The city of Monkey King

Chapter 854: Broken Devil

The fourth world, the place of heaven.

With the arrival of the nine-tailed family, the entire Tianmen was blocked and could not be entered for a long time. Even though the crowds in the queue had complained, they did not dare to make any mistakes.

after all…

This time, the longevity emperor personally greeted, the longevity emperor as the fairy priest ranked in the top five figures, the status is high, naturally has a certain deterrent.

For a long time, as the longevity emperor and the nine-tailed family entered the Tianmen, the Tianmen Gate was opened again, and the long team began to slowly pour into the door.

The Qin wind walking in the crowd, the corner of his eyes swept over the land behind him, and looked at the endless Tianyu, which has the meaning of dignity...


Endless Tianyu, dark to the extreme, with countless fragments and ridiculous continents floating, most of these fragments are fragments of the ruins of the ruins.

among them…

There is a piece of debris, and there is no marginal undulations, quietly floating.

Broken Devil.

The flaming purple sun hangs in the sky, the ray of light shines on the ridiculous land, there is a towering stone mountain, and two figures in the foothills are rushing down.

"Little black, you hurry, A's sister has to change again."

Qin Shixue is running fast, the smell of her body... It is even more amazing, and in a short time, it is actually a period of robbery.

Behind her, there is a handsome young man in white, this boy... It’s a mysterious day!

He has changed shape.

"Little snow, I am letting you."

Tianjiu Yunhaha smiled and jumped forward. The figure was turned into a nine-tailed white wolf in the air. A white tail directly rolled up Qin Xuexue and placed it on his back. Then he ran down the speed. go with.

After half a cup of tea.

At the foot of the mountain, Qin Shixue sat on the back of the wolf on the sky and looked up at the mountain. There was a figure of a woman, and the purple color fell from the sky, lined in this purple gold dress with purple gold. Above the long hair.

The appearance is unparalleled, but at this time, the heavy frown is crumpled, and her whole body has a strong blood and begins to roll out.

A purple gold dress is even more faintly bloody, bloodbrows, blood, blood, are looming, the original warm eyes, began to reverberate between fierce.

The sky...the original dazzling purple began to recede.

Bloody, densely covered with the sky.

"Every time I get to the night, my sister will change once, and I don't know why."

On the back of the clouds in the early days of the Qin dynasty, it was not surprising that the scene of this happened. She just couldn’t figure out... The re-disengagement after the change, why there will be such changes, a warm-hearted person suddenly changes Become a killing and addicted hot person.

"Okay, don't look again."

Not only did Qin’s early snow not understand, but the sky was not understood. Before the purple sun had fallen, he left the gentle and gentle, and taught him and Qin Chuxue all kinds of powerful techniques, but once the purple sun came down, it would change...

Qin Shixue had asked for a resignation, but the resignation only smiled at her and did not answer anything.

However, it is not important to understand and understand at the moment. The most important thing now is to hide.

As long as you don't see it again, there will be no danger. If you are seen... then it is endless pursuit, even though the heavy divorce in the day gives them some ways to protect themselves.

However, the danger is not reduced.

The sky is full of Qin Shixue, and in three or two steps, it is a hole in the bottom of the barren hill. This is a special relocation that was specially built for them when they were awake in the daytime.

The land of the mountains.

At this moment, the re-disengagement has completely changed into a blood-coating re-disengagement. The blood-colored airflow of the whole body reverberates, and a **** long hair flutters, and the pair of blood-stained eyes are squeaky!

Eyes, slightly raised.


This broken demon world has a huge void crack, which appears in this half-space and looks extremely shocking!

The blood coat is separated, holding his head tightly, and making a screaming voice: "Kill you! I want to... Kill! Kill you!"

One after another, the low-pitched sound came out, bang! Boom!

Those emptiness cracks are all blasting, and a large and large piece of emptiness collapses. It is shocking to see.

The hand suddenly lifted up.

Actually, there was blood drawn from the fingers, and in front of her, she was slowly condensed into a person's outline and looked like a a man.

At the moment when this outline appeared, the **** clothes were separated from the fierce wave, and the arrow that had been condensed by the suffocating suffocation was pricked.

But after the outline is dissipated, it is again... re-agglomerated.


Qin Shixue and Tianjiuyun, which are hidden at the bottom of the barren hills, have once again returned to the human form, and have to say, handsome.

Compared with the usual **** dog image, it is just a heaven and a ground.

"Little black, are you familiar with the outline drawn by your sister every time?"

Qin Chuxue looked at the **** shadows of the **** coats and then collapsed. These days, she has seen it many times, and even remembered the outline of the outline.


Tianjiuyun nodded slightly: "It is a bit familiar."

He whispered, but he did not continue to say that he was a nine-tailed swallowing wolf. The judgment of some things is far better than the early Qin.

For him, the outline of the blood-stained reunion is more familiar than that, it is simply clear, except that the hairstyle and clothing are different.

The detachment is the outline of the kitchen knife wind!

Of course, this matter, Tianjiu Yunyun does not intend to talk to Qin Chuxue, so he just deliberately pretended to nod.

However, Tian Jiuyun’s heart was playing with drums. He discovered that this re-discrimination was not normal at first. When he was awake in the daytime, it was not a good thing for Qin Shixue, with a meaning of...

It is like a sister who loves her husband's sister.

Slightly submerged, Tianjiuyunyun did not continue to think more, and then looked at the sky of the sky collapsed, pulling the hands of Qin Chuxue is to go inside the cave.

"The cultivation is over. If you don't practice well, you will definitely punish you after you wake up tomorrow."

Qin Chuxue smiled and picked up his toes and patted the head of Tianjiuyunyun: "Little black, I think you are more pleasing to the **** dog."

"Change a hammer."

Tianjiuyunyun took a mouthful of the Sichuan-Chongqing dialect brought from the earth, and his face had an angry look, but it was slowly and consciously turned into a **** dog, and walked in front of Qin Shixue.

Qin Chuxue also smiled and jumped to the depths of the cave. 2k novel reading network

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