The city of Monkey King

Chapter 896: Clues in the meditation world

Tongtian Building, top pavilion.

Qin Feng looked at the seal, and there was an incredible color in his eyes. Just now, he said that he was still a little unbelievable.

After all, since the collapse of the floods, no one can believe it.


There are still people who can find, the world of the world!


Qin Feng condensed his voice, and he still wanted to listen to the seal again.

"I did count on the signs, but the specifics are still unclear, but the point that can be determined is that the dynasty must exist."

Feng took a deep breath and said.

Qin Feng listened to the words of the secluded, although he asked twice, but his heart did not doubt the authenticity in the closed words.

To know…

If you find the meditation world, the meaning of this is extremely unusual!

The meditation world is the place where all the spirits gather. That is to say, no matter who is a human being or other people, as long as it is a dying person, even if it is annihilated, it is also able to find the spirit in the meditation world.

In the midst of the flood, the ruler of the underworld... The Emperor of the Ming Dynasty, now the master of the Northern Emperor of the Northern Territory, completely sealed the Ming Dynasty.

Moreover, there is also an iron law in the wilderness, that is, the world of the Ming Dynasty, and no one can enter.

However, this iron law is the iron law of the ruins.

Now, it is already the age of the heavens and the world. If you can really find the world of the Ming Dynasty, Qin Feng can think of ways to drag the spirits of the Yaozu to the Ming Dynasty. come out.

Then think of other ways to create a new soul and body, perhaps, can resurrect it!


Not just that!

There have been rumors in the floods that the meditation world is connected to another world, and the other world is the place where the great gods of the ancient world broke away.

"I just noticed some signs, it is to report the Holy Spirit. As for the specific, I still need some time."

He said that he is also very clear. If he can really find out the whereabouts of the Ming Dynasty, it will be a great thing for today’s Yaozu, enough to be a Yao in a short time. The downturn is saved!

"Go, there is anything that can be decided by yourself."

Qin Feng nodded slightly.

After the seal was made, it was necessary to turn around, but at the moment when he turned, Qin Feng yelled at him again: "I may have to leave the Qiujie world. You and Yu Jun have to deal with it. If someone asks, it means that I am retreating."

The sound of the seal was slightly stunned, but it was soon a gift: "Follow."

Subsequently, the figure dissipated in place.

Qin Feng took a deep breath, his first body... can no longer stay here, and his second body can find the correspondence of IX love.

But after all, it is a sinister body, and can not get back to the Tao.

In order to get back the Tao, he still needs his first body to appear, and... After the previous battle of Xianting, his second evil body has been stared, if it is before the heavens When it appears, it will definitely attract the attention of others.

and so…

Qin Feng Scorpion micro-condensation, this evil body, the future must be born, and the next time it will be born, it will be... ten stars!

For the time being, the evil body of this second body will be the biggest post-attack of Qin Feng, or it will not be used. Once used, it will be a huge killer!

Sufficient to subvert this heaven and earth!

Just as Qin Feng was preparing to leave this autumn, suddenly... there was a phonogram, which broke through from a distance. These phonograms are the highest order.

And if it is not an urgent matter, it will never be passed directly to him.

Qin Fengmei was slightly wrinkled, and when he raised his hand, he suddenly caught the note in his hand. From this note, there was a stream of light, and in front of him, a scene slowly appeared.

This scene is a scene outside the Seventh Heaven, Tianmen.

A group of little demons are surrounded by a woman, and the woman who is surrounded is not afraid of it, but instead faces the little demon, and there is quite a fierce girl.

However, after Qin Feng saw the appearance of this woman, the look was a fierce joy!

This woman is Qi Linger!

He was also strange. When his second physical body went to Xianting, he used the unique search method of evil to check the entire Xianting.

At that time, Qi Linger’s breath was not found. At that time, Qin Feng thought that Qi Linger was brought to the place outside Xianting by the Jade Emperor.

However, I did not expect that Qi Linger... actually ran out of Xianting and found the seventh world.

This gimmick film, Qin Feng looked at the scene of the illusion of the voice, the corner of his mouth, showing a smile.

After so many things, this Qi Linger's character has not changed in the slightest, or as in the past in the cloud water industry.

The seventh world, the heavenly gate.

A group of little demon who are guarding outside this day are watching a woman’s hair. For this woman, are they caught? ! Still not catching? !

According to the rules, this woman is good at the demon power, and she has not caught it directly, but the woman said that she and the demon are very familiar.


These little demons were already scared when they heard the words ‘demon statue’, and they dared to force Qi Linger to grab it.

A golden demon outside the Tianmen, watching Qi Linger headache for a long time, finally chose to send a highest specification of the phonetic notes, straight through the holy deity.

"Hey, you dare not be good to this lady. I will see how this lady will let you defraud you!"

Qi Linger hugs her hands, a pair of young temper, is a slap in the face, squatting around the little demon who just stopped her, she is not very good now.

These little demons were stunned by Qi Linger, and they heard the ‘Sacred Respect for Punishment’. Many of the little demons were all face-to-face and slightly scared, so expressions made people inexplicably want to laugh.

Demon... Compared to the Terran, it is still much simpler.

From Xianting to Tianmen of the Seventh Heaven.

He wants Xianting to go to the gates of the fairy world, and then to the Tianmen of the first world, and then to the seventh world along the long river.

The situation is so tense and complicated now that it is extremely difficult to get out of the borders of the fairy world and the heavenly gates of the first world.

It is conceivable that Qi Linger endured so much suffering that he could come to the Seventh Heaven alone.

Qi Linger remembered the hardships that had come along her way. It was almost inexplicably killed several times. Thanks to her own Jinxian-level cultivation that she could not control, she saved her life.

Now that I have reached the seventh world, I have been blocked by these little monsters. I am not angry with Qi Linger’s temper. 2k novel reading network

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