The city of Monkey King

Chapter 897: Twenty years, I am back.

"I have sent a note to the Holy Master, I hope that everything you say is true."

At the gate of the heavens, the golden demon who is guarding here, watching Qi Linger, said with a slight whisper, with a hint of coldness in his voice.


Do not accept anyone to joke with their holy sage, whoever is jealous, is to die!


Qi Linger glanced at the golden demon, no words, but at this time, suddenly... Tianmen trembled with a ripple, and there was a figure that came out of the door.

As soon as I saw this figure, the golden demon slammed one and turned to the figure that appeared in this way, and visited the sly!

There are also a lot of little demons guarding this day, all of them are also paying homage to each other, and the eyes are full of fiery colors, and even... many little demons look at Qi Linger at the moment, with a hint of gratitude.

Among the Yaozu, it is a supreme honor to be able to walk away from the Holy Spirit!

If there is no Qi Linger, they will not be able to get this honor in this life, all of them are squatting, and dare to look up.

"You are finally willing to come out to see me!"

When Qi Linger saw Qin Feng, suddenly the gang swelled up, and a small cherry mouth smashed up, but her eyes were red and tears.

Qin Feng did not speak, he knew...

Qi Linger, ate too much crying, these pains are beyond his imagination.

Qi Linger, who was sulking, suddenly felt that there was a hand on his head, and suddenly... all the anger in the heart, the smashing gangs were scattered.

Fierce, a hand into the arms of Qin Feng.

Tears can't stop falling.

Twenty years...

Twenty years of loneliness, twenty years of fear, in the Xianting, Qi Linger’s heart has not been stable for a day, every day is worried, worried about everything around.

Even a little bit of wind will make her startling at midnight.

Qin Feng raised his hand and stroked the long hair of Qi Linger. Outside the door of the sky... those little demon who were lying on the ground did not dare to look up.


After three hours.

Qin Feng made arrangements for Qi Linger. She was tired for a long time and needed a good rest for a while, and Qin Feng was still in Tongtianlou. His brows... slightly wrinkled.

Because of his second physical body, something went wrong.

To be precise, someone came to the door.


Wanhua Valley.

On the outside of this Wanhua Valley, there are some hidden Wanhuagu disciples, always staring at the top, Wanhua Valley's hidden method... can be said to be peerless.

This is also why Wanhuagu is a supreme fairy, but no one can find it.

Because, you can't find where Wanhua Valley is.

These Wanhuagu female disciples are frowning and complaining: "When is this person going to wander around, it’s been half a day, or not."

"Take up and endure again, haha~ This person is a longevity emperor, but that is one of the four royal families. Now we are being played like a monkey in front of us. We should be proud of it."

"Oh... you said this, it seems that there is really some truth."

"The hidden array of Wanhua Valley, but the old valley master set up, the old valley master's array of rumors, who can match the heavens and the world."

"Old Valley Lord..."


When I talked about the ‘Old Valley Lord’, these Wanhuagu female disciples stopped discussing.

They all look to the front. In the eyes of these Wanhuagu female disciples, there is a person, like a madman, in the area of ​​Wanhua Valley, searching wildly.

However, no matter how you find it, there is no clue.

This person is the longevity emperor.

At this moment, the longevity emperor stood in a mountainous place, and his eyes were already filled with the wrath of anger. He searched the tens of thousands of miles, and searched the three floors of the three floors for countless times.

But the slightest clues are still not found. There are several immortals from Xianting. The Jade Emperor called him back. This happened to Xianting. It was a heavy blow for Xianting.

The Jade Emperor is bound to call the upper level of Xianting to come to a solid meeting.

However, the longevity emperor has repeatedly called.

He is very clear that although he made a big mistake this time, it is his own cultivation and status. The Jade Emperor is categorically not going to be like him. At most, he is a punishment.


He did not face to see the Jade Emperor.

When the Jade Emperor handed over the task of defending the shackles to him, the Eternal Life Emperor patted his chest to guarantee, but now he is making such a moth.

One step chaotic, full disk loss.

Just after the end of the search for the longevity emperor, and prepared to come back again, from the land above him, a golden light fell, and it was a fairy.

I don’t even have to look at it. The longevity emperor knows what this immortal purpose means and calls him back.

This is already the ninth immortal purpose.

If he should not be called again, then he would have been offended by the Jade Emperor. Finally, he took a look at the endless mountains and the longevity of the Emperor.

The fist wind did not enter the mountain peaks, and then the whole person broke away.

Just after the longevity of the Great Emperor left, this towering peak, it is awesome!

Among the Wanhua Valley, the second-floor small attic where Qin Feng’s evil body is located, Qin Feng’s woman in front of her eyes is Yunshang.

The two stood on the balcony, with the wind of peach blossoms, boasting the body of the two, and raised the long skirt of the sky.

"Your friend refused treatment, I think, you should go and see."

Yunshang faintly opened, looks like calm and calm, but her gods are always surrounded by the body of Qin Feng, she still wants to find something from Qin Feng.


Why is this guy able to attract his own sister? ! Even... the peach trees that can make the body of their own sister fall into the peach blossoms.

"Going from the present."

Qin Feng is a sinister body with a slightly hoarse voice.

"That's fine."

The look of the clouds is cold, and after finishing these three words, step by step, the figure falls from the second floor and falls to the ground.

Not long after, disappeared into the Taolin.

Qin Feng looked at the direction of Yunshang’s departure, and the smile of his mouth was scattered. His eyes were tight and he was thinking about it... This Wanhua Guzhu, what he wanted to discover from himself.

after all…

Just telling yourself to look at it, you don’t need this Wanhuagu owner to come in person!

This Wanhua Guzhu, in the end... Is it one of his own IX love? !

With the doubts in his heart, Qin Feng did not wait for anything. Wherever he went to cultivate, he knew why he refused treatment. It was nothing more than the hurdle that existed in his heart.

One together...

A gully that hangs deep in the bottom of my heart! 2k novel reading network

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