The city of Monkey King

Chapter 840: God Luo vortex!

'Tianba', 'Shenluo', these two forces possessed by the blood of the evil kings are enough to sweep everything. Even the ordinary evil people can awaken these two forces on a small scale, but there is no such thing as a royal family. Powerful.

In the era of hegemony, it is conceivable that even if there is the existence of a thousand troops, as long as there is a strong evil kingdom, the power of ‘Hegemony God’s is covering a thousand miles, and the He can be close to half a point? !

The power of 'Tianba' crushed the thief who had the sacred sacred sacred sacred traits. The rest of the thieves had no horror in their faces. They did not think that the guy who seemed to have no threat at all was actually So strange and powerful, in a moment, let the quasi-Saint top product crush into ash, even a trace of **** is not left!


On the side of Hong Jing’s side, the old man who had previously sneaked a horse, asked at the moment, his face had a look of stubbornness, even though he had the cultivation of the quasi-holy peak, but he did not feel that he was the black in front of him. The opponent of the cloak.

"Give him the seat!"

Hong Jing has a dignified eye in his eyes. He did not choose himself, but was completely ordered by a big man.

This posture seems to be very bullish, but it is actually a slap in the heart.

These thieves all have a very contradictory character, but they are timid... but they are timid. They are weaker than themselves, and they can’t do it one by one. If they encounter a strong one, they are a group of people.

For example, at this moment, hundreds of thousands of monks, there is no one who dares to lean forward, with the previous death of the quasi-sacred product as an example.

Now there is nothing more than a cohesive method that is far apart. Time... Innumerable magical light appears, shining the whole world.

"kill him!"

"kill and kill!"

"There is a seat! Kill this kid!"


Although my heart is very embarrassing, but the momentum is not at all awkward, they are making a loud roar, and reverberating in this realm, the fire gold banshee, but also looks up and looks at Qin Feng, there is a trace of worry in the eyes. color.

Anyway, this stranger is now the head for her.

"Hey, this room has to look at it, how can you hold hundreds of thousands of people in this seat!"

Hong Jing looked at Qin Feng, and there was a hint of disdain in his eyes. He was extremely reluctant to believe in the power of Qin Feng. So... use his younger brothers to do a stepping stone and try the strength of Qin Feng.

If it is stronger than himself, he will immediately start to slip.

If it is weaker than itself and does not reach the strength of the Holy Ghost, this Hongjing will immediately scream and cool.


"kill and kill!!"


The sound of the vibration boundary sounds, at the same moment... hundreds of thousands of magical methods of light, from the bottom up to the Qin wind, for a time... can not see the shadow of Qin Feng, completely shrouded by the magic of the law .


What happened in the next moment completely riddled these circles. The magic light they had produced did not make a slight noise. When they were near the Qinfeng Baizhang area, they all disappeared!

Qin Feng's look is calm and indifferent. He didn't even push the slightest strength in the body at this moment. In his square, the power of 'Shen Luo' automatically appeared, and another whirlpool of purple appeared, and these hundreds of thousands of methods were used. God light, all are swallowed!

After everything is calm.

The hundreds of thousands of magical methods, even the traces of traces in this field have not been left, all the bandits are horrified to see the temperament of the Qin wind, in the Baizhang area around the Qin Feng, foot There are hundreds of purple swirls in the foot, and these purple swirls are slowly flowing, full of heart-rending and strange.

"This, what's going on?"

"What are these strange whirlpools?!"

"What about our spells?! No effect at all!"


Not only these hundreds of thousands of pirates, Hong Jing’s goods are even more shocking. He hasn’t slowed down for a long time. He has been staring at the position of Qin Feng, and he has a perfection to be clear. Seeing, all the magical techniques are absorbed by those purple vortex!


Too strange!

He has never seen such magical powers!

"this is…"

The fire gold banshee is a flash of doubt in her eyes. She is a three-legged fire, and she is the demon king of the ruined age. Although she is only a quasi-holy peak, her family is extremely strange and envied by its people. The feature is that there is no need to rob.

Therefore, the years of living are extremely long, and even... she has experienced the era of hegemony!

At that time, there was a family that could not be forgotten by the people of the world. Even if it is now remembered, the fire gold banshee will feel the whole body tremble.

Because of the existence of that family, it is too powerful, so powerful that the ancestors of the eternal ancestors who have already surpassed the heavens and the earth have appeared, and they have personally eliminated the family!


Mumbled, the fire gold banshee, although I can't believe that there will be evil people between the heavens and the earth, but these purple vortexes in front of her, let her think of a scene I have seen...

It was a battle to lay the hegemonic position of the evil people. The king of evil spirits was the power of one person, and the dozens of ethnic minorities at that time were alone.


The king of evil is unscathed, and these dozens of great-grand lords, who have died and survived, have suffered multiple injuries. Since then, no one has dared to challenge the authority of the king of evil.

The flood of time was called the era of evil, that is, the era of evil rule.

The fire gold banshee looked up at Qin Feng, looked at the swirling purple swirls, took a deep breath... she never thought that, after millions of years, she could see evil again in this era. Oh, and... is the royal family!

Hundreds of whirlpools whirlpool, all the thieves are in a state of shivering, and the most central Qin Feng, the purple scorpion, through the fog of the fight, watching the hundreds of thousands of bandits underneath.

For these people...

Qin Feng did not have a bit of mercy, and in the eyes, a touch of killing!

At this time, these hundreds of purple vortexes are beginning to reverse, and the ray of blasphemy appears in the center of this vortex.

"what happened?!"

"The power that scatters in the whirlpool..."

"This, isn't this my Tianhe Mantra?! How come out in this whirlpool!"


These thieves soon discovered the clues. From these whirlpools, they felt the familiar atmosphere, which was the technique they had previously shown!




After only a few seconds of swearing, these thieves shouted, because there were hundreds of purple whirlpools, and there was a sly magical rush!

The target of the shock is the hundreds of thousands of bandits! 2k novel reading network

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