The city of Monkey King

Chapter 874: silence

Xianting, 斩 Sendai!

The immortal knives of the imperial condemnations are raised high and above the entire Sendai Terrace. All eyes are focused on this sacred sword.

The executioner, his body volleyed up, looked at Li Tianwang, who was tall and straight in front of his eyes. The hand holding the knives of the celestial knives could not help but tremble slightly. However, the command of the Jade Emperor had been changed and never changed. !


With a big bang, the flesh of the face trembled violently, and the knives in the hands of the knives were to squat!

this moment…

The entire Xianting's lining is also condensed to the extreme, as well as the yin and yang vortex above the Xianting, the lotus mark, and the void fluctuations within it have reached the limit.

In a flash... you can open two virtual passages.

One is to lead the mainland, and the other is to the western heavens!

But at this moment, a heartbreaking voice rang in this silent 斩Sendai: "Stop! Stop!! Stop!"

I saw a woman in a clothed dress, messy, and scattered hair. I ran up from the corridor of Sendai, and my face was full of tears, and I slammed it directly toward the Jade Emperor.

"Let's let go of Jing Ge! I want to let Yu Xia let go of Jing Ge! Your Majesty wants to kill can kill Ten Niang, don't kill Jing Ge! Don't kill Jing Ge!"

Yin Shi Niang's fierce is the hoe, the sound of the girl's voice, echoing throughout the Sendai.

"Ten Niang..."

Li Jing, who was originally prepared to close his eyes and die, opened his eyes at this moment and saw Yin Yiniang, who was lying on the ground, and saw her own wife.

He was able to see the red and swollen blood flow of Yin Shi Niang's forehead. He could see the tears of Yin Shi Niang's eyes and could feel the eagerness and love of Yin Shi Niang.

From the ancient floods to the heavens and the bounds, countless thousands of years, countless ups and downs, the husband and wife have come all the way, never had a negative, never abandoned, and this person is accompanied by a lifetime.

The other gods in Sendai are also looking at Yin Shi Niang, and there is nothing but a sigh.

"What is Yin Shi Niang?"

"Yeah... The command of your majesty has already come down. Your Majesty is the Jade Emperor. As the Supreme Realm of the World, every word is a word of Jinkou. Once you say it, how can it be recovered?"

"Do not say that it is a gimmick, that is, leaving his head in this Sendai, and the imperial will not change the half."


The words of 唏嘘 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

On the side of the Jade Emperor's seat, Yang Lan, who has been embracing his hands, was wrinkled when he saw Yin Yiniang, who was licking his head.

In his eyes... there is an unbearable color, but it is quickly hidden.

However, the memory of that year could not be erased. In those days... the ancients were old, the Terran and the World were fighting for hegemony. He and He were both junior figures, and he Yang Yu, who grew up outside the wilderness, never felt the love of his parents. .

It was the original Yin Shi Niang who gave him the love of her mother.

With this kind of mentality forced to press down, Yang Lan knows very well that since he insists on something, he must give up some things. If he chooses some roads, he must give up other roads.

Over the sky of Sendai, Donghua Emperor and Jiutian Xuan Nu, at this moment also looked at Yin Shi Niang, nine days Xuan Nu see the Yin Shi Niang, who is constantly hoeing, but the Jade Emperor is indifferent, angry: "This is a hundred, since the flood, A heart is completely annihilated by power."

The East China Emperor was silent and did not say much.

Achievements Zhang Bairen, in fact...but it is his retreat.

The floods were broken, and the heavens and the worlds evolved. It was originally the identity of his ancient Emperor, and it was possible to rebuild the ancient heavens. It was only necessary to compete with the Taoist Sanqing.

However, the Donghua Emperor at that time had already been obsessed with these things, so there was no such thought at all, and he never thought about doing the Lord of the World.

In this way, the Taoist world is logical. With the slogan of the gods and gods, the Xiantian is set up to support the Taoist boy Zhang Bairen, who was the ancestor of the old ancestors, and became the new Emperor of Heaven and Earth.


His silence at the moment is not because of these, but because of... Yin Teniang.

In his mind, he couldn't help but show a picture. It was a time when the beginning of the flood began to evolve. There was a little girl who was all dirty and planted a hundred flowers all day in the flower pond. Although it was dirty, her face was always With a sweet smile.

The name of the little girl, called Yin Su, is the registered disciple of the son-in-law.

When the Emperor Donghua went to find a son-in-law, she was very impressed with this little girl, and that little girl of the past, that is now... this Yin Shi Niang who is in the Sendai.

The disciple of the old man, the Emperor of Donghua saw this scene, and could not bear it.

this moment…

Everyone is looking at the Jade Emperor, because the decision-making power of all this is only in the hands of one person, that is the Jade Emperor!

At this time, the Jade Emperor who sat on the top of the high seat finally opened his mouth. The pair of scorpions were slightly low, looking at Yin Shi Niang, who was squatting.

"Yin Shi Niang, Li's family rebellion, mourning the achievements of Li in the past, has already been envious of your son, if you are obsessed with obscurity, block the execution at this moment, and immediately put your son and son together. ”

When the words were exported, the whole audience took a breath of air. The words of the Jade Emperor were extremely hot, and it was also...

Rebellion? ! Raise the family to rebel? !

Li’s soldiers have never been mobilized, and he’s guilty of rebellion! However, in this world, no matter whether it is a person or a fairy, it is always the superior who has the final say, saying that you are rebellious, that is, rebellion, no need to have a crime, and sin for killing!

Yin Shi Niang, who was kneeling on the ground, was also stopped at this time.

Throughout the Sendai, as Yin Yiniang's action stopped, it became silent and silent, without a little bit of sound. At this moment... everyone is looking at this woman, this woman who is a wife and a mother.

One side...

It is to continue to pray for her husband, although... these pleadings have no effect at all, and the words of the Jade Emperor are already very clear.

But as a wife, as long as the husband is still there, as long as that person is still alive, with or without hope, whether it can or not, she will fight hard, she wants... her husband is alive.

However on the other side...

It is the life of her two sons. She does not doubt the words of the Jade Emperor. If she continues to pray, she will continue to kneel here. The Jade Emperor will immediately order the Golden Jubilee and the Mudu to be sent to Sendai. The 'feats' of the three brothers of Li’s father and son.

Silence, silent silence...

The gods who came to Sendai here, all of them held their breath, and they didn't dare to speak loudly. They were all guessing, thinking about it, and Yin Teniang at the moment... how to choose. 2k novel reading network

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