The city of Monkey King

Chapter 895: Sealed words

The moon star is thin.

In a two-story building in Wanhua Valley, Qin Feng stood on the window of the second floor, looking up at the moon in the sky, in the eyes... with a meditation color.

It’s been a long time since the chaos of Xianting.

What happened to the situation in Xianting, where did it win, or was the Buddha’s benefit to the fishermen? He couldn’t control it, and he didn’t have the mind to manage it.

At the moment, Qin Feng has only one thing in his heart.

IX... Love!

Nowadays, in the ninth love story, the one that belongs to Chu Wanqiu/Chilling is already taking back the Tao, and there is a certain one, that is, the Nangong Yiren/Lioruoyan.

In addition, the blood-scarred woman who appeared at the time of the robbery, although I don't know where the woman is sacred, but one thing is to be able to conclude that it is... that woman is one of her ninth love.

There is another one, the nine-day mysterious woman I saw in Xianting.

In addition, there are five worlds in the ninth love story. According to Qin Feng’s speculation, there are another four generations, which should gradually appear in Yunling, Luo Qinghan, Qi Linger, Lin Yueqi, and four women.

So what he is questioning now is, in this world of Wanhua Valley, in the end... is it the first of these four women, or that it is the last undiscovered one.

If it is the latter, is it the last Wanhua Valley owner?

Taking a deep breath, the moonlight falls on the whole body, and Qin Feng slowly closes his eyes. His evil body is rapidly repairing the injuries in the body.

at the same time.

Qin Feng’s first body opened his eyes.

The seventh world, the autumn border.

In the Tongtianlou in the Dachu Palace, Qin Feng was in the top of the pavilion, and the body that meditated slowly opened his eyes. There was a trace of exhaustion in those eyes.

The first body and the second body are separate, but the spirit of the two is connected. The second body of Qin Feng has experienced a life and death pursuit. The spirit is naturally exhausted.

This makes Qin Feng can not help but think of flowers without tears, this goods has thousands of avatars, how to do it, always not tired, we must know, Da Luo three thousand ... ... the more the body is built, although there are more More lives, almost completely undead.


The pressure that the corresponding gods and souls have to bear is also unimaginable.

It is unimaginable to give the sense of exhaustion to the soul, but it is impossible to imagine, and it is possible to control thousands of avatars at the same time. This kind of resistance is terrible.

"Holy respect."

At this time, behind Qin Feng, the figure of Jun Jun slowly appeared.

Qin Feng knows that Jun Jun has something to say, he did not speak, and this silence, that is, told Jun Jun, what to say, but it does not matter.

"My Yaozu has taken control of the Quartet."

After saying this, Jun Jun stopped again.

"If you want to do what you want, you don't need to ask me. You and Feng You can fully represent the deity."

Qin Feng faintly opened.

However, when this word was exported, Yan Jun’s one knee smashed down: “I don’t dare to swear, but I dare not dare to surpass the sacred power!”

This sentence, Qin Feng can hear it, it is from the bottom of my heart.

"What are your plans, come and listen."

Qin Feng also realized that he had said something wrong before, and his current identity is the demon of the demon world. That sentence... In the sound of Jun Jun, it is not like decentralization, but it is like questioning.

Yan Jun lowered his head and then stood up: "The Holy Man, Xian Ting came to the battle report, the Taoist and Xianting, because of the appearance of a wicked royal family, led to the failure of Zhang Bairen's plan, Zhang Bairen helplessly let the immortal of the road leave. This World War I, whether it was the Taoist or Xianting, was defeated. Even the Buddhist world in the sidelines was afraid to arbitrarily move."

"Subordinates believe that our Yaozu should take advantage of this opportunity to capture all the surrounding worlds, so that it can expand the layout of my Yaozu, which is more conducive to the scattered Yaozu of the heavens."

Jun Jun said, these news...

As the Dream Fox family, when Jun Jun naturally happened, he knew that the reason why he came to Qin Feng was now because he had personally verified it once.

After all, this level of news can't be falsified. When it is determined that everything is true, he will report it to Qin Feng.


Brought your own suggestions.

In the past, when the Holy One was absent, Jun Jun was the only one who could command the demon of the world. Naturally, many things in the Yaozu were his decisions.

Even if Qin Feng appears in the status of the Holy Man, Jun Jun is still able to manipulate the entire Yaozu.

However, Jun Jun did not do this, but with the highest respect, any major event, going through the Qin Feng nod, with such a subordinate, is a blessing in life.

This also allowed Qin Feng to understand a bit. Why did Sun Wukong lead the entire Yaozu, Zhu Xian, and Buddha, making the name of the Yaozu famous and shocking the world.

The **** of the gods of the past, listening to the name of the demon, is not afraid of the wind.

Not only is Sun Wukong's power alone, but also... his gang is under the guise of the past 36 demons and hundreds of demon kings!

Qin Feng listened to the words of Jun Jun. When he heard the ‘ 魇 魇 ’ ’ ’ , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Because the evil king who appeared is his second flesh, this is a secret, only the secret that he knows in the world.

If one day, the body of evil spirits is cultivated into ten stars, he will give a gift to these heavenly angels.

Let them feel the feeling...

What is fear!


The export of Qin Feng is a big guide to the Yaozu. Whether it is the Sun Wukong in the past or the Qin Feng in the present, it is not comparable to Jun Jun.

The dream fox family, the tribes all over the world, when can enter, when can retreat, no one is more clear than Jun Jun, since Jun Jun suggested this time the Yaozu expands the site, it is naturally this time.

As for how to expand, how to deploy personnel, it is a matter that Jun Jun will deal with, and does not need Qin Feng to work.

When Jun Jun heard the words, he suddenly took the lead: "The Holy Spirit is peace of mind, and this is the place to arrange everything."

After saying this, the figure of Jun Jun disappeared into the original place, but just after the time when Jun Jun had left less than half a cup of tea, behind the Qin Feng, the figure of the seal appeared.

As soon as it appeared, the frown of the cloak was tightly wrinkled.

"Holy respect."

The seal is low and the sound is low. The body shape is only half an inch away from the Qin wind.

Qin Feng heard the sound of the stagnation of depression, but also could not help but smother, subconsciously over-the-head, and then... Feng You said a word.

This words, let Qin Feng...

The look is a glimpse!

[A lot of things recently, the update is not stable, I hope to forgive me, good night. 】 2k novel reading network

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