The city of Monkey King

Chapter 886: Many shrine swirls

The longevity of the emperor's killing, Qin Feng is naturally very touching, just the sword, if not his subconscious dodge, that sword goes down enough to collapse his evil body on the spot!


Even a trace of **** will not be left.

For the evil, whether it is the heart or the Dantian, the wounds are not the wounds of death, but the land of this heaven.

Once the Tianmen is damaged, it is impossible to save it.


Qin Feng slightly stunned the eyes behind the eyes, where is the moment, it is in the squeeze of their own potential, the power of those sleeping Shura, all without any rules.

At least 30% of the power of Shura that he motivated was used by him to attack the purple flower, but...this is the case!

The purple flower that enveloped the Sendai Terrace, this time also has a huge crack, under which the fist force, cracking occurs.

Centered on this huge crack, the fine cracks spread rapidly toward the surroundings. This purple flower is stunned and faces the edge of the collapse.

This scene is not just a look at Qin Feng.

Throughout the Xianting, the Heavenly Soldiers who are madly breaking through the wall of the wind and fire, are all looking in the eyes, all the eyes are horrified, and one is even more desperate to rush to the wall of the fire.

They all know...

Once the purple flower is broken, the anger of the Jade Emperor will be extended to the bodies of these Heavenly Soldiers, and they will be charged with a smothering power.

Even... all pushed up to Sendai.

This kind of thing, in terms of the character of Jade Emperor, is really impossible.

Countless Heavenly Soldiers are madly rushing toward the wall of the fire, and they are prepared to break through this wall of fire with their own flesh.


It was extremely horrible, and the scalp was numb. The number of Heavenly Soldiers was like a dense ant, madly pouring into the wall of the fire. Many of the soldiers’ bodies were burnt to ashes by the fire of Shura, or they were given the wind of Shura. Innumerable fragments.

Blood, fluttering in the wind, **** and extremely pungent.

In the outer circle of this purple flower, there are many fairy immortals gathered around here. As long as the purple flower blooms, the fairy of the road inside appears, they will rush in the first time. Go up and kill.

Follow the instructions of the Jade Emperor, but all the celestial beings of the Tao are all... killing innocents!

However, at this moment, there is not much relationship with Qin Feng.

At this moment, Qin Fengmei is wrinkled. For him, the biggest threat is the longevity emperor in front of him. He originally wanted to delay the longevity emperor, so that he could successfully reach the Sendai station.

However, I did not expect that this longevity emperor found that he had no way to stop the shackles and put his gaze on himself.

I want to use my own body of evil spirits to go to the Jade Emperor and make up for it.

"You could have lived a hidden habit. Maybe one day, when you reach the realm of the evil kings of the past, this world... no one can fight with you."

The eyes of the longevity emperor have absolute self-confidence. Just now, he is very clear about the contest. The evil in front of him is simply the awakening of the seven stars in his eyes, not his opponent.

And being able to kill a wicked king, it is also absolutely heart-rending.

His words are not wrong at all.


When the great emperor thought of this, he couldn’t help but feel numb and scalp.

If the evil in front of the eyes is one day practicing to the eyes of ten stars, then at that time... who can still restrict it, to know the king of evil in that year, the moment when the ten stars in the eye are shining... The strong people of the family are all eclipsed.

"Unfortunately, if you are born now, it is no different than self-destruction."

The mouth of the longevity emperor has a faint smile.

"Is it?"

The battle was broken into two halves by a sword. The chaotic hair of the Qin wind was swaying in the wind. The face covered with knife marks and swords, and the purple air lingered.


Qin Feng closed his eyes.

When he closed his eyes, the eyes of the longevity emperor revealed doubts. He did not know what the evil in front of him was. What did he want to do? !

It’s hard to be...

Do you want to sit still? ! Waiting to die? !

Impossible... How could there be a deadly sorrow, and it is a bloodline of the royal family!

These things are absolutely impossible.

However, when the longevity emperor was puzzled, suddenly...

In this land of Xianting, surrounded by purple refining flowers, there are a huge purple vortex that appears again and again. These vortexes are scattered around the purple flower.

Especially in the whole body, there are hundreds of purple whirlpools appearing, the power leaking from the purple flower, the power of Shura from which the body is scattered, is inhaled by these purple vortex, disappears .

To know…

At this moment, the purple refining flower has been broken, but there are four or fifty light-to-saint monks, and there are many monks who are trained as powerful monks. The power of the celestial sects connecting the heavenly masters is abundant, plus purple Shenhua is a holy sacred instrument, the degree of spiritual power that is broken and broken...

It is already a very awkward realm!

Besides that, what else!

Where is the reincarnation of Ashura, but he himself can not control the power of this Ashura, and the power of Ashura, which is motivated, only 30% is used to attack the purple flower.

The remaining 70% of the power is scattered.

And these scattered forces...

It is also an inexplicable and powerful force. At this moment... these scattered forces are all sucked into the whirlpool of the gods.

Around the purple refining flower, those immortal celestial beings, all looking up at the sky, watching these purple vortex appear, are the eyes of the horror that is difficult to conceal.

They don't know what these purple whirlpools are, but they don't know what these purple vortexes are, but... they can feel that when these vortexes appear, they feel that the repairs in their bodies are faintly trembled, almost To be the same as the body.

It’s just that the body is trembling, so slight.

This is also due to the power from the purple refining flower and the power of Shura on the scorpion. The sacred vortex is to absorb these two forces.

Without the existence of these two forces, so many shrines of sacred sacred appear in this world, relying on these fairy immortals, with their micro-repair to resist the sacred sacred? ! It’s just a joke.

If the sacred vortex is for them to appear in this world.

At this moment, their spiritual power was probably sucked out by the force of pulling in the whirlpool of the gods. One by one was a waste, and even the whole person was directly inhaled into the vortex of the gods, and died without burial. 2k novel reading network

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