The city of Monkey King

Chapter 876: running dog!

Xianting, the outer circle of the ruins of the temple.

Qin Feng passed by, but whenever he saw his Heavenly Soldier, he was absorbed into the whirlpool of God, and disappeared from this heaven and earth, and all traces were erased.

The wind, caressed.

The footsteps of Qin Feng, at this moment... it stopped.

His soul, feeling a sigh, subconsciously looking towards the direction of Sendai, where he felt a very familiar feeling.

It’s not just him. In the sea, the sleeping Sun Wukong’s thoughts are also caused by great fluctuations. That’s because...

Whether it is Qin Feng or Sun Wukong, the souls of the two are all born out of the lost Tianshi, so the small piece of Tian Shi who took out the Yin Shi Niang gave the two people a familiar familiarity with the mother.

Take a deep breath and see how the situation in Sendai changes. Qin Feng can't grasp it. There are three forces staring at it. It's not that you can change it at the moment.

Without too much stay, continue to walk deep in front of the house.

He can feel, oh yeah... I am about to rush out of this circle of heavenly soldiers.

The main entrance of the mansion.

The shape of the dragonfly slowly stepped out from the purple fire, and the platinum matrix that enveloped the entire mansion was about to collapse under the impact of the purple fire!

Every step of the step, the power from which the body will be released will be stronger!

"I have been imprisoned for a long time, and I still have such power."

The longevity emperor looked at the squatting out of it, watching the whistling purple fire, and the eyebrows wrinkled tightly.

"The Great, the law, the law will break."

One day, I will be busy coming to the side of the longevity emperor. I said in a speech with a panic. They did not think that this seemingly unbreakable legal array could not even support a cup of tea.

"It will be scattered, everyone must not enter."

The longevity emperor only thought for a moment, it was the order.

"Ah? Great, are you?"

This day, I will hear this and I can't help but see what it means to be a long-lived emperor. However, I have not waited for him to get a reply. The longevity emperor in front of him has already disappeared.

Looking down on the subconscious, I saw that this longevity emperor was already in the mansion, and it was only five hundred meters away from that.

"The emperor has orders, scattered!"

"The emperor has orders, everyone must not enter!"


The order was passed down. Suddenly, many of the Heavenly Soldiers who surrounded the mansion were relieved, and they were scattered to support the spiritual power of this law.

For them, letting them go and smashing is something that every Heavenly Soldier is not willing to do. After all... The prestige of the scorpion is too big in the Heavenly Army. Just hearing this name is a daring Trembling.

All the Heavenly Soldiers, this time are looking at the land of the center of the house, separated by five hundred meters and the longevity.

Purple fire, burning the entire mansion.

Let this piece of sky, against the sky, is extremely weird, revealing a sense of sorrow and chaos, with a breath that makes the monk inexplicable, reverberating in this world.

The ordinary monk is naturally unable to judge what this breath is, but the longevity emperor knows that it is...the meaning of Ashura.

The age of the past.

He once saw the birth of the grandeur of Ashura, and even the king of evil who made the hegemony, can only defeat it, but can not take it.

Visible... the grandeur of Ashura.


In front of the eyes, only the reincarnation of Ashura, the power of Ashura in the body is mostly in the reincarnation of sleep, not to mention... For thousands of years, the Jade Emperor has extracted too much of Asura’s power from his body to use Wake up and control the killing **** that is sealed by His Royal Highness.

Therefore, in the view of the longevity emperor, even if it is Ashura, now the power of Ashura is probably the same, and the cultivation of his own Seventh Seventh grade is already the most powerful strength of the world. A glimpse... with such treasures.

Beat it to seal, without any suspense!

Not only him, but even Jade Emperor thinks this way, so he will be so relieved that he will be able to hold the elders from the underground palace.

Where is the footsteps, at this moment... stopped at the same place.

The pair of scorpions full of angry killings slowly lifted up... Looking at the longevity emperor, he lived in the high position of Xianting all the year round. For these immortals of Xianting, it is naturally familiar.

The longevity emperor, the jade emperor, the person who ranks in the top five in Xianting, he... of course know!

Just because I know that the fierce meaning in his eyes is even stronger!

"running dog!"

The hoarse voice came out of the throat, a low voice, call ~! The purple flames in the entire mansion are all raging, and the entire mansion is completely shrouded and turned into a flame barrier.

The Heavenly Soldiers outside this house, seeing this scene, are nothing but horror.

"Look, I can't see it!"

"How is the Great?!"

"The rest of the world will be assured that the emperor will be repaired into the sky, and there will be no embarrassment. We will obey the orders of the great emperor and will strictly guard against this house!"

"Follow the order!"

"Follow the order!"


The snoring of obedience, in the end of this house, is endless. These heavenly soldiers saw this scene in front of them, but they were already panicked, but at this moment, they have no way.

The power transmitted from the mansion is not that they can resist, rushing up, there is only one way to die!

not to mention…

The ancestors of the longevity have already given orders, so that they are not allowed to enter, it is self-sufficient... it is not going to die.

The flame is in the air.

The longevity emperor fluttered, not because of this purple fire and any discomfort. At this moment, his eyes are slightly stunned, he is judging... the power of which.

"Where, the Emperor persuaded you, and obediently listened to it."

"For you, the Emperor does not want to shoot."

The longevity emperor faintly exports, in this case, he did not violate the heart, in the eyes of the mind, he did not want to shoot.

Because from 10,000 years ago, he knew all of this. He knew that the name of the 10,000-year-old covenant and the resurrection of the woman named ‘Lotus’ were all nonsense.

Ancient times, there is a underworld.

At that time, the people died, even though the spirits were scattered, the spirit could indeed go to the pool of the underworld, but now... the floods are broken, and the underworld is not aware of what it is like to collapse.

As for the meditation pool that stores the spirit of heaven and earth, I don’t know where it has been lost. Perhaps it has already disappeared between heaven and earth.

The Jade Emperor is no matter how powerful, and it is impossible to find the Fangyuan pool. Even more, don’t talk about the resurrection of the soul. The 10,000 years ago, only a piece of the sacred pool, the Jade Emperor... It is the eternal covenant that has been deceived into the Wannian Covenant.

The suffering of 10,000 years, the heart of the longevity emperor, is extremely clear. 2k novel reading network

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