The city of Monkey King

Chapter 875: Replenishing the sky

Silence is silent.

There is no sound at all.

Including the sin of the execution, it is also the slashing of the sacred knives. He is the official of the celestial being, but does not mean that he does not have his own judgment.

For the Li Jing Li Tianwang in front of him, he did not want to kneel down with this knife.

"His Majesty."

At this time, the voice of Yin Shi Niang sounded, and all the eyes of the gods were concentrated on Yin Shi Niang.

"Your Majesty can still remember the identity of the criminal."

Yin Shi Niang looked up, the pair was already a red eye, at this moment... with a touch of Ling Rui, for this high-ranking jade emperor, not afraid of points.

The Jade Emperor heard Yin Shi Niang’s words, brows... can not help but wrinkle.

Identity? !

In the case of killing Li Jing, he took all the endings into consideration. Whether it is the Taoist world or the Buddha world, or wherever he is, he has an early layout.

But for this Yin Shi Niang, he did not think too much.

In this case, Yin Shi Niang is only holding on to the role of Jade Emperor, because his intention is to continue to seal the seal, and extract the power of Ashura to awaken and control the existence of the Temple of the Emperor. The existence of the next.

"Yin Shi Niang, what do you mean?"

Even the Jade Emperor, also asked, Yin Shi Niang's words... Especially in the eyes of Yin Shi Niang, he actually faintly saw a threat to himself.

Yin Shi Niang did not immediately answer, but stood up and looked over at Li Jing, the place of execution. In the eyes... there is a decisive color.

"Ten Niang, why bother."

Li Jing saw the decisiveness in Yin Shiiang’s eyes and sighed.

Yin Shi Niang did not say anything, just smiled, smiled to see her favorite husband, then turned her head, the smile on her face disappeared.

"Look, please."

The tone has completely changed. At this moment, Yin Shi Niang has no respect for the Jade Emperor.

For a person who wants to kill his husband and kill his son, no matter what his identity, no matter how noble he is, for himself... he is his own enemy!

The enemy who does not share the sky!

I saw Yin Shiyan's hand lifted. In her palm, there was a stone with a thumb-sized size, which was full of nine-colored light.

However, it is the size of the stone with the size of the thumb, so that the whole person who is in Sendai, even the jade emperor who sits on the top, has a sudden look.

Because they felt an indescribable breath from this small stone!

"Replenishing the sky..."

At this glance, the Jade Emperor was able to recognize the small stone in the hands of Yin Shiiang. It was also at this time that she finally remembered Yin’s ‘identity’.

Nvwa remembers a disciple!

"Yin Shi Niang, I warn you, if you dare to be rude in front of you, send you and Li Jing to go on the road, don't think that a small patch of stone can threaten you."

Surprised to be surprised, but besides being surprised, Jade Emperor has no other expressions. After all, it is just a small piece of the sky, and naturally it is impossible to shake him.


Yin Shi Niang did not intend to use this to incite the Jade Emperor. What strength she has, she is still clear.

"Your Majesty is afraid of being wrong. Ten Niang never thought about threatening her majesty. Ten Niang just wanted to tell her, and this remnant stone in the hands of Shi Niang was personally given to Shi Niang by the Master. Remnant stone, Ten Niang can give the teacher three words."

This sentence came out, the audience shocked!

Send a message to the son-in-law...

Nvwa! That is already beyond the supremacy of the Heaven and Earth Avenue, the chaotic Eucharist! Since the earliest batches of ruins and gods have surpassed the heavens, they have gone through the ancient floods and the heavens and the worlds, and only in the era of floods and sinister tyranny, the ancestors of Hongjun came to a flood!

After that, after that, there is no other news of the gods!

Including the Jade Emperor, I heard that Yin Shi Niang was able to pass the message to the son-in-law, but also a look of a sudden look. If she sent a message to the son-in-law, the son-in-law of the goddess was unhappy and came to the world.

He is very clear...

In the face of the gods who have surpassed the heavens, the Lord of the World has no position at all, and the wave can be ruined.

Even though... in fact, with his cultivation, eight holy! And that goes beyond heaven, just a line.

But the difference between this line is a world of difference.


The Jade Emperor is also very clear. He was the Taoist ancestor of the ancestors of the Hong dynasty. He knows the most about Hongjun. During the last flood years, when Hongjun came to the floodland, he saw it with his own eyes. The flood and breath that came at that time was very stable.

It can be seen that these gods who have surpassed the heavens and the eternal gods, even with the powerful strength of the ancestors of Hongjun, want to return to this world, it is extremely difficult.

Nvwa God...

It should not come here for a Li Jing, forcibly against the heavens and the earth.

at the same time.

Above this Xianting, above the fairy world, above the first world, the mainland of the Tao, the center of the Sansheng Palace, there are tens of thousands of immortals here, and among the people, there is a huge yin and yang. Road map.

The road map flows, and the rich voids are transmitted from it.

In the sky above the map, there is a middle-aged man with long hair and black purple robes, carrying his hands and volleying here.

The vacant fluctuations in the road map are scattered from them.

The eyelids are slightly low, and the body has only the esteem of the superiors!

All the Taoists around the road map are middle-aged men looking at the volley road map, and they all have reverence in their eyes.

This middle-aged man is one of the three clearings of the Taoist world.

Through the heavenly master, the scorpion is slightly condensed. Through this yin and yang road map, the scene that I saw was the scene of Xianting’s Sendai, and I saw that Yin Shiyan’s hands were filled with the colorful rays of the sky, and the eyebrows slowly wrinkled. .

Obviously, the appearance of this remnant of the sky is also extremely unexpected.

Around the figure, among the people at the forefront, there is one person who is also involved in the existence of this plan. The name of this person is called Lu Dongbin.

Or more accurately, there are also the Eight Immortals in this project.

On the high level before the Three Temples, there are two people standing side by side. One person is wearing a black and white road map, and the long hair is bundled into a hairpin, which has an ancient style.

This person is Sanqing’s Taishang Laojun.

Another person, the long white hair is scattered around, a white white robe, embroidered with Taiji Taoist map, even the hair of the eyebrows, is also the color of snow white, this person is Yuan Shi Tian Zun.

"Brother, what do you think."

Taishang Laojun looked at the picture in the road ahead, and asked for a calm look.

"What choice is the thing of Zhang Bairen, you and me, just seeing the opportunity."

Yuan Shi Tianzun carried his hands, his eyes blandered and faintly said. 2k novel reading network

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