The city of Monkey King

Chapter 898: love and hate

Wanhua Valley, Hualin Youchi.

Hualin secluded pool has a wide range of tens of thousands of squares, divided into hundreds of pools.

The poolside is full of peach blossoms, floating between the heavens and the earth, extremely beautiful and eye-catching.

Here, it is the healing sanctuary of Wanhua Valley. The aura of Wanhua Valley is 90% of the place where it is concentrated.

It is rumored that as long as you have a day in this pool, no matter what the injury, you can recover immediately.

However, these are only limited to legends. After all, the secret of Wanhua Valley is not something that other people can detect. The grass and trees that Wanhua Valley has sent out are all the winds that Wanhua Valley deliberately released. Everything is controlled. Within the limits.

Call ~!

In the northwest direction of this flower grove, relying on a pool at the outermost edge, in this pool... there is a man, and the scattered long hair is wet by the pool.

Standing naked, standing in the center of the secluded pool.


Here is a very strong aura, but he does not absorb the points, all are abandoned.

This person…

It’s Lee’s!

Slightly lowering his head, the eyes are full of hatred, and obviously he still can't let go of what happened in Xianting.

A hateful heart, anger burning in the heart, can not rest for a long time.

"You don't cure your wounds, how can you save people?"

At this time, there was a voice coming from the poolside, and Lee’s rumored reputation, and a face covered with swords and sword marks caught his eyes.

The coming person is the second body of Qin Feng and the body of evil.

"How to revenge for your own hate."

Qin Feng faintly opened.

"What is the injury on your face?"

What Qin Feng didn't think of was that the moment of this moment, he asked the swords and swords on his face.

to be frank…

In fact, Qin Feng himself is also very curious, his own evil body, what he experienced before his death, this face has become this appearance.

Qin Feng tried to disperse the swords and swords on this face, but no matter how powerful, it is impossible to do that. These swords and swords are like embedded in flesh and blood. In any case, Can't get away.


Once the owner of this body, the king of the evil king, should have experienced something unimaginable.

Otherwise, it is impossible to hide in a remote place in the cloud water world that no one will take care of.

However, it is natural to think about it. In that case, the ancestors of Hongjun came, and then the powerful force directly sealed the king of evil to death, and then the whole blood of the evil family was rewritten to the method of heaven and earth. Annihilation.

in fact…

The evil people of that year were indeed completely extinct.

Because even if it is the evil body of Qin Feng, his original master, the soul of the gods has long been annihilated, but it is left behind.

This flesh did not know what the reason was, but it was preserved in that catastrophe. After all, the ancestors of Hongjun annihilated the evil people, they once annihilated the body of all the tribes of the evil people.

The ancestors of Hongjun rewrote the laws of this heaven and earth, and set the law that this heaven and earth must not be born.


Qin Feng is divided into souls, and the soul of Qin Feng is the birth of nine colored stones, which can be said to be in harmony with the heavens.

Therefore, even if Qin Feng drives the evil body, it is not limited by the laws of heaven and earth.

If you change someone, then the result... maybe you have to say something else.

"These ones."

Qin Feng smiled slightly, raising his hand and touching the knife on his face: "Maybe it is love, maybe hate."

A touch of mouth.

Scars are always a pain.

This evil king, perhaps experienced an unimaginable life when he was still alive, Qin Feng can be sure that this evil king... should be the last dead existence of the evil family.

The death of the parents, the death of the brothers, the hatred of the family, and the weakness of themselves, fled to the remote cloud water world, under the pressure of the heavens and the earth rewritten by Hongjun, the soul of the soul... close to annihilation little by little.

Desperate, it is not difficult to imagine.

"Love, hate."

When I listened to Qin Feng’s words, I whispered, as if... He understood what, his hand, lifted from under the water, looked at his palm print, and he was silent.

Qin Feng stood on the bank of this secluded pool and looked at Li, where he was, but he didn’t know what happened. He only knew that the Jade Emperor wanted to take the Li family from Xianting. Wipe out.


And at this time, I repeat this word again: "Love...!"

Almost biting his teeth, where he read again, on his body, this moment has the power of Shura, who is extremely mad hunting. This Shura’s power is like a storm, stirring in this pool.

Originally it was a secluded pool of aura. With the power of Shura on the body, it was awesome... It was a strange color.


He looked up at the sky slightly, with tears falling from his eyes: "I, I have been doing this for thousands of years!"

"What have you done!"

Which fiercely screams, bang!

The entire secluded pool was bursting with bursts of water, and numerous pools of water splashed up and scattered on it and on the poolside. The whole body of Qin Feng appeared in a purple mask, and the scattered water droplets were opened.

A pair of eyes, calmly watching Li.

"You, can you save your parents and brothers?"

The voice of Qin Feng is faint, and this moment is in the center of this secluded pool, and I look at Qin Feng fiercely: "I think it is!"

Among those eyes, there is a hint of madness!

Where is he?

Nothing is gone now!

What are you afraid of! What are the fears!

"You, can you see your beloved woman again?"

Qin Feng said a word again, this sentence... let the whole person glimpse in the same place, turned his head, the whole person looked at Qin Feng, and fell into a silence.

For a long time, no sound was made.

To know…

He has already begun to be a little afraid of this sentence.

Before 10,000 years ago, Zhang Bairen also said this to him, and he vowed to say it, but the result... What has he exchanged for the time of Wannian? !

A body of repaired, scattered ten, the body was seriously injured, his father was taken away by the Tao, the mother brother was trapped in Xianting, everything... is scattered.

The experience of this 10,000 years, when I think about it, I am like a fool who is downright, stupid to the extreme!

For a whole 10,000 years, he was a toy, and Zhang Bairen was free to play between the applause.

However, now, from the mouth of Qin Feng, this sentence is said.

Re-facing this problem, where... I don’t know how to answer it. 2k novel reading network

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