested.

"I wait!"

"When I am holy, I am waiting... all are dead!"

The shackled three-legged fire, the angry voice came out from it. Surprisingly, it was a woman’s voice, and the voice of anger was extremely nice.

This makes that Hong Jing also shines: "Oh?"

The corner of the mouth, a wretched smile appeared: "It is actually a banshee."

Stepping out, the figure disappeared in the same place, the next moment appeared, in front of the three-legged fire Jinwu, the three-legged fire Jinwu original huge body shape of millions of feet, now only a small size.

When the thieves saw the appearance of Hongjing, they all stopped.

"Your ‘My Saint’ has become a plaything in the hands of the big Buddha. What do you want to kill this seat?”

Hong Jing smiled, how does this smile seem to make people feel a disgusting intention, the three-legged fire in front of his eyes, the whole body is covered with a red flame, at this moment the figure begins to shrink rapidly, and finally... turned into a woman Look like it.

The red hair grows long, and the red fringed tassel dress, the delicate face and the facial features, does not bear the word 'beauty', even this Hongjing is a bright eye.

He has never seen such a beautiful banshee!

"I am unbeaten, what the great Buddha of the Buddha world counts."

The woman who was ignited by the fire, looked coldly at the sight of Hong Jing, and said that Hong Jing’s words were half-hearted.

"Oh, it doesn't matter if you believe or not."

Hong Jingyi raised his hand, and suddenly the ice blue net that shrouded the fire Jinwu woman dissipated. In fact, for the capture of these demon kings below the holy, Hongjing has a perfect cultivation, and it is easy to do it.

The reason why I haven’t been doing it, I’m so embarrassed... I have to force myself to do it. If anything needs him to be the boss, then what the younger brother needs to do.

As soon as I saw the appearance of this golden woman, the Hongjing apparently moved other minds and prepared myself.

When I stepped forward, Hong Jing’s hand lifted the chin of the woman who was hooked on the fire, and even though the woman was trying to move, it was not moving.

"Little demon, tell your name, this seat gives you the qualification to sleep, so that you can continue to live."

Hong Jing slightly looked up and looked like a gift.


Although the body can't move, but it can still be done with a sip of sorrow. There is a contempt disgust in the look of the fire-golden woman: "What do you count, let me sleep?!

There is a arrogant color in the eyes of the women in the fire, and her blood is noble. It is inherited from the golden age of the three kings. In the era of the wild, the three-legged Jinwu has always been a human monk!


Hong Jing’s backhand is a slap in the face of a woman who is on the fire, and her eyes are dark.

"Toasting does not eat and drink fine wine."

"If I am here, you are not eligible for swearing."

The fire-golden woman did not have any expression changes, but she smiled coldly.

"‘我圣’ ‘我圣’, are you talking about that monkey?! Hahahaha! I laughed at me, the monkey used to be powerful, but now... he’s a fart!”

"Oh... no, it shouldn't be a fart."


The group of Hong Jing’s men also laughed.


"Er, **** it!"

The fire gold woman’s face is furious, these people can look down on themselves, but they must not look down on the holy!

In her heart, the Holy Spirit is the supreme being!

That is the first one...

Lead the demon, turn over the demon of the fairy buddha!

"I don't accept this seat, then I will slap you in the first place, then let my brothers go down one by one, and finally make you a fire!"

Hong Jing’s face was a glimpse. When the words came out, the people behind him were all shining.

These thieves are not the most wicked people. When they hear that they can play such a beautiful banshee, they all look at the fire golden banshee, and the wretched smile fills everyone's mouth.

The fire gold banshee, the expression is fierce, she is not afraid of death!

However, her noble blood can not be humiliated, let alone being so many despicable human monks!

But she has no way, even struggling can't do it!

"what did you just say?"

At this time, there was a voice that sounded above the monks, and in a word... fell into the ears of Hong Jing, calm and indifferent.


Hong Jingmeng's brow wrinkled, and looked up subconsciously. He saw a man in a black robe wearing a bucket and holding his hands. His calm eyes looked at Hongjing with a misty fog.

"Where are the mixed kids, dare to take care of our respect!"

Behind Hong Jing, a thief with a quasi-sacred product was rushed toward Qin Feng.



When the bandit was close to the Qin Feng body and the hundred feet, the whole body was bursting out, and the spirit of the gods was destroyed.

this moment…

All the bandits are shrinking their eyes, and even the smile on Hong Jing’s face is stopped. Most people... he certainly doesn’t care.

What's more, he did not feel any dangerous atmosphere from Qin Feng's body, and naturally he did not care.

He is not surprised by his death.

He was surprised...

This is the person in front of me, how to shoot it!

Obviously, I have been watching, but I have never seen the shot, but for a moment, my subordinates who have the right to repair the sacred are collapsed.

Hong Jing... Naturally, I don’t understand.

Even Qin Feng at the moment is also feeling in the heart, the power of this evil body... It is really powerful!

When he uses the true soul as a bridge and transitions the power of evil to the first ontology, the ontology can use both ‘God’ and ‘Tianba’.


That is a limitation. If you use more, it will exhaust the power of evil.

However, there is no such restriction in the body of evil spirits. Even the power of 'Tianba' 'Shenluo' has always existed in the whole body. Anyone who wants to step on the whole body will be instantly destroyed by the power of 'Tianba'. Any method of stepping into a hundred square feet will be automatically absorbed by the power of 'Shen Luo'.

For this kind of power, Qin Feng has only one word to describe.

That... it is ‘invincible’!

Qin Feng also finally understood why the evil people of the flood era can be the dream of the family! 2k novel reading network

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