The city of Monkey King

Chapter 855: This... is what you forced me!

The first world.

A very ordinary spirit boat, driving in this precinct, there are many other spirit boats or other flying instruments in the surrounding world.

This little spirit boat is inconspicuous.

The Qin Feng in this little spirit boat, slightly raised his eyes and headed through the window, looked at the situation outside the boundary, as expected.

Today's first world is a step by step.

Although it seems that the boundaries are calm and unparalleled, it is no different from the past. However, if you look carefully, you can find that there are teams of soldiers in this field.

These Heavenly Soldiers may appear at any time, and take all the suspicious repairs!

"Predecessors, can the younger generation ask, how come we come to this first world?"

Sitting on the opposite side of the Qin wind, the red sucus, the frown is slightly wrinkled, she can't figure out... A wicked king who survived from the ancient ruins, came to the first world where the Xianting was located.

"Find people."

Qin Feng did not completely ignore the red Su, but faintly opened.

"Don't ask, don't ask."

After I finished speaking, I added another sentence. This sentence said that the red Su, which I wanted to ask again, suddenly closed my mouth and was afraid of the anger in front of me. I dare not ask.

"Predecessors are angry, and the younger generation is wrong."

This red Su is quickly standing up and handing a gift.


Qin Feng stood up and walked to the outside of the Ling Zhou, while faintly opening the word.

Standing on the top of the Ling Zhou, the brawling on the head fluttered in the wind, Qin Feng looked at this innocent border, his eyes...had a hint of color.

Lifting his hand slightly, in his hand, the red maple shadow slowly condenses.

His first body and the second body, nowadays the connection is more and more close, not only the strength, but also many physical objects... it is also possible to achieve instant transmission.

This point is why Qin Feng did not think of it.

Da Luo three thousand roads...

He can't help but think of the guy who has no tears. The mystery of this guy, even if it is the current Qin Feng, is also extremely puzzled. If his Da Luo three thousand can carry out the power and physical transformation between the various bodies.


The result is hard to imagine.

The body is spread all over the world, that is to say, he can transfer anything to any place in the world in an instant. This speed is simply better than the wind.

Such a move against the sky, think about it is a shocking world.

Ling Zhou, in this domain, turned into a stream of galloping, Qin Feng will connect his own feelings of this red maple leaf with the spirit boat, in the midst of it, the spirit boat is moving in one direction.


Perhaps it is the place where the Nangong Yi people lived in the remnant, which is also the place where ‘Luo Ruoyan and Zhou Changqing’ are located.



The powerful generals of Welling, at the moment, the generals of the generals, with a scream of anger, this moment... all the attendants and the maids were scared and stunned, and they were all scared.

The attendants and maids who can be selected into this house are all screened by the Jade Emperor. These people are in this house, and the main task is to monitor Li.


A suffocating temper, spreading from the center of the house!

The waiters and maids in the inner courtyard of the mansion are all smashed! Death can't die anymore!

The attendants and the maids in the outer court sensed this scene, but they were scared and scared. They all went crazy and went crazy outside the house. They... don’t want to die!

"Zhang Bairen!"

"Zhang Bairen!!!"


boom! Bang! Boom!

The laps of air and waves spread from the center of the house, and the buildings were blown out into gray and scattered!

The voice of roaring came out from this great general's house. This is... the voice of Li!

However, it is only the time of counting interest. From the square of this house, there are a large number of Heavenly Soldiers coming, all with chilling gas!

A white gold circle appeared above the house, like a bowl, and the entire mansion was completely covered, and the ancient white gold runes flashed on this array.

At the main entrance of the mansion, there is a man with a golden brocade, looking coldly at the front, and on his side are the heavenly men in the blue gold armor.

This person, Jade Emperor left, Qinghua Emperor!

"On the emperor, the generals have been completely surrounded, as long as the emperor orders, all the soldiers will immediately enter!"

On the side of Qinghua Emperor, one day will whisper.


Qinghua Emperor just nodded slightly and looked at these Heavenly Soldiers who were guarded. The Qinghua Emperor was very clear, if he really ordered it.

Also... useless.

As long as you get out of it, these Heavenly Soldiers will retreat.

He can see the tangled look from the eyes of these Heavenly Soldiers, which is... It is too easy to control the Heavenly Forces for too long, and the prestige in the Heavenly Army is so unimaginable that it is not easy for these Heavenly Soldiers to launch an offensive. Things.

"Zhang Bairen!!!"


From this house, there is still a voice coming out, at the same time... the entire mansion is shaking violently, the ground... shaking sharply.

Mansion Palace.

Li, who was locked in the cheekbones, has a raging fire in his eyes. He just got the news that his father and his two brothers were all taken by the Jade Emperor!

The crime given is a rebellion!

And at the moment...

His mother Yin Shi Niang, who was kneeling outside the palace of the mother, asked the mother to persuade the Jade Emperor to take back her will and let her husband and children go.

All this, where is it clear!

He is clearer than anyone else!

My father, my two brothers, their strength...reversing? ! Hehe... how could it be! They didn't have the strength to fight against Xianting!

The goal of Jade Emperor...

However, it is you!

‘The covenant of the year...’’The covenant of the year...’’

I couldn’t help but remember these four words. Suddenly, I laughed up and raised my head, and I burst into tears.

"Hey, mother, where is not filial!"

"Which is willing to believe in the hundred-year-old covenant of Zhang Bairen's shit!"

"Where are you... I am tired of you!"

Hey, hey... The sound of the chain sounded, and Li, who stood up slowly, locked the two chains of his cheekbones, and the thunder and the flames roared.

There are also five elements of the sword, at this moment is also in the underground palace in the vertical and horizontal, the blade is reflective, with a compelling cold mans from the sword body.

Body shape, standing slightly.

The madness in the eyes is calm and calm.

Looking up at the five lines of sword in front, the look, the more and more cold.


whispering sound!

The five elements of the sword, the sound of the whistling sound, suddenly rushed toward where to smash, where the corner of the mouth ... this moment, slightly up.

In those eyes, the fierce color is revealed!

‘Zhang Bairen, this... you forced me! ‘2k novel reading network

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