The city of Monkey King

Chapter 843: 沧古饕餮!

at the same time.

The eastern boundary of the first world has a big world, and at this moment... it crashes!

"District people, do you want to catch the emperor?!"


From the center of the collapsed interface, there is a man's figure, slowly coming out of the void, nine feet of body, frantic long curly hair flying.

Eyelids, slightly raised... dazzling purple gold 璀璨!

One of the demon kings, Lu Huang Luwu.

Lu Wu looked up at the millions of red robes that were volleying around the boundary. There was disdain in his eyes, and he waved and slammed toward his side!

The vast expanse of the domain collapsed, and the tens of thousands of bones were directly destroyed in the void of the collapsed territory.

"It seems that there is nothing to do with it. It is no wonder that one by one in the wilderness period hides with the grandson."

Lu Wu mouth with a disdainful smile, he also had jealousy for these bones at first, after all, is a thing that has never been touched, but when he tried to test his hand, the jealousy in his heart disappeared completely.

These guys...

In his eyes is a group of weak chickens.

Wave, can be annihilated.

However, at this time, the remaining bones, like nothing happened, continued to surround Lu Wu's body, and the pair of white bones and the strange red light intertwined.

"Not self-reliant."

Lu Wu snorted and spread from his body to a powerful and powerful pressure. boom! Boom! With him as the center, the boundaries of a million square meters collapsed instantly!

But at this time...

From the collapse of the void, the dense red light rushed out, for a moment... all these red lights were wrapped around Lu Wu.


Lu Wu blinked at the red light on his body and whispered to himself, but just as he wanted to break up the red light, the whole body... suddenly stunned!

A horrible color appeared in the eyelids!

"how is this possible!"

Lu Wu suddenly discovered that his powerful sanctity, at the moment when the red light was entangled, 50% was instantly sealed, just when he wanted to mobilize the remaining power to dissipate the red light.

From this realm, there is a pair of red robe figures appearing in the darkness, and countless lines of red light fall into the body of Lu Wu!

His power was sealed from 50%, and it was 60%, 70%, 80%... until 10:10 was sealed!

And the appearance of the red robe is already hundreds of millions!


Lu Wu tried many times and found that his power could not be mobilized at all. These red lights were very strange...not the usual seal method, even though Lu Wu was extremely powerful, and there was no way to solve it.

And just at this time...

After the tens of millions of red robes, there was a huge red robe illusion in the precinct, the huge red robe vain, his eyes glowing with blood red.

"The bones left to worship."

Lu Wu apparently still recognized the identity of the bones. As soon as he saw the huge red robe phantom, the look was fierce.

At this moment, Lu Wu did not continue to struggle. He knew that he had lost his qualification for resistance.

If it is hard, these guys are naturally not their own opponents, but these strange red lights...

Lu Wu's scorpion was tight, and the power of the strange seal on the red light made him have no way to crack it. He thought for a moment, Lu Wu's left hand, a slight hook.

He doesn't know what these bones want to do, but he is sure that he can't escape, so the only thing he can do now is to inform the Xuehuang and the Emperor, who are also in the first world, to let them two. Touch these red lights, as long as you avoid these red lights, with their strength, these bones can do nothing!


Fairy world.

Infinite sea.

This sea, in the southern part of the fairyland, is called the infinite, it is this sea ... can not explore the depth.

The radius of the sea, even within a thousand miles near the sea, is that no monks exist, and at most only some mortals live here.

As for the reason why there is no monk is very simple. After the last fairy war, the ancient scorpion in the Yaozu entered this vast sea of ​​enclaves. Since then, no one dared to approach the boundless sea.

Because no one knows, the ancient 饕餮 有着 有着 修 修 修 修 修 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。

Once it emerges, it will be dead.




The monks did not dare to approach, but the mortal on the shores of the Bohai Sea relied heavily on fishing in the Bohai Sea. There was a small fishing boat sailing on the surface of the sea.

More than a dozen people are closing the net, but at this time, there are a few sailors with better hearings.

"Have you heard the sound?"

"Okay, it seems like breathing!"

"Is it wrong, you can hear the sound of breathing, and quickly close the net, it should be back to the shore."

"There will be no more auditory halls after a few more times in the future. This sea is endless and there is a breath of fart."


A few old sailors are laughing.

"You, look!"

At this time, suddenly someone pointed at the waters in front of them and shouted.

"What are you calling!"

The old sailor was irritated by impatience, but the moment he looked up, the whole person was stunned!

In the waters directly in front of the sailboat, there is a huge whirlpool of swirls, the scale of the vortex, this sailing boat is just a drop in the ocean.

Bang ~!

Days, dark clouds, and rolling thunders.


Breathing sound, more and more heavy, and finally... like a thunder, reverberating in the sea of ​​this sea!

In the center of the Bohai Sea, the area of ​​the vortex is getting bigger and bigger, and the flow rate is getting faster and faster, oh~!

From above the sky, there is a purple-gold light, and the world is completely shrouded!

‘嗡~’ ‘嗡~’ ‘...’

One after another purple gold runes appear on this purple gold light barrier.

At the same time, an immortal purpose fell from the fairy court, floating in the south of this fairyland, the sound is passed into everyone's ears.

‘The Jade Emperor’s Immortal, the repair of the Southern Region of the Immortal World, gave a scent of the fragrance to evacuate. ’

The southern domain of the entire fairy world, this moment...

Numerous repairs to the Xianzong Gate are like seeing ghosts. They have abandoned the ancestors on a large scale and fled into other Sanyu. No matter where they fled, they will not stay in the South.

The bottom of the sea.

I don't know how deep it is, dark and dark, and I can't see the slightest light at all.


At this time, with a pair of eyes, suddenly opened, it is like the bright light in this night, a pair of golden scorpions!

To the peak of the Eight Diagrams, the era of the ruins is the existence of the peak of all beings, the absolute king of the Yi family!沧古饕餮! 2k novel reading network

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