The city of Monkey King

Chapter 845: Ten Tombs will be!

In the northern domain of the First World, the Jiuyi Dragon Emperor was in danger, and at the same time, the Snow King of the Western Region.

The big world has not broken down.

This is because ice is deliberate, because she found that having such an interface exists, can save a lot of effort.

As she got the news from Lu Wu, these bones...

It relies on that strange red light.

Slightly low, a pair of beautiful eyes looked at his left arm, with a few entangled red light, but it was so few, she could clearly feel that the sanctity of her body was hindered.

Above the sky.

Innumerable, innumerable bone figures, the red robe, reflected in the eyes of the people, extremely dazzling, countless red light, falling from the sky, falling from all directions toward the ice.

If the ice is so ice crystal, it will be a cold!

Call ~!

These red lights near her are all frozen!


Then all collapsed.

If Snow Phoenix is ​​born, it is natural to have the power of water, plus the practice of the day after tomorrow.

Among the seven laws of heaven and earth that she is in control, she has the strongest control over the rules of water law, and has already risen to the level of ice. This is why she is much better at the moment than her emperor.

It is rare for these ordinary bones to hurt her.

The red light on the left arm was still influenced by the previous intentions. Perhaps... With regard to the powerful offensive, she could not compare with the Jiuyilong, but it was about defense.

Among the demons, no one is the opponent of its snow phoenix.


Obviously, it is impossible to always be these ordinary bones. On the other side of Luwu, there is a left-winged sacrificial offering. On the other side of the nine-winged dragon, there is a right-handed sacrifice.

If the snow phoenix ice, of course, will not be underestimated.

This point, if the ice is also very clear.

So she has been waiting until the real leader appears!

Call ~!

At this time, the red robe bones that were close to each other stopped their bodies, and the red light in one hand was also dissipated.

Turn around...

Around the sky above the snow phoenix, there is a red robes that are twice as big as the ordinary bones.

The ten bones appearing, the red robe on the body has a strange pattern, and the mask on the face, the eyebrows have a strange rune.

"The tomb of the heavens is ten bones."

Seeing the ten bones, if the ice is dignified, she is obviously able to judge the identity of these ten guys, in the bones...

There are two supreme beings, the first being the high priest of the bones and the second being the king of the bones.

The bones of the high priests have left and right sacrifices, while the bones of the king are the famous bone tombs of the ancient times.

Ten bones will appear, without the slightest wait, from their body, dazzling blood red light appears, 咻~咻~咻~!

Intertwined with each other, ten blood red rays are connected to one place, and the ice is covered in a million miles.

And almost at the same time, those ordinary bones are once again in the hands of red light, countless red light, the ice towards the center.

But there is one thing...


That is the red light. When it flows through this **** red light, it is turned into a strange and strange rune, and the runes of the ten bones are exactly the same!

If the ice naturally discovers this, the scorpion suddenly becomes cold, and the force of the frost that was previously applied is once again unfolded!

However... unexpected!

Her power of frost is that she can't break these blood red runes to the ice.

In these runes, she felt the power to penetrate the laws of heaven and earth. It was this power that made her frost power invalid.


A big drink in my heart.

Countless red blood runes, all hit the body of the ice...

Heaven and earth... a silence.

However, just for a moment, a phoenix that screamed and smashed into the sky, a huge ice crystal phoenix, suddenly jumped for nine days, directly shattering the red barrier of the ten bones.

There is dignity among a pair of phoenixes. If there is no hesitation in the ice, after breaking through the barrier, the wings will suddenly swell and burst into the world.

She can feel that the runes that have just fallen on her have begun to work...

The seven holy forces in the body are gradually being sealed, and the communication channels between themselves and the laws of heaven and earth are also blocked. When these runes are fully effective, they are at least seventy-eight percent sealed!

And at that time...

It is the meat of the knife, and it is slain!

Taking advantage of these runes has not been fully effective, she wants to... escape!

The ice crystal phoenix, the speed is extremely fast, the whistling between the boundaries, the places and boundaries are full of thick frost.

And behind the ice, a large piece of red light came, the top ten speeds are especially fast, it is not weaker than ice!


The seventh world, the autumn border.

Feng You has already called to collect the demon kings, as well as the layout of the matter. After all, this level of transmission is not so easy to lay down.

Qin Feng is alone in the top of the tower, the four words that were previously sealed, and floating in the center of the pavilion.


Originally, it was a black-and-white ‘烬’ word, which suddenly turned into a black gas, and only the last remaining white gas was about to dissipate.

And the word "snow", which had only a hint of blackness, was almost at the same moment when the word "烬" changed, and the black gas suddenly picked up, covering as much as sixty-seven percent.

This is to show that the Emperor Huang and the Snow Emperor are in danger!

However, at this time, Qin Feng’s nephew suddenly shrank, because the ‘古’ character that had not responded at the moment... was slowly showing a black sigh.

However, this black gas is not entangled in the word 'ancient', but it is surrounded by the word 'ancient', as if looking for an opportunity.

Qin Feng took a deep breath and had a dignified color.

This bone family...

What is the end, it is so powerful!

To know the emperor, the emperor, the emperor, and the ancient emperor of the ancient emperor, these four demon emperors, except the ancient emperor is the peak of the Holy Eight, the other three are also the top seven.

This is already the most powerful strength of Wanjie. Even if it is any of the Fairy Buddha, it can't be so sharp. It can take the four demons to this point in such a short time.

But you can't know where to get out of the bones, do it!


Qin Feng muttered to himself, he closed his eyes.

His first body couldn't find information about the bones, but he believed... In his second body, in the body that was sealed, he would be able to find something about the bones.

Because the previous seal told him that the bones... are at the same time as the evil people. 2k novel reading network

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