The city of Monkey King

Chapter 856: Li family, heaven.

Xianjie, Xianting.

On this day, Xianting was exceptionally quiet and quiet... it made people feel terrible, everything was quiet, even the Heavenly Soldiers and Fairies who walked back and forth in Xianting, all bowed their heads and did not dare to have the slightest Speech communication.

Even if it is some gods, it is also a dignified look. In this fairy palace, except for some words to say, no one dares to have any chat.

Because it is today...

With an immortal purpose, this immortal purpose, so that everyone is in a panic, the famous Tota King Li Jing in Xianting, was arrested for the hell!

Even with him, there are his two sons, Jin Hao and Mudu.

The crimes given are awesome enough to kill the entire tribe, rebellious!

In fact, when the four kings were arrested, many people guessed the ending, but what everyone did not think was that the Jade Emperor shot so quickly.

after all…

He still has 30 years of covenant with him, and he does not need to start at this time. At this moment, it is to explain that the Jade Emperor does not want to wait!

Everything in Xianting may be countered by his own power, in order to determine his absolute position in Xianting!

Xianting Lotus Pond.

The Queen Mother led many fairy goddesses, and the lotus flower was here. Looking at the undulating and sinking lotus, there was a trace of the seemingly calm look of the Queen Mother.

"How long has it been?"

Whispering the opening, on her side, there is a fairy whispering back to the road: "The goddess, from the moment Li Tianwang was imprisoned, Shi Niang is already begging."

"Mother, do you want to go to slaves..."

"no need."

The mother-in-law interrupted, and then, a long sigh.

This long sigh is meaningful.

"The Li Jing family committed the crime of rebellion. This is a sin and a sin. This is the holy sacredness of Yin. Even if Yin Shinuang saw the palace, it was useless. The decision of the Majesty and the palace could not be changed. Let She is squatting there, perhaps squatting, and she may have thought about it."

This words...

Even the Queen, who said that he did not believe.

Moreover, she is also very clear in her own heart, Li Jing's family are all under the heavens, Yin Shi Niang ... can not be spared, the reason why the Jade Emperor has not yet started to Yin Teniang.

That is because in the underground palace under the command of the General’s House, there is still a prisoner who is imprisoned. Everyone knows that when he was young, his bones were still father and flesh and blood, and his mother Yin Shi Niang refused to give up. Reunion of his soul, wading through the mountains, pleading with the gods of all directions, this will allow you to reshape the person and be able to participate in the past.

It can be seen that the feelings of the mother and the son of the mother are comparable to the heavens and the earth. The Jade Emperor naturally knows that as long as he holds Yin Teniang in his hands, the place in the palace will not dare to come.


The Jade Emperor also wants to solve it slowly. If he wins Yin Shi Niang, Li will be caught in a mad anger. In the plan of the Jade Emperor, it is extremely unfavorable.


The fairies on the side are all swearing and saying that no one dares to continue to say more.

"The lotus flower over there is very good. I waited for it to go with the palace."

The mother looked at a lotus flower in front of her, and the voice was heard. The fairies around her were all saluted, followed by the mother.

at the same time.

Huaqing Palace.

Outside the palace, there is a middle-aged woman dressed in a coarse linen, kneeling outside the temple, constantly hoeing, for a moment... it has not stopped.

"Ten Niang, you give up, the goddess she won't see you."

"Yes, Ten Niang, why bother! Don't worry about yourself any more. Let's take a step back. Even if you see the goddess in Huaqing Palace, what can you do? Take Li Tianwang's immortality, which is personally awarded by His Majesty, even though It is the maiden who has no right to change it."

"Ten Niang, if I were you, I would take a few more days to go to hell, so I can see my husband and children more often."


Around Yin Yiniang, they are the fairies of Huaqing Palace. They are all bitterly persuading Yin Shi Niang. However, it is of no use. Yin Shi Niang is here to gimmick, here... has been gimmick.



Located in the left of the Xianting, a huge black prison, the darkness of the black prison is divided into a small area, which is endless black mine pool, here is the notorious heaven.

"Big Brother, Jade Emperor's move, the purpose is to be in the third brother, think of me Li Jiazhongliang, how many years of heroic battles have been made for Xianting in these years! Unexpected..."

"Second brother, don't be too angry, this day is a matter of time. You and my father, I have been mentally prepared."


In the north of this hell, there are two angry voices, the masters of these two voices are the eldest son and second son of Li Jing, Jin Hao, Mu Mu.

"Haha, isn't this the two sons of Li Tianwang?!"

"Hey, I don't think there is such a day for the two sons. Is this to accompany my brother for a few days?"

"That! Your Li family is Zhang Bairen's dog, ‘rabbit dead dog cooking’, it’s just a deserved!”


The other prisoners in the **** are mocking laughter, and when he hears this, he is angry and is about to get up and go back.

"Two brothers, forget it."

Kim Min-hyun opened his mouth and raised his eyes... I looked at the most central place of this hell.

There, it is the place where Li Jing is imprisoned.

The land of the center of the prison, Tota King Li Jing, this time leaning against the corner, the pain of the ground thunder, has slowly adapted.

He never thought that there would be a day when he would be beaten into heaven by the Tota King who had smashed the demon in the real world.

Rebellion? !

It’s ridiculous, it’s ridiculous!

Li Jing leaned against the corner of the wall. At this moment, he was thinking about a person, thinking... Yin Teniang.

"Ten Niang, you... do you want to take that step."

Mumbled and whispered, Li’s face today, Li Jing and Yin Yiniang said very early, Yin Shi Niang also knows that this day will come sooner or later.

and so…

In these years, Li Jing has been avoiding the edge, trying not to be in the court of Xianting, not in front of the Jade Emperor, in order to protect the Li family.

However, all that Li Jing did was obviously in vain.

As long as the Jade Emperor’s heart is still thinking about it, no matter what Li Jing does, everything is useless.

However, there is still a way to make it possible to solve the dilemma that Li’s family is facing now. However, even this method, even Li Jing and Yin Shi Niang, does not know whether it will work.

And if it works, what unforeseen things will come, these... don't know.

If it is not at the last minute, this step... Yin Teniang will not step out.

This last step...

In the past, Yin Shi Niang, in the era of the wilderness, is a teacher of the goddess of Chaos. 2k novel reading network

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