The city of Monkey King

Chapter 846: King of ‘ ‘青古’

The first world, the fairy world.

The monks in the southern region were madly moving toward the other three domains, and the breath from the innumerable seas made them feel tremble.

Let them think of...

In that year, the ancient monster that descended from Xianting.

The existence of the peak of the Yaozu, the ancient 饕餮!

Throughout the Bohai Sea, there is a purple-gold ray that completely envelopes the sea surface. A rune of ancient esoteric appears on this purple gold screen, which is reflected in the eyes of the people, making people feel awe.

This purple gold screen came from Xianting, from the four gates of the east, west, and north.

In the center of the Bohai Sea, the huge whirlpool is flowing at a rapid speed, and a tremorous sensation comes from the center of the vortex, reaching the heavens and the earth!


斩 Sendai.

Yang Lan’s look is icy and cold, and there is no slight change. The rest of the gods in Sendai are all face-to-face, and they are all aware of...

That guy's birth!

Ling Xiaodian, the Jade Emperor leaned against the head of the skull with one hand, a pair of narrow and long Danfeng eyes, calmly looking forward, there... There is a virtual cloud curtain, the scene displayed in the cloud curtain is the situation of the Bohai Sea.

"Your Majesty, Ziwei Emperor seeks to see."

At this time, outside the Lingxiao Temple, the voice of a soldier was introduced into the temple. The eyes of the Jade Emperor were slightly low and silent for a moment.



The breath in the whirlpool of the Bohai Sea has become stronger and stronger, but the Jade Emperor of Xianting is watching this scene. The Sanqing of the Taoist Circle and the Buddhas of the Buddha World are also watching.

Except for Xianting who lowered a purple gold screen, none of them took action on this matter, and even if it was done by Xianting, it was only to preserve the safe evacuation of the monks in the southern region.

After all, in a certain sense, most of the monks in this celestial world are obeying the order of Xianting, and Xianting naturally does not care.

The bottom of the sea.

The strong breathing sounds, and the more and more, the boom.




Every breath is like a thunder on the bottom of the sea, and the waves of water ripple.

A pair of gold-colored scorpions shone brightly on the bottom of the sea. The ancient scorpion perceived the sense of crisis of the ‘Yuyilong’ ‘Luwu’ ‘Snow phoenix’ three demon, so... he woke up.


The huge body slowly stood up.

Just... just stand up!

Above the sea above the Bohai Sea, there is a very horrible head, and the scorpion...the beast is human face, under the umbilicus, and the tiger's tooth.

At the moment when this skull appeared, the purple gold screen that seals the Bohai Sea blooms with a dazzling brilliance.

And also at this time...

This head suddenly opened his mouth!

An irresistible arrogant suction, which scatters from the mouth of the cockroach, instantly spreads across the southern part of the fairyland. It was originally a purple gold screen that enveloped the Bohai Sea. After several successive flashes, it was shattered!


The monks of the entire southern region have not yet fled, but all who are under the sacred sanctuary have no ability to resist. They have crossed countless miles in despair and have been sucked into the mouth of the Bohai Sea!

For a time, the countless fairy gates of the entire southern region were lit up by the law, and some of the sects with the greatest power of sacredness were okay. With the sect of the sacred power, they could also shelter the disciples under the door.

And those sects who do not have the greatest power for the Lord, for them... this is the difficulty of extermination!

The screams of screams, countless figures, gathered from the vortex in the center of the Bohai Sea from all sides, but one thing is very strange.

Even the monks who are separated by thousands of miles can be sucked by the suction of the scorpion, but the mortal on the bank of the sea is not affected by it.

These monk monks, one by one, looked down at the center of the Bohai Sea vortex and saw the skull of this scorpion.

Call ~!

At this moment, the mouth of the scorpion slammed, and within a few seconds of its closure, the millions of monks fell into the mouth.

The mouth of the cockroach was completely closed, and it seemed to chew twice.

One bite...

Eat a million monks!

Then, in the center of the vortex, the huge head slowly disappeared, with a **** golden glow, and after the light dissipated, the center of the vortex appeared.

The golden fringed long skirt, the long flowing hair of the clear clouds, the beautiful and breathtaking facial features, this woman... is the ancient singer who has frightened countless fairy buddhas.

Her name is called ‘green ancient’.

At this moment, Qinggu slightly tilted his head, and then waved, the sailboat floating in the waves of the sea was calm, and the sailors on the sailboats were calmed down from the fear of being overturned.

When these people looked up and saw the green age of the vortex center, there was nothing on the deck that was plopping on the deck, and madly bowed.

However, the ancient times at this moment, only slightly raised.

"Come out, wait until when."

The sound is clear and sweet, it is hard to imagine, this beautiful and unparalleled woman with a sweet voice is actually awkward!

With the sound of Qing Gu’s voice coming out, time...

There was no emptiness in the void, and it began to crack wildly. From this void, it suddenly appeared with a trace of red blood, and it looked like... it was like the day is bleeding!


The sailors who were originally on the deck facing the ancient hoes, this time, one by one, they were scared again, and they were squatting on this deck.

Bloody, filled the sky.

From this **** crack, one after another red robe appeared, dense and innumerable, and in the most central part of these red robes, there is a huge **** crack is slowly appearing!

There is a strange, mysterious, strange atmosphere that comes from this **** crack.

Xianting, Lingxiao Temple.

Whether it is the Ziwei Emperor who just entered the Lingxiao Temple, or the jade emperor Zhang Bairen above the high seat, both of them suddenly frowned.

"Your Majesty, this is the wild bones, they are suddenly in the world, and they are aimed at the Yaozu, I don't know what it means."

Ziwei Emperor said with a sigh of relief, and seeing the look of the taboo, even if it is high in the fairy, he is also very jealous of this strange bone.

"I don't know for a while."

The jade emperor's brow was locked, and he did not expect that at this juncture, this strange race would suddenly appear in Wanjie.

What scares him even more is...

For so many years, as the lord of the world, he always thought that everything in Wanjie was in control.

But with the appearance of this bone, he couldn't help but start to doubt himself, perhaps... not just the bones that appeared this time.

After all, the collapse of the floods in the past was too sudden, and there were too many hidden existences in the past, which are now unknown. 2k novel reading network

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