The city of Monkey King

Chapter 899: what do you want.

In the secluded pool, the pool of water is full of ripples.

Qin Feng stood on the edge of the pool, looking at it, his look calm and indifferent.

And which one...

The same is watching him, the eyes that were originally like a pool of stagnant water, once again have fluctuations, but these fluctuations... but they have become entangled.

Shouldn't it...

Trust again!


You know, I want to see you again, even though... just a glance, I will give it everything.

"Your guarantee."

The sound of the sound is slightly hoarse.

He couldn't believe this with just one sentence of Qin Feng. Even when Zhang Bairen set up him a year ago, he also took out a piece of the dynasty.

"Now can't give it."

Qin Feng faintly said: "My people have found clues to the dynasty, with his ability, as long as there are clues, eventually find the meditation world, just a matter of time."

"You are playing me?"

Where the eyes are fierce, there is a strong anger in those eyes. If Qin Feng saved his life, he has already shot.

The world of the Ming Dynasty...

It is the word again!

Whenever I think of the dynasty, the flame in my heart is smashing out of the air. Zhang Bairen of that year also used a piece of the dynasty to swindle him.

A full year! Every day, every day, people are not ghosts or ghosts!

"If you believe, believe, if you don't believe it, then forget it."

Qin Feng did not care about the anger in his eyes, still calm and open.


"what do you want."

Where is the silence for a moment, opening the mouth, the previous Zhang Bairen set the 10,000-year scam, nothing more than his Shura power.

Use this power of Shura to activate and control the existence under the Temple of Lingxiao.

But this one is in front of you...

Where is the eyebrows condensed slightly, he does not know what this person wants, his own power of Shura? ! He did not see that this person had any guilty conscience about his power of Shura.


He is able to sense a force from this person, a force that is more powerful than his Shura power!

"I don't want anything."

When Qin Feng listened to what he said, he smiled a little and then raised his hand. When the time came, the aura in this secluded pool suddenly simmered, and then turned into a stream of air and madly moving toward the body: "You Just take care of it here, so it is enough."

This remark, let him be in the same place, he can't understand... Qin Feng's words, what is the intention, but he believes this from his heart.

He has always been very strange.

Why did Qin Feng participate in this matter, and why? To fight with the longevity emperor, he was chased by the four royal wolves, but he was brought to life.

These are the doubts in his heart.

"The land of the Ming dynasty has completely disappeared since the collapse of the floods. The days and the bounds of the world have been searched for for many years. You are not able to find the clues. Where are you coming from? 'Who is it? Why does he have the ability to pursue the world of the world."

This time, I did not refuse to infuse the surrounding aura into the body. The body began to nourish with the influx of aura, and his weak breath slowly recovered.

In the face of the question, Qin Feng did not have too much cover-up, and for the current situation, there is no need to cover up anything.


Qin Feng faint two words export, this moment...

Where the look of a fierce glimpse, he naturally knows who the demon is, also knows... Devil, who is the man!

The look that looked at Qin Feng’s eyes was unbelievable, because in his opinion, that person, the broken person could not appear in such a place: "You are...!"

"I am not him."

Qin Feng knew what he thought of, and he regarded himself as Sun Wukong.

Call ~!

Where did you take a deep breath and the sword was close: "Sorry."

"Your cultivation has suffered too much loss in this 10,000 years. Nowadays, there is a lot of chaos in the world. In a short time, you will not cultivate the power of the original."

Eight stars in Qin Feng’s eyes appeared, and the body of the cockroach will be seen in the blink of an eye. This time of tens of thousands of years... He has suffered too much, and the spiritual power in his body is already very few.

"I know."

He nodded slightly, his body, he was clear.

For thousands of years, he has done what he has done for himself, and he wants to retain the original cultivation. Even if he is left in the 30th and 40th, he has the means to restore his strength to the peak of the past.


Zhang Bairen obviously does not want him to be like this. He has been escaping for ten thousand years. His past ten-year strength is now only less than 10%.

It is absolutely impossible to restore the glory of the past with no such power. It is not impossible for thousands of years.

Nowadays, in the situation of Wanjie, there is a big hatred in the body. How can you have time to wait for thousands of years, not to mention thousands of years, even if it is five hundred years, you can't wait.

The only way...

This is the power of this Shura. Today, in Xianting, where the power of Shura, who is asleep in his soul, is forcibly awakened, the power and the entire Xianting are seen.

Strong and powerful!

Even so, the power of Shura that was brought out by the scorpion was only used by 30%, and the remaining 70% were scattered.

These scattered, is absorbed by the whirlpool of Qin Feng.

From the day when he knew that he was the reincarnation of Ashura, he deliberately sealed his Shura’s power to sleep because he knew very well...

Shura was born, the world is in chaos!

For this sentence, he hides this power that can shake the world.

And now...

He will no longer choose to hide, but will release this power thoroughly!

This is also the only choice.

Only by relying on the power of Shura can he reach his peak in the shortest time! Or to say... beyond the peaks of the past!

After all, the full-fledged Ashura, but in the era of evil tyrants, can exist with the king of evil!

Where did you take a deep breath, and there was hatred in the eyes? He wanted to let Zhang Bairen know, what is the consequence of angering him?

Qin Feng looked at such a look, no longer staying, turning around is leaving.

The hardest thing about people is to figure it out.

Sometimes it's stuck in one thing, one month, one year, and even a whole can't you go, this person will be completely abolished.

The emergence of Qin Feng just now helps to cross this hurdle.


Give him a goal.

For this goal, you can't let yourself abolish, you can only make yourself stronger!

Only powerful!

Only then can he face the fairy court and be able to take back everything he lost! 2k novel reading network

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