The city of Monkey King

Chapter 885: Evil weakness

"Big sister... Where are you, what do you have to do with Ashura?"

"Don't your reincarnation, it is... Ashura..."


Muttered, although Yunshang did not tell Yunxiao about Ashura, but it was obvious... Yunxiao knew, and he pretended not to know.

He deliberately glared at his second sister, because he knew that since the big sister was absent, the second sister has always protected him. Although he is the owner of Wanhua Valley, there are many things... Yunshang never let him know.

Because of the clouds...

Lost my own sister, I don't want to lose my younger brother.

all of these…

Yunxiao knows in the heart, so he will pretend in front of his second sister... nothing knows.


at the same time.

At this moment, Xianting is already a complete chaos. The entire Xianxian fairy is crazy to gather outside the Sendai, surrounded by the purple flower.

Because the purple flower is in the edge of the collapse at any time, and once the purple flower is broken, to maximize the attack on the fairy of the road, you must press most of the power of Xianting.

Give this fairy of the road, come and have a meal!

Anyway now...

The void of this fairy world is already blocked, and there is no way for the rescue to come to the border. It is the most comfortable!


The shape of the huge figure is still bombarding the purple flower, and the state of this state, the power of Shura turned into a storm around the whole body.


No one dares to go up and block it.

And there is a distance from this 斩 Sendai, here... there are two people, each other is separated by a hundred feet, one side is the longevity emperor.

The other side is the Qin Feng of the evil body.


The longevity emperor couldn't resist the anger of his heart at the moment, and he screamed, his whole body, and the blue lotus sword appeared in abundance, and millions of times, going straight to the front of the Qin wind.


Qin Feng looks calm, and the fog of the fight is swaying under the wind.

With the shouting of this word, the millions of swords that screamed toward him were instantaneously collapsed, and there was no trace of disappearance.


At about the same time, a cold voice rang.

Qin Feng’s nephew...

Suddenly shrink!

Because before his closeness, the body shape of the longevity emperor appeared, and a green sword in his hand spurred Qin Feng’s brain!

It is clear…

This longevity emperor is dedicated to evil!

The killing between the monks is usually a direct blow to the heart, or directly to Dantian, because whether it is a stab to the heart or Dantian, you can instantly break the other side of the week, so... win It is a breeze.

However, the longevity emperor is not, his sword, only the brain of Qin Feng!

That's because he knows that for the evil, even if it breaks his heart and Dantian, it is useless! The land of wicked commandments, only the head!

Therefore, a sword takes the first level!

And the one he just made was sham, the million swordsmanship was just a scorpion, but I came to Qin Feng in an instant.

This is because the longevity emperor knows that although the evil is powerful...

However, there is a gap between the weaknesses, that is, the power of ‘Tianba Shenluo’ will not be released in the next moment of release.

Also at this moment, it is the only chance to kill the evil.

The reason why the Emperor of the Longevity knows this is because when he was ruthless, he used to fight with the evil of the blood of the royal family.

Even if he lost, he almost killed himself on the spot.

But that time, he knew the secret that belonged to evil. Of course, it was limited to the ordinary evil kings, because he found that the king of evil at that time did not have this shortcoming.

There are ten kings who form a bright evil in the eyelids. The power of ‘Hegemony God’s sorrow is in the body, and there will be no slight interruption.

This is also the reason why the original floods, even if there are more people in the world, are the reasons why no one can match the king of evil.


The sword, directly from the top of the Qin Fengtou, through the subconscious... Qin Feng, escaped this sword!

The hand slammed forward and punched out, while the force of the surrounding Tianba reappeared, and the sword of the longevity of the Emperor was connected, hehe! Under the power of the longevity emperor, the longevity of the emperor collapsed thousands of feet!

Fighting, divided into two sides, drifting down.

The long, scattered purple hair, scattered on the shoulders, covered half of the face, and the other half of the exposed, covered with dense knife marks and swords, the people who saw it shocked.

Qin Feng Mei Yu micro-condensation, looks calm, in fact... the heart is calling for danger.

He did not think that this longevity emperor turned out to be so yin, and...the characteristics of the power of the evil ‘天霸神罗’, which is so understood, is actually this... Qin Feng is also discovered.

As early as when he first awakened the power of the tyrants, he had already discovered that there would be some gap between the two forces after use.

But as he absorbs more and more power, especially after he wakes up the seven stars in his eyes, he can feel the gap, which has been shortened to an almost negligible existence.

of course…

This neglect is an Achilles heel for the powerful existence of the Eternal Great Emperor, the power of the Holy Seven.

‘Tianba Shenluo’ is the knife of Qin Feng.

When the knife is available, it is also the moment when the weakness is exposed.

‘If it’s ten stars...’

Qin Feng took a deep breath in the dark, and now there are still some gaps in the seven stars, but Qin Feng does not know why, he has a kind of induction, if he has reached the ten stars like the king of evil.

The gap between ‘天霸神罗’ will be completely erased.


It’s the full version of ‘天霸神罗’!

The longevity emperor beyond a thousand feet, at this moment, reveals a compelling killing murderous light. For the sword, the heart is extremely pity, only a trace of it... it will be able to kill this person.

Killing a royal family, bringing the evil body of the royal family to the Jade Emperor, must also offset the crime of dereliction of duty committed by him.

After all, the evil kings...

The one that appears in front of you may be the last one in the world, and its preciousness can be imagined.

Slightly squinting at the direction of the purple flower, which is still madly bombarding the purple flower, but the longevity emperor has given up the pursuit of which, because at this time, even if you catch up, which is not blocked use.

When the appearance of the scorpion, the purple refining flower will oscillate, and the Tongtian cultivator in the purple scent flower will not give up the opportunity of this conflict, but as long as the Tongtian lord seizes the opportunity, there is no hope of recovery.

Now the longevity emperor can only do one thing...

Look at Qin Feng!

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