The city of Monkey King

Chapter 842: ‘烬皇’ ‘Snow Emperor’ ‘Bone’!

Dachu Palace, Wangtianlou Top Pavilion.

Qi Jun’s figure appeared behind Qin Feng’s body and said in a low voice: “Holy Respect, Black Devil, Dijiang, Ice Wing White Tiger, Red Yan Jinyu, No Support, Eight-Claw Fire Glass, Nine Infants, 杌The nine-tailed fox, the Yuetian dog, the five-line unicorn, the ghost, the demon king, these thirteen demons have already reached the border of the autumn."

"With the addition of the subordinates, now the 18th Emperor has reached the 14th place, only the Jiuyilong, Luwu, Xuehuang, and the ancient 饕餮."

Having said that, Jun’s brow wrinkled slightly.

These four...

It is now the strongest of the 18 demon emperors, Jiuyilong, Luwu, and Xuehuang, all of which have reached the peak of the Seventh Seventh Peak, and the ancient 饕餮, is the peak of the Holy Eight!

All four were sealed in the first world, especially the ancient times... sealed in the first world of Xianting, the fairyland!

"The Holy One has a kind of ominous premonition. These four demons have strong strength and should never be trapped so far."


Qin Feng nodded and said that he recognized this statement very much. The scorpion was slightly condensed. In the current situation, there is no reason to have any force to mix the demon. Whether it is Xian, Tao, or Buddha, it is raising. It’s the best way to keep your strength at its peak.

who is it…

Will you intervene in the four ancient emperors to break through the seal? ! Who has this power? ! To know that the intervention of these four to break the seal, any of the Fairy Buddha needs to mobilize more than 30% of the power!

"Since the news of the Buddha world has spread, the first world has been completely blocked by Xianting, and it is difficult to find out the news between the next time."

Jun Jun said slightly, and said openly.

His dream Fox people are all over the world, but the first world is the place where Xianting is. At this juncture, this first world is completely sealed and it is also a matter of nailing.

Even with the method of spreading the letter of the Dream Fox family, it is difficult to break through the blockade line of Xianting for a while, at least for a few days.

"Let Feng You come over to see me."

Qin Feng walked to the balcony of the Wangtianlou. If you can't find the news, you can only let Fengshu use the technique of divination to test a test. The first world... What happened in the end.


The first world.

There is a big world in the north. The monks in this world have already fled all the time, but there are a group of people who are extremely weird. The whole body is covered in blood red robes with a sly mask on the face. .

The hollow eyes in the mask are full of blood.

The hand that stretched out from the **** robes was a bone-white cockroach, which was shocking.

These **** robes are full of millions of people, surrounded by the big world, one by one to find out the white bones, **** red silks coming out of their hands, like weaving Sweaters generally cover this big world.

In this world, it is already a fragmented land, and the heavens and the earth are the end of the world.

There is a dragon with nine wings. At this moment, the dragon crouched on the broken earth, and a pair of dragons with endless vicissitudes of life, slightly looking up at this outside.

The days of this world are covered with fine red lines intertwined...


The whispering voice of the vicissitudes of life, from the dragon body, echoes the whole world, it is obvious... This jiwingosaurus recognizes the identity of these bones.

a very strange word.


In the era of the wild, it was the most mysterious race among the nations.

Almost at the same time as the evil people, they appeared in the floods. After the evil people came to the world, they quickly rose up and defeated the Wanzu and became the king of the people with unmatched momentum. However, the bones disappeared, and few people knew the family. Exist, but people who have known the bones are very clear, the bones... very strange!

The ancestors of Hongjun returned to the floods, and they destroyed the evil tribes of the Patriarchs and restored the situation of the hunger and the hegemony. However, it was rarely observed that when the evil people were destroyed, they were very strange and always low-key bones. The family was also completely disappeared from that time.

Even if the floods are broken, there is no trace of the bones. This is the result of today’s Wanjie. Few people know that there was a bone existence. Even if it is known, it is also in the passage of the years. forget.

"Why did it appear at this time, it was a dream to target the emperor."

At this time, the entire skyline, the dense red silk began to clear more and more, from the all sides, toward the center of the center of the nine-winged dragon contracted.

This posture...

Much like catching!

Jiuyilong a pair of dragons and dragons are cold, completely do not care about these falling red lines, his strength, his identity, his proud heart, noble blood, does not allow him to feel fear.

He is the ‘Yonghuang’ nine-winged dragon!

Four feet, slowly stood up!

Above the dragon, nine wings, a fierce exhibition, a huge body, covering all, slightly raised the dragon head, looking at the red line that quickly fell.

The same scene.

The western boundary of the First World is also a large world. There are millions of red robes around it.

These red robes smashed out the hands of the two bones and painted one red light, which was interwoven into a net to cover the entire world.

The intertwined red lines shrank away from the center of the world.

In the center of this world, it is a mountain, a land of mountains, a woman, a white dress with a white dress, and the three thousand green silks flying behind it are white and white, and the pair of eyes with ice crystals, Staring at the red line that is constantly shrinking from the sky.

This woman, the body of the snow phoenix, is one of the 18 demon emperors, Xuehuang ‘ice if’.

"Since the bones will appear in the seal of my place, I will not be saved if I want to come to other places."

"These bones don't appear late, but they appear at this time. In the end...what is the abacus."

If the ice whispers, there is no change in expression, but there is doubt in the heart, because these bones have not been born for too long, and now they are aimed at the Yaozu, which is not a thing for the Yaozu who is already at a disadvantage. good news.

However, she is the same as the ‘Yuhuang’ Jiuyilong, even though she knows that this is a strange bone that has disappeared for a long time, and it has unpredictable and strange power.

Can be the same...

If the ice has never been put in the eyes!

We must know that whether she is the 'Yuhuang' Jiuyilong, they have experienced the ruin of the past, experienced the collapse of the floods, the long life and experience, and the powerful cultivation of their own Seventh Heavenly Products. They are proud of the absolute confidence of the heroes! 2k novel reading network

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